• ̷ᗯEᒪᑕOᗰE
    to      Sommervale

          Somewhere, tucked away in America, there's a quaint town called Sommervale. It's the perfect place for those who want to escape the noise of the big city.
          Or those who want to bury their secrets.

    Here, we do not judge you for your past actions. Heck, we might even share some skeletons in the closet. Because behind those mowed lawns, white picket fences, and helpful neighbors, terrible things have been happening. If you don't watch your back, you might be the next to vanish without a trace.

          And, remember – be a good neighbor, or all the things you tried so desperately to hide, will storm out before you get a grip of yourself. Because, here in Sommervale, nothing is what it seems.

          We hope you enjoy your stay, here in Paradise!
    De RPG draait om het dorpje Sommervale. Sommervale heeft mooie natuur met grote bossen rond zich, samen met wat meertjes. Langs de centrale weg vind je wat winkeltjes, een bureau voor de hulpdiensten, een kerkje met community center, een arcade met bioscoop, een ouderwetse diner, en toeristeninformatie. Verder zijn er de Sommervale Elementary School, Sommervale Middle School, en Sommervale High School, die elk aan een eigen zijstraat liggen.
          Jarenlang heeft het op rij bekend gestaan als de ‘veiligste plek van Amerika’, wat toeristen heeft getrokken ― eveneens door de prachtige plek waar het zich bevindt. De afgelopen twee jaar echter, zijn er steeds meer dubieuze dingen gaande, waaronder verdwijningen. De goede naam van het dorpje is nu aangetast, en enkele weken geleden heeft het nieuws zelfs gewaarschuwd hier vandaan te blijven.
          Wat alleen de lokale bevolking verder weet, is dat Sommervale is opgedeeld in twee kampen: North en South. In het noordelijke gedeelte zijn de wijken duidelijk opgeknapt in tegenstelling tot het zuidelijke gedeelte, waar ze strijden met armoe en bendes zich gevestigd hebben.
          Ondanks de recente gebeurtenissen, is het er vrij rustig. Het is een dorpje waar iedereen elkaar kent en niemand geheimen heeft. . . Maar is dat wel zo? Zijn je buren wel echt wie je denkt dat ze zijn? En weet je wel echt wat er gebeurt achter de gesloten deuren van het kleine dorpje?

    ''HAVE YOU

    De mysterieuze verdwijningen zijn alweer twee jaar gaande. Het is het "nieuwe normaal" voor de inwoners van Sommervale. De nodige maatregelen zijn genomen om iedereen zich toch enigszins beschermd te laten voelen. De rust leek eindelijk weder te keren in het kleine dorpje, tot twee maanden geleden; toen de beeldschone Laurel Madden spoorloos verdween. Het zeventienjarige meisje was niet op komen dagen bij haar baantje als serveerster bij de Diner.
          Ondanks dat haar vader in alle staten was, werd hier in eerste instantie niet zoveel aandacht aan besteed. Het was immers goed te begrijpen als ze plotseling vertrokken zou zijn uit het dorpje. Zeker een ambitieuze dame als zij.
    Ondanks dat grotendeels van de bewoners nog altijd vrij sceptisch waren, is er toch een zoektocht opgezet. Nadat het meisje na ruim ander halve maand nog niet was gevonden, zijn de grootschalige zoekacties gestaakt. De politie en haar familie en vrienden zijn echter nooit gestopt met zoeken.
          Exact twee maanden nadat Laurel vermist raakte werd ze door een lokale visser gevonden in het bos, aan de oever van het meer. Helaas was het meisje al overleden. Dit liet de alarmbellen opnieuw afgaan. De opgelaten sfeer duidelijk te merken aan de bewoners. Om de veiligheid van Sommervale en haar bewoners voorop te stellen is er een avondklok ingezet en het nadrukkelijke advies om ramen en deuren op slot te doen.
          De RPG speelt zich drie weken na de vondst van Laurel af, een nationale feestweek in Sommervale: namelijk het begin van de zomer. Om de mensen hoop te geven is er besloten de festiviteiten door te laten gaan. Echter wel met extra beveiliging afkomstig uit nabij gelegen dorpjes, gezien de avondklok nu ook tijdelijk niet van toepassing is. Maar wees op je hoede, want wie weet ben jij de volgende...

    x      Naam:
    x      Leeftijd:
    x      Status: (Wat voor reputatie heb je in het dorpje? Woon je in North of South Sommervale?)
    x      Baan:
    x      Innerlijk:
    x      Uiterlijk:
    x      Verleden: (Heb je een partner of ben je single? Hoeft niet heel uitgebreid te zijn, gewoon een paar zinnen is goed genoeg. Het is wel handig om te weten wat er allemaal met deze persoon is gebeurd.)
    x      Geheim(en):
    x      Relaties:
    x      Extra:
    ✑      Evangelina Sánchez | the fun-loving Baker (North) | Mabon | 1,1
    ✑      Richard Ellis | The Mayor and professional douchebag (North) | Motion | 1,4
    ✑      Joel Elijah Ellis | son of the Mayor (North) | Motion | 1,1
    ✑      Celeste Howard | The troubled teen girl (North) | glowfaery | 1,4
    ✑      Vincent "Vince" Madden | Henry Cavill (North) | Ken_
    ✒      Jack Summers | the Sheriff (South) | Motion | 1,2
    ✒      Christopher "Kit" Kiefer Hall/Stacy Rect | Friendly neighborhood Drag Queen (South) | Tolkien | 1,1
    ✒      Jacqueline "Jack(ie)" Summers | (South) | Tolkien | 1,3
    ✒      Tobias "Tobi" Madden | Henry Cavill (South) | Ken_
    ✒      Nikolas Angelov | the Good Samaritan (Neutral) | Venkman | 1,3
    ✑      Name | Role | User
    ✒      Name | Role | User
    ✑      Name | Role | User
    ✒      Name | Role | User


    1. Kerk.
    2. Begraafplaats.
    3. Gemeente kantoor.
    4. North school.
    5. Politie bureau.
    6. Bakkerij.
    7. Kledingwinkel.
    8. Bloemist.
    9. Giftshop/Toeristenbureau.
    10. Supermarkt.
    11. Apotheek.
    12. Dokterspraktijk.
    13. Bibliotheek.
    14. Bioscoop.
    15. Arcade.
    16. Kermis.
    17. Diner.
    18. Bar/Club.
    19. Trailerpark.
    20. Garage.
    21. GYM.
    22. South school.
    23. Strand bar.
    24. Surplank/boten verhuur.
    25. Sunnyside beach.
    26. Windermere lake.
    27. Place where Laurel her body was found.
    28. Squire mountains.
    29. Lovers Lane.


    A. Penrose Place.
    - Nr. 10 - Fam. Ellis/Howard

    B. Ironstate Street.
    - Nr. 29
    - Nr. 30 - Fam. Jeremiah Ellis
    - Nr. 31
    - Nr. 32

    C. Arcadia Street.
    - Nr. 14
    - Nr. 15
    - Nr. 16 - Fam. _Ken
    - Nr. 17 - Fam. Judah Ellis

    D. Parkside Avenue.
    - Nr. 111
    - Nr. 113
    - Nr. 115
    - Nr. 117
    - Nr. 119
    - Nr. 121

    E. Ivory Lane.
    - Nr. 66
    - Nr. 68
    - Nr. 70
    - Nr. 72
    - Nr. 74
    - Nr. 76

    F. Vermillion Boulevard.
    - Nr. 120
    - Nr. 122

    G. Bridgewater Street.
    - Nr. 42 - Fam. Hall
    - Nr. 44
    - Nr. 45
    - Nr. 46
    - Nr. 47
    - Nr. 48 - Fam. Summers
    - Nr. 49

    H. Copper Row.
    - Nr. 66
    - Nr. 67
    - Nr. 68
    - Nr. 69

    i. Juniper Street.
    - Nr. 88
    - Nr. 89
    - Nr. 90
    - Nr. 91
    - Nr. 92
    - Nr. 93
    - Nr. 94
    - Nr. 95

    J. Lumber Lane.
    - Nr. 202 - Fam. _Ken
    - Nr. 204
    - Nr. 206

    — In deze RPG gelden de huisregels van Quizlet.
    — Minimaal 200 woorden per post.
    — Deze RPG is samen met Motion.
    — Geen Mary-Sue's en Gary-Stu's, hou het zo realistisch mogelijk.
    — We schrijven in het Nederlands, maar voor degenen die dit willen, mogen dialogen wel in het Engels.
    — 16 / 18 + is toegestaan, maar zet er wel een waarschuwing in het rood boven.
    — Karakters mogen in de RP ruzie krijgen, maar probeer geen ruzie te maken buiten de RP. Sluit niemand buiten.
    — Er is een max van 3 karakters, waaronder één man. Meer personages zijn, met overleg, mogelijk nog toegestaan.

    [ bericht aangepast op 8 okt 2023 - 11:37 ]

    How far is far

    𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕀𝕔𝕪 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤

                Mia heard the woman cursing — an outburst she could entirely relate to, considering she often felt the same frustration herself. The weight of guilt settled heavily on her chest; it was the first time she had physically harmed someone, even though she'd been battling mental conflicts for a while now.
          “What do you think?” The woman's question dripped with sarcasm, though Mia couldn't bring herself to feel too remorseful; it's not like she had hit her at full speed. Guilty, yes, but not overwhelmingly so.
          “So, are the folks in Sommervale now ramming newcomers with shopping carts too?” Mia shot back, perplexed by the woman's tone. What was she getting at? Mia was aware that Sommervale wasn't the friendliest community, but how could a newcomer harbor such strong feelings toward the locals without even getting to know them?
          “Not that I'm a fan of Sommervale, but if you dislike it so much, why are you here? Just curious,” Mia clarified, hoping to avoid any misunderstandings. It was refreshing to see a new face around here; perhaps they could become friends without the judgment that often permeated the town.
          “Hey, where did you find this?” Mia was taken aback by the sudden change of subject, but she supposed pasta preferences were important to some people. “Two aisles away, past the spreads,” she replied, using her finger to indicate directions.
          As Mia extended her hand in introduction, she realized she still didn't know the woman's name. “Maybe we got off on the wrong foot, but hi. I'm Mia, and I've just arrived in Sommervale after years away. If you have a grudge against the locals, please don't include me... because I'm not their biggest fan either.”

    [ bericht aangepast op 25 feb 2024 - 21:35 ]

    𝐽 𝑂 𝐸 𝐿      𝐸 𝐿 𝐼 𝐽 𝐴 𝐻      𝐸 𝐿 𝐿 𝐼 𝑆

    At that moment, nothing mattered anymore. Not Celeste and her new fluffy edible pink friends, not the man who had accompanied Kit, who apparently also happened to be Celeste her teacher. And definitely not the jerk that called himself my father, spitting out all sorts of accusatory things. Only Kit.
    The main reason I stood there, with my arms tightly wrapped around my ex-boyfriend, was to pester him. Yes, I was, in fact, that petty. But at the same time, I wanted people to know that he belonged to me - even though he hadn't for a long time. It felt all so familiar, so homely. As soon as I sensed his smell - most of all the all too familiar scent of his perfume, still the same after all these years - it was as if nothing had happened. As if nothing was happening. In my head, we were snuggled up close to each other on the couch, watching some silly movie. That's when I knew that still was the thing I longed for most. It was him. Still.
    I had wandered off to some idyllic dreamworld, only to be pulled back into the harsh reality with a literal slap in the face. Even though it had been my own hand at play, I was dumbfounded. I had no clue what to say or do, immediately regretting my poor behavior of the past few minutes.
    Although my cheek burned, the thing that hurt most was my chest. My gaze subconsciously wandered from my toes back to him, only to be greeted with a final message before he stomped off. That didn't go as planned. But, then again, I didn't know what I'd expected would happen. Two of my qualities were provoking and impulsive behavior, and now I had successfully managed to combine the two and create yet another disaster. And to think I had only just gotten back into town.
    I quickly realized the slap was deserved, along with realizing I didn't want this; Kit storming off, clearly upset. I couldn't blame him. I had put him on the spot. And even though he enjoyed the spotlight, this wasn't the right kind.
    And there it was again; a sudden, heavy pang of guilt. I hardly ever felt it, but had experienced it often enough to acknowledge the feeling. I hated it.
    Even with him being a few inches shorter than me and him walking on heels, I struggled catching up to him. Goddamn you cigarettes.
    I yelled after him, begging him to wait up. All of my advances were ignored, naturally. Once I caught up to him, I rested my hand on his shoulder, making him halt. I expected him to turn around and plant his fist in my face. God knows I deserved it. But thankfully, that didn't happen. When my gaze met his, I wanted to say a million things, but none came out. All I could think to do was to pull him into another tight embrace. A genuine one. I wasn't necessarily thinking, it just came natural.
    I tried my hardest not to bury my face in his neck, not to let my hands wander off. How I wished it would all be normal again. How I wished I hadn't done what I did. This was just another example of things that were added to the endless list of things that I had managed to fuck up. But this one hurt the most, and was the most confronting one of all.
    '...I'm sorry,' I spoke softly, almost inaudible. It was something that took me by surprise. I hardly ever admitted I was wrong, let alone telling someone I was sorry. But this time I felt it, too. I was, indeed, sorry. Sorry for making a fool out of myself, but mostly him. Sorry about what had happened between us. Sorry for everything.

    How far is far

    Leila Brinsley

          “Not that I'm a fan of Sommervale, but if you dislike it so much, why are you here? Just curious,”
          Leila frowned, searching for an answer in this miscommunication. Then, with a soft chuckle, “You misunderstand me. Out there, Sommervale is a chaos with all its security and festivities. Someone almost rammed their car into mine, if I hadn't swirled out of the way.”
          Her stomach growled, and she rubbed it a bit, trying to calm it. With an apologetic smile, she looked at the other woman. “I haven't eaten yet. Guess I'm gonna burn the midnight oil again with all that work still waiting for me.” A mother with her children entered the aisle, chastised her kids not to touch everything, and then moved to a different aisle--the two youngins skipping after her. Leila grimaced, she wasn't that good with children, it simply wasn't written in the stars for her to have a family of her own. Still, she wondered sometimes.
          Thanking her for her directions, Leila threw the snacks in her own cart, a little distance away from the woman. As she looked around for anything else that she may need, the woman had extended her hand. Leila helped herself to some other things to take with her before accepting Mia’s hand. “Leila”, she answered, short and to the point, then releasing her hand. “Sommervale is all over the news–a summer dream turned nightmare. I assume that's why all the roadblocks and police? Or is there something else going on?” She sighed, caressing a hand through her locks. “Don't mind me, but why come back after all these years? You seem to have quite the opinion of Sommervale as well.”

    [ heaven knows ]

    Kit Hall

    Lots of swearing oopsie

    Kit barely heard Joel’s voice behind him, calling out for him to stop. He wanted to start running, wanted to sprint to the end of the fair and go drown in the river or whatever. He was breathing heavily, holding back tears, and when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he wanted to smack it away, except, for some reason, he seemed frozen in place again. The past years flashed through his head. The way Joel had made him happy, the way he’d been there for Kit when he’d relapsed and went to rehab.
          Had he not tried hard enough to bet here for Joel? No, fuck that, Kit told himself. He’d done everything for Joel. He’d taken him in when Satan had thrown him out of the house, had been there for him when he’d been at his worst. It was Joel who had decided to sneak out that night and pretend like nothing had happened – like he hadn’t spent the night in someone else’s bed. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. He wasn’t going to start feeling guilty about it again. He’d been there when Joel had given up on them – he didn’t want to go back to it. But he felt nausea building up in his body, felt the guilt pushing through his thoughts for eating those dang mozzarella sticks. The desire to go get shitfaced and vomit it all out was slowly taking him over. He couldn’t let it, but seeing Joel’s face only added more fuel to the fire, and more still when he had the audacity to embrace him and say he was sorry.
          Kit pushed him away and refrained from taking off his heavy combats and breaking Joel’s nose wit hit. He took a step back instead. “You are not fucking sorry!” he all but screamed. He ignored the people turning their heads at him. Great, now he was making a scene too. “You’re the fucking reason I fucking relapsed and you don’t get to fucking apologise for cheating on me when my fucking dads went fucking above and beyond to help you when that assface of a father of yours,” he pointed behind Joel, where Richard had made a short appearance Kit had barely even noticed, “kicked you out of the fucking house.”
          Kit gasped for breath, having said all that in a single one. He clutched his chest when he felt a sting go through his heart, and a tear fell on his knuckles. He rubbed his eyes furiously, trying to keep himself from crying. But he couldn’t. He was already sobbing.
          ”Fuck you, Joel,” he managed through breaths, scracthing at the fabric of his mesh shirt and then grabbing hold of the belt that stretched across his chest. “Fuck you fuck you fuck you FUCK YOU! YOU RUINED MY FUCKING MAKEUP.” Kit stared at his other hand, where blue glitter and purple shimmery eyeshadow was smudged on his palm. “YOU DON’T GET TO FUCKING SAY SORRY FOR THIS, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! I HOPE YOU GET CANCER AND DIE!”

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 maart 2024 - 14:29 ]


    𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟 | 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕚𝕣 | ℂ𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕖

    “Dan zal ik je niet langer ophouden. Je mag mij volledig de schuld geven als je nu te laat bent,” zei Bash. Hij trok zijn jas recht en Jackie propte haar handen in haar zakken met een kleine zak. “Veel plezier nog.”
          Ze wilde haar hand naar hem opsteken maar trok zo haar jas mee naar boven omdat ze vergeten was dat haar hand nog in haar jaszak zat. Even bleef ze staan, Bash achterna starend. Daarna liep ze zelf in de richting van het reuzenrad, waar Celeste had gezegd dat ze zou wachten.
    To: Cinderella
    ik leef nog kom er nu aan

    To: Cinderella
    geen 1D sorry

    To: Cinderella
    heb per ongeluk tegen Bash gezegd dat je met hem wil trouwen

          Jackie liep bijna tegen een oversture Kit aan toen ze haar weg in de juiste richting voortzette, maar hij leek haar niet te merken. Joel evenmin, die er meteen achterna gesneld kwam. Ze keek hen even na en wandelde toen verder, naar de plek waar ze Celeste met een reuzensuikerspin zag staan. Ze zag er nogal verbouwereerd uit, alleen naast een drankbar waar ze beiden te jong voor waren.
          Jackie duwde haar zacht tegen haar schouder en trok een stukje suikerspin van de wolk. “Share the tea,” zei ze, met haar hoofd gebarend in de richting waar Joel en Kit waren verdwenen. “Had je nog popcorn?”


    𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕀𝕔𝕪 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤

          “You misunderstand me. Out there, Sommervale is a chaos with all its security and festivities. Someone almost rammed their car into mine, if I hadn’t swirled out of the way.” Mia's eyebrows arched as she absorbed the woman's perspective on Sommervale, whether it was mere opinion or a glimpse of the truth. Recollections flooded her mind - the scandal that enveloped her departure from the town, the lack of updates from her father, who concealed his own illness until signs of it became too conspicuous to ignore. However, the arrival of the police force was a novelty. "Incidents like the one with the car are almost routine here. People seem to have trouble navigating the roads of Sommervale. Sorry that your welcome came with such an event.”
          The rumbling of the lady's stomach caught Mia's attention, reminding her that she, too, had not eaten. “I haven’t eaten yet. Guess I’m gonna burn the midnight oil again with all that work still waiting for me.” Mia felt a pang of curiosity about this stranger, though she knew she shouldn't pry. Yet, with night falling and work hours coming to an end, her restraint wavered. “What kinda work do you do?”
          The sound of children playing nearby made Mia startle, instinctively seeking refuge from the approaching woman. It wasn't fear that drove her, but a depletion of energy, leaving her unprepared to engage with familiar faces. As the woman passed by, Mia released a breath she didn't realize she had been holding.
          “Sommervale is all over the news-a summer dream turned nightmare. I assume that’s why all the roadblocks and police? Or is there something else going on?” Mia confessed she hadn't been keeping up with the news, her focus consumed by her own life and estrangement from her hometown. "You're more informed than I am. What do you mean by 'dream turned nightmare'? What exactly happened?" She found herself tethered to this conversation, intrigued by the unfolding drama.
          “Don’t mind me, but why come back after all these years? You seem to have quite the opinion of Sommervale as well.” Mia took a moment, gathering her thoughts before responding. "Sommervale is my hometown. I left years ago, hoping to find a better life beyond its borders. Yet, when my father fell ill and needed my assistance, I couldn't turn my back. So, here I am, back in Sommervale - today, of all days.”


    Slight warning about heavy subjects - For gooness Cake- with Evangelina

    I sighed deeply rubbing a hand over my face as I waited by the car. Not being allowed to go with her already annoyed me- but with how she’s not really in the right mindset I didn’t bother to go into a discussion. She wanted to talk alone that’s fine… Only when minute later I heard an ‘Ouch’ in the bushes- I looked alerted around. “Lina?” Cursing I ran back into the forrest looking around- scared in a way. Until I found her. “Lina!” quickly checking what happened I noticed she was still on her bare feet and had stepped on something. “Let’s go-“ not being bothered by her pleas of ‘It’s nothing’ I swept her up and brought her back to the car. ‘Vince, please, don’t be ridiculous. I can walk by myself, it’s just a small cut.’
    I shook my head slightly. “No- we are going to tend to your wounds. “ I took no ‘no’s for an answer. ‘Can we stop by the bakery? I forgot my phone there’ I looked back to her. “Eh- yeah sure. You have an EHBO kit there too right?” maybe the bakery was the best place to help her out.
    ‘What were you doing without your phone, running in the street?’ I asked her after a little while, it was stil a pretty stupid thing of her to do and witouth Phone? However she didn’t took my lightly on this. ‘I don’t know, Vincent. Maybe I was hoping you’d run me over. At least then I wouldn’t have to feel like this anymore.’ She snapped. And I fell silent.
    My heart was going rapidly and I had to stop the urge to punch the brakes and yell at her to get out the car. She didn’t… She didn’t have the right…
    Yet I just swallowed the crop away and focussed on the road. ‘Look, I’m sorry. . . I don’t wanna get into this. Let’s just go to the bakery, okay?’ I just nodded and took the turn left- until I saw the familiar place looming in the distance. When she was gone I keot the place open- Luiza, her right hand from back in the day helped me yet the older lady made me stand in the shop at the beginning until I had found a good saleswoman to help run the business. I did find one- but on Mondays I mostly stood here. Selling bread and cakes- yet they never tasted the same as Evangelina’s…

    One arrived- I got out of the car opening Lina’s door for her- yet she was still to stubborn to let me help. But I was getting tired to be told of or scolded at so witouth stuttering I picked her out form the car and carried her in my arms towards the bakery. A bit clumsy I got my keys out of my blazer pocket and opened the door- getting us both in from the back and tried to put her on the counter- yet Lina mad eme take a small detour for her phone. Making me turn around in a circle not really knowing what she meant and then finally finding her phone so I could dump her on the counter.
    “Where did you put the kit?” I asked and she pointed towards her desk- so I left her in the other room looking for the box.

    I took a big breath and closed my eyes for a second, my fingers where fidgitting around the edge of the EHBO box as I was listening in tho Eva’s conversation with my brother. It was hard to explain to myself what kind of mix of emotions that where going trough me. But they were heavy enough to make me want to vomit. Scared- angry- sad- guilty… That was only the first ones I could think of. I had bitten my lips, pulkering off the edges until a small wound formed.
    ‘Vincent, have you found it? And can you take my slippers with you?’ hearing my name now louder then when you was on her phone made me jump a little- making me let go of the box with flew open on the ground. “Shit” I whispered before I hurried collected all the flown out objects and swallowed so the coarseness would go away. “Yeah! Got it!” I fished her slippers that lied by the door and put up a small lie smile before going out in the kitchen again. “It flew open the moment I pulled it out of the cabinet.” I said with a forced chuckle before placing it next to Eva, my eyes focussed on the little dent that was now in the box. I fished out the (ontsmettingsmiddel) and some cotton and drenched the thing in it. “Now let me see your foot first- It’s this one right?” Examining it I still didn’t look Eva in the eyes. Trying to focus on helping her fist then my own feelings- which I pushed deep deep away. “Hmm we need to get that grime off of you first.” I putt the cottonbal down again and looked for some towels to dampen I took a small breath and tried to sound as lighthearted as possible. Eva did keep pushing that she could do it herself yet I dismissed her with a ‘no no’ each time she tried to tak the cotton ball.
    “ Did Jack call?” I asked trying not to look envious or hurt – the cold water of the sink helped with that. “I tought I heard you talk to someone -.” I came back to her raising my eyebrow a bit- in a way of asking if I may clean her wounds and only when she agreed I stared wiping off the mudd on her knees. They were scraped but nothing to damaging. Just to be sure I swung the dirty towel over my shoulder and switched to the cottonball again. “this might sting a little” before dapping the thing over the scrapes skin. Making a soft “Shh- it’s alright sound.” Before patting her upper leg as a “See that’s done already.”
    Not unto the more difficult area. Het little feet where up next. “ Let’s see.” I grabbed the towel back form my back- not really caring that my blazer got ruined now too. I rinsed the towel off and turned back to Lina taking her small foot in my hand. “Okay don’t kick or punch me – just give me a yell if I’m hurting you okay?” now was the first time my blue eyes met hers. It wasn’t the first time I acted like I was fine around her. But mostly my eyes didn’t tell on me. But now they did. Quickly I gazed back to her feet which I now cleaned the mudd off knowing full well she was ticklish and well. I may or may not have tickled her
    After a few wipes I saw the bad guy and made an “ouch” sound. “I will need to put some oxygen water on that- it will sting like a bitch.” I mumbled more to myself then to Eva and smiled a little – the cursing I got from Tobes. He once had to help me out after some bully pushed me to the asphalt and Tobi got that stuff out aswell. I looked into the Box and fished the bottle out looking up again a little more twinkle in my eye. “Brace yourself” the stuff stung and bubbled but got all the grime and stuff out of the wound and made sur I could pull the piece of glass out of her footsole as well. “Done.” the little bastard I flung into the towel and with some bandages I wrapped her foot making sure not to tickle her to much. Still there was still some things bothering me that made it hard not to crack my mask. “That will heal over time, but it’s best not to ehm-“ my fake smile got awry a bit and I noticed my breathing got a bit harder. “Ehm- not to ehm.” Letting a hand go trough my hair more to get my thoughts straight a made a little gesture with my hand to acknowledge I couldn’t really finish the sentence) like I forgot the words.
    “I – ehm.” My eyes found hers again. “We can’t tell Tobi about today.” I said soflty scraping my voice a bit. “Not until ehm, Jack knows more.” I knew Eva called him, she preferred him… And I couln’t blame her. But for his sake I wanted to keep this under wraps- just long enough until I could figure things out. Be sure that the ghost haunting in my head where just voices and not the horrific truth that I’ve took Laurel away form him. That I didn’t hurt my brother…
    “Will you do that for me? Please? “ I was worried- I was scared. I was… lost… I leaned against the counter trying to grasp what the fuck just happened and looked at her. “Please- Lina… Don’t ever say things like that too.. I know Cain was-“ I stopped he was my responsibility and I failed.
    I was a fucking failure.
    “ I wish I could just.. I could turn back time you know… Fix what happened… “ I started soflty. “ But I can’t.. “ my voice broke and I felt my eyes tear up. “It hurts every day you know.”

    I caught a golden trout! But the real treusure? Friendship - ACNH

    𝐽 𝑂 𝐸 𝐿      𝐸 𝐿 𝐼 𝐽 𝐴 𝐻      𝐸 𝐿 𝐿 𝐼 𝑆

    Why my stupid fucking mind thought it was a good idea to follow Kit was beyond me. As soon as I felt his hands on my chest, followed with force to push me away, I knew it had been a mistake.
    The look in his eyes confirmed it. His face was puffy and red, his fists balled out of anger. Joel did an oopsie and fucked it up, again.
    I self-consciously sunk my teeth into my bottom lip, nervously nibbling at the skin as I listened to his statement. I was dumbstruck. I always had some words lying around, but right they were nowhere to be found. What could I possibly say? I mean, he was not wrong. I did all those things. I wasn't proud of them, especially not now I heard them summed up out loud.
    All I could do was stare at the beat up toes of my old Converse. I'd rather be anywhere else at this moment. I'd often wish I could just disappear into thin air, and this was definitely one of them.
    When I dared to look up I noticed he was gasping for air and... he was crying. It made a trenchant sting go straight through my chest. I had caused this, I was the reason he was crying. God knows how many times I had been the reason for his tears already. That fact left me feeling nauseous. I didn't want him to feel this way. And it made it so much worse that I was the cause for it all.
    I wanted to reach out and squeeze him tightly, wanted to tell him that it would all be ok. But how could I possibly do that? I was the bad guy. It hurt so bad knowing that it may never be the same again. Maybe it had gone too far.
    With every harsh word that left his mouth I tilted back a little, looking at him as if I was a puppy that was receiving a punishment.
    He was mad, really mad. I had hardly ever seen him like this before - maybe never. And I had no idea how to deal with it. His insults showed that he practically hated me. He hates me. That thought kept repeating itself in my head and it made me feel so bad I couldn't think anymore. I had a pounding headache, my mouth was dry and now I was crying, too.
    The words I'm sorry burned on my lips. I wanted to tell him again, but it wouldn't do much good. Even though I meant them.
    So then I subconsciously decided to slide into the asshole role again, the one I knew best after all.
    'You know what? Nevermind. I don't have the fucking energy for this.' I retaliated, immediately feeling even worse.
    I fumbled with my hands, averting my gaze again since it was too painful to look him right in the eyes. 'Whatever, fuck me for trying, right? Have a great night with your new sugar daddy, I guess.'
    And with that I turned around and left.

    My encounter with Kit had made me furious, but it also left me feeling more depressed than I had been in weeks.
    I blazed through my pack of cigarettes as if I were a goddamn chimney, but of course just nicotine didn't hit the spot. I yearned for something stronger, something to make me forget.
    And so I ended up at the bar. Getting shitfaced sounded so good right now.
    As I walked through the door I took a quick glance around, praying that I wouldn't come across anyone I knew. Luckily, that didn't seem the case so I took a seat at one of the bar stools. The bartender quickly came to my aid and asked me what I desired. A fucking break. Unfortunately, that wasn't something they served so I just went with a double Godfather. I wanted to get drunk, and quick. Luckily, I was a cheap drinker.
    I nervously tapped my foot repeatedly on the stool, looking around. That's when I noticed him, sitting only a few stools away from me. The devilishly handsome henchmen of my father. Only now... with beard? I gotta say, it was a nice touch. It made him even sexier.
    I threw back my ordered drink, mainly to give myself some additional confidence, before approaching him.
    'Hey, stranger.' I said with a big smile, tangling my arms around his broad shoulders, before sitting down next to him.
    I picked up his empty glass from the bar, tilting and studying it in my hand. 'Fancy another drink?' I asked with a grin. 'Or perhaps something else?' I asked before pouring the residue of his drink into my mouth, licking my lips seductively.

    How far is far

    × local problem child × outfit ×
    × at the fair w/ Joel, Kit, Nikolas and Satan Jackie×

    》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《


    》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《

          Een rilling kroop over Celeste haar rug zodra ze Satan’s hand op haar schouder voelde. Ze had haar blik al afgewend van Kit en Joel, maar liet deze nu helemaal naar de grond zakken. Hopend, bijna biddend dat ze door diezelfde grond kon zakken en kon verdwijnen.
          Haar grip op de suikerspin stokjes in haar handen versterkte zo erg dat ze kon voelen hoe het plastic afdrukken achterliet in haar palm, haar nagels prikkend in haar eigen huid. Het werd steeds meer een gewoonte van het meisje om zich volledig te kunnen afsluiten, haar gedachten zo overheersend dat ze de buitenwereld amper meer mee kreeg.
          Haar schouders wisten iets te ontspannen zodra Satan verdween en ze wist genoeg van de woorden die gesproken werden mee te krijgen dat ze een kleine glimlach op haar lippen kreeg voor meneer Angelov toen hij haar gedag zei.
          Celeste haar blik schoot omhoog zodra ze het scherpe geluid van een klap hoorde. Het meisje wilde nog achter Joel aanroepen voor de jongen achter Kit aan ging. Maar met hoe lang zijn benen waren was hij al weg voor ze haar mond kon openen. Uiteindelijk was het enkel een zacht gevloek wat zijn weg wist te vinden over haar lippen.
          Ze voelde haar telefoon trillen in de zak van haar vest, en voor even deed ze een poging om de twee suikerspincomplexen in één hand te houden, maar moest dat al snel opgeven om te voorkomen dat alles op de grond donderde. De tranen prikte achter haar ogen en het meisje sloot ze om te voorkomen dat de tranen zouden ontsnappen.
          Waarom ze überhaupt was gekomen vanavond begon ze zich steeds meer af te vragen. Ze had gewoon een extra dienst kunnen meepakken op werk, of zich in haar kamer kunnen verstoppen met een boek of een serie die ze toch nooit zou afkijken.
          Celeste haar ogen vlogen open en keken op naar Jackie zodra het meisje tegen haar schouder duwde. Ze keek toe hoe Jackie een stukje suikerspin van de toren aftrok, voor ze de tweede suikerspinflat naar haar uitstak. Als Joel hem dan niet wilde dan gaf ze hem met alle liefde aan Jackie. Misschien stelde Jackie het tenminste wel op prijs.
          “Share the tea,” sprak Jackie, haar hoofd gebarend in de richting waar Joel en Kit net naar toe waren verdwenen. Celeste haalde haar schouders op, zelfs als ze op een rij wist te krijgen wat er net allemaal gebeurd was, dan zou ze nog steeds niet weten waar ze moest beginnen.
          “Had je nog popcorn?” dat wist Celeste tenminste wat meer naar het hier en nu te halen, alsof ze zich ineens weer herinnerde hoe ze zich normaal gedroeg in het openbaar.
          “Nee, Joel zou drinken halen maar dat heeft hij niet gedaan. En dan wilde ik na de suikerspin popcorn halen, maarja hij laat me achter met twee van die torens,” begon ze te ratelen, haar lippen sneller dan haar gedachten gingen. “Denk je dat je kan doodgaan door een overdosis suiker? Dan haal ik nog meer suikerspin denk ik,” ging ze verder voor ze wel moest stoppen om nog adem te halen.
          “Okay anyway, laat me a-u-b nooit meer zo lang wachten want er komt dan altijd meteen drama, net als die keer dat je gym skipte en twee jongens gingen met elkaar op de vuist,” ging ze verder, terwijl ze haar telefoon uit haar zak viste. “Het gaat altijd mis zodra je me alleen laat, en het is meestal niet eens mijn schuld. Oh my god je liet me wachten voor Bash?” jammerde ze zodra ze door de berichtjes las.



    Kit Hall
    26 | FAIR | BASH

          Kit could barely see through the tears that were clouding his eyes but somehow he could still see the look of hurt on Joel’s face. The guilt stabbed straight through his heart, his lungs, but there was nothing he could do to take the words back. It took over the hate and rage that had so suddenly clawed at his throat, that had made him say the most vile shit to Joel.
          Kit hated how he wanted to take it all back again, hated how the guilty nausea took over while Joel remained silent for a couple of seconds. But he refused to ask for forgiveness. A small part of him knew his own worth – he was not the one who needed to get on their knees and beg.
          Of course, Joel wasn’t going to beg either. As much as Kit hoped he would, as much as he wished Joel would openly admit remorse – and put in the work – he knew it wasn’t going to happen. That first sorry was the most he was going to get, and Kit refused to settle for it. Sorry wasn’t enough for what Joel had done after Kit had given him everything.
          But the guilt remained. And so did the nausea.
          ”You know what? Nevermind. I don’t have the fucking energy for this,” Joel spoke. Kit couldn’t help but sarcastically laugh. Let out a shaky sob, more like. “Whatever, fuck me for trying right? Have a great night with your new sugar daddy, I guess.”
          Getting stabbed would feel better, Kit thought as Joel turned around and left. Bile rose up in his throat, and before he knew it, he was running, looking for a spot in between two tents where no one would see him puke out the mozzarella sticks Niko had so graciously bought him barely half an hour before.
          When he was done, he felt numb. He wiped the gunk from his dry mouth and his runny nose, in an attempt to look somewhat more presentable. He felt like shit. His nose and throat were on fire and his tears had made his makeup streak along his cheeks. He barely even felt it when someone grabbed a hold of his arm and made him stop in place.
          Kit blinked slowly, vaguely aware of Bash’s presence. He saw his brother’s lips move but didn’t hear any sound. It didn’t matter. There was only one thing on Kit’s mind anyway, and he could not bring himself to give a shit about his four years of sobriety.
          ”I want to get shitfaced drunk,” he said, his voice hoarse.

    [ bericht aangepast op 27 maart 2024 - 14:03 ]


    𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟 | 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕚𝕣 | ℂ𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕖

    Celeste haalde haar schouders op. Jackie trok een wenkbrauw naar haar op en vroeg zich af wat er gebeurd was en waarom ze zelf compleet clueless was. Terwijl ze normaal gezien altijd degene was die alles over iedereen wist.
          ”Nee, Joel zou drinken halen maar dat heeft hij niet gedaan. En dan wilde ik na de suikerspin popcorn halen, maarja hij laat me achter met twee van die torens,” ratelde Celeste. Jackie keek om zich heen, alsof Joel zich ergens verstopte en ze hem uit zijn verstopplek wilde sleuren. “Denk je dat je kan doodgaan door een overdosis suiker? Dan haal ik nog meer suikerspin denk ik.”
          ”Goeie manier om uit te gaan,” knikte Jackie wijselijk terwijl Celeste diep ademhaalde om verder te ratelen.
          ”Okay, anyway, laat me a-u-b nooit meer zo lang wachten want er komt dan altijd meteen drama, net als die keer dat je gym skipte en twee jongens gingen met elkaar op de vuist. Het gaat altijd mis zodra je me alleen laat, en het is meestal niet eens mijn schuld. Oh my god je liet me wachten voor Bash?” Celeste had haar gsm uit haar zak gehaald en scrolde in hoog tempo door de berichten heen. Jackie wilde bijna glimlachen maar hield zichzelf tegen. Ze vroeg zich af waarom ze zichzelf tegenhield, want Celeste had haar zo vaak zien lachen. Ze voelde een ongemakkelijk gevoel in haar maag en knikte uiteindelijk met een serene uitdrukking op haar gezicht.
          ”Hé, hij is jouw verloofde,” grapte ze doodserieus. Ze plukte nog een stukje suikerspin van een van de torens die Celeste vast had. “Of laat ik hem weten dat het huwelijk niet doorgaat? Ik keek er net naar uit om je in een trouwjurk te zien.” Ze haalde haar portefeuille uit haar jaszak en diepte het briefje op dat haar vader haar gegeven had, waarna ze zich omdraaide om naar het drankkraampje te wandelen.


    ♦      ♦      ♦
    FIND ME—     

          Where the       w i l d      things are.❞

          ♡ ♡      ♥ ♥ ♥      ♡ ♡


    the fun-loving baker

    w. Vincent @ Bakery

    There was a rumble and a clatter, and Vincent eventually emerged with the kit. In quite the bewildered state. His explanation made her hum uncommittedly, and seeing his smile, questioning the authenticity of it. After all, it was the same smile he gave her when he'd done something he didn't want her to know. She sighed as he fished out the disinfectant, still not meeting her eyes. ‘Don't bother, I'll do it myself. Give that thing to me, Vincent.’ Every time she attempted to take matters into her own hands, he dismissed her. It felt too weird and uncomfortable, him helping her like that.
          Especially when he asked about Jack. Her nerves tingled. The feeling in her bones telling something wasn't right. But, currently, what was? ‘No.’ She answered simply. Last thing she wanted right now was an argument, picking at every little thing. Yet, this time she let him clean the wounds, realizing he wouldn't give way anytime soon. With her foot in his hand, it reminded her of all the times he helped her put her shoes on. During her pregnancy with Cain or to sincerely be a true gentleman. She cherished those moments, loved his tiny signs of affection. But it felt like another lifetime, as if they weren't hers to protect.
          ‘Okay don’t kick or punch me – just give me a yell if I’m hurting you okay?’ She didn't understand what triggered it. The fact that she was so very tired, their constant tug of war, or his eyes–the blue gleam familiar and yet deceiving. Filled with inner turmoil. As he quickly diverted his gaze, he once again reminded her he laid no trust in her–one of her many shortcomings in his eyes. She scoffed.
          ‘For once, do me a favor, and stop acting–’ What was supposed to be a challenging tone, raised in exasperation, ended in a soft giggle, feeling the ticklish stroke underneath her sole. Did he find this situation to be a laughing matter? Evangelina pulled away rather roughly, and by doing this almost lost balance, but holding onto the edge of the counter. ‘Vincent, stop it! You think this is funny? We're not even anywhere near a good place right now. You must see that, at least! When will you own up to that fact?’ Her Latina temper reared its head again, though, surprisingly, in a toned down fashion. Back in the day she'd have kicked the guy for pulling a stunt like that. Closing her eyes, Evangelina covered her face with her hands, trying to calm her noisy breathing.
          The warmth of his hands made her realize just how cold her own skin was. How she hadn't slept properly the last couple of nights. And when he continued cleaning, she lowered her hands to watch his features closely. She noticed his damaged lips. The busted knuckles. The deep frown. And his clothes were a mess. Yet, despite his apparent grievance, he had surprisingly steady movements. Tender, too. Lifting one hand, she hesitated before making way to his cheek regardless. It never reached his face, however, as she grabbed his shoulder and squeezed from crying out—to no avail.
          ‘Ouch, shit!’ The pain was searing hot. As she tightly gripped the fabric of his blazer, she realized his earlier words of warning hadn’t reached her. Thinking back, it sounded strange. Tobi was the one using stronger words, oftentimes colored by his emotional state. Whereas Evangelina was accustomed to Vincent being factual in his communication, short and to the point. His affectionate spirit solely reserved for her. If they weren’t speaking about his adultery, that is—or hers.
          He had finished bandaging. Their eyes met, just for a moment. Delving into the blue depths, she drowned. Evangelina felt the resolve of her anger wash away. ‘I—’ She cursed herself for the tremble in her voice, betraying her tenderness for him. ‘Sorry.’ Shakily, Evangelina removed her hand from the warmth of his shoulder, biting her bottom lip as she averted her gaze. If she hadn't, the consequences would've contradicted her earlier words. There was a great desire to taste him again.

          Don't give in, Eva. He sees you as a whore. His job is more important than you. You're nothing more than property to him, Evangelina. Remember that.
    A flash of hurt crossed her face. She should've seen what was there, she should've. . . gotten rid of those rose-colored glasses. Showing a fantasy, at most. Merely letting her hold onto the good things, hoping it would change for the better.
          Lowering her head, strands of hair concealed one's expression. Her chin quivered the tiniest of bits, but managing to regain her composure when noticing the stammer in her husband's voice, eventually finding one another's gaze again. ‘We can't tell Tobi about today.’ There it was. The matter that bothered him, apparently. ‘Not until ehm, Jack knows more.’
          ‘You eavesdropped, didn't you? You never change.’ It would've been a hiss, weren't it that her breath caught in her throat. ‘Don't ask that of me, Vincent. I can’t do that.’ The tone of her voice changed, sure and solid–with no further sign of earlier weakness. Just the thought of holding back truths from Tobias felt unethical, dirty almost.
          ‘Please- Lina… Don’t ever say things like that too… I know Cain was— I wish I could just… I could turn back time you know… Fix what happened… But I can’t… It hurts every day you know.’
    She wanted to open her mouth again, but there came no sound. Vincent leaned against the counter, a broken image of the perfection he normally portrayed. Evangelina could count the number of times she saw her husband cry on her fingers. Unable to form any words, her mind grinded itself into tiny bits contemplating what was suitable to say. Or do. She had always prided herself on being able to empathize with her loved ones. Now, it seemed, it bit her in the ass. He had her blindsided. How could she respond without losing herself in the process? She pressed her lips into a thin line.
          ‘You shut me out, Vincent’, she said, after what seemed an endless silence. ‘Completely. You succumbed yourself to work, and I begged you to open up. Regardless of what you might think, I am not blind. I saw the demons, the heartache, the struggle.’ Looking at his eyes, her breath hitched slightly–not knowing whether it was because of his clear blue's or the watery shine over them. ‘But you never did. All I wanted was for you to place your faith in me. Just once. We could've gotten through it together. If you had believed in us. In me.’ Evangelina shook her head, averting her eyes again as she chewed her lip, weighing up his words. Her nails digging into the countertop.
          ‘There are so many important milestones we're missing. First day of school. Graduation. Leaving home. His first kiss, falling in love, and. . . experiencing heartbreak.’ Sniffing, she stared at her hands. Her voice broke. ‘You are not a bad person, Vincent, just. . . misguided. . . I can't say the things you wish me to say. I can't be the person you want me to be. Because I am not, not anymore. Now I can only hope you shared all the tears, all the pain and memories with someone you did trust.’
          Wincing a little as she put her feet on the ground, Evangelina pushed herself off the counter. She sighed. She wanted to console him but she didn't want to be taken advantage of, or give him any wrong impression if she would comfort him. Because whatever played between them, it wouldn't get any better. That, she realized finally. Even in some kind-of way made peace with it. ‘Knowing how it is to lose a child, we can't do that to Tobi. If he can't trust us, then who can he trust to tell the truth? Will we just let him find out the hard way, when Jack turns up as Sheriff again? And what if he doesn't? What if they never catch the perpetrator, like with Cain?’ Getting into the slippers he got for her, the woman turned around to finally look at Vincent. ‘I can't leave Tobi in the dark. I want to be there for him like he was for me.’

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 april 2024 - 16:21 ]

    [ heaven knows ]


    She was my World || With Joel

    Jacky made it seem so easy to assure me that she would be fine. Convincing me that Jack had a tracker app to find her and she would let him know anyway. I always knew the girl had an … unique way with words and socializing but I had a difficult time feeling okay with letting her go alone. Should I have installed such kind of app to Laurels phone? Would she still…
    I just hummed a silent okay with a worry in my eyes knowing I would ask Jack to call her as soon as we’d meet in the bar. Just so I could ease my mind. She gave me a hand up salute and left me some Jackie advice before she left.
    I continued my way towards the bar, my hands fidgeting with the pack of cigarettes in my pocket as a way to ease myself a bit. The fresh air was lovely yet stinged my eyes a bit- as they were still sore from all the emotions that raged trough my soul. However- I felt confident enough today that I could go for one drink with Jack and then go home again. Little steps to … normal.. life… as the psychiatrist had told me.
    Life would never be normal anymore. I was always going to miss that piece of me. As my stomach turned with that thought I had reached the bar and needed one more deep breath before going in. I’d be naive to think I would find Jack already there. The cardboard pack got smooched under my grip as it felt like eyes where burning on me so I tried to walk a bit in the shadows until I reached my usual spot at the bar. The last time I was in here was the night Laurel disappeared- and Thomas our barman knew that. I don’t know how to explain but that man always knew how I felt or any of the costumers honestly. He exchanged me a look which I answered with a wry smile- taking a lot of my energy. And without many words- he understood not to ask me that damned Question. And I was grateful for that.
    My hand that was still clenched in my pocket finally got out and leaned against the oak bar. Contemplating if I wanted to order a beer or wanted to wait for Jack and as I was reaching for my phone to call him- my phone rang.
    My heart sunk a bit with the thought of her standing in front of my house thinking something had happened. I didn’t want her to worry to I quickly answered, while rubbing my fingers on my temples cursing myself for not letting het know.
    ‘Hey Eva. Ah shit, I forgot to let you know that I am not home right now. Sorry, I hope you didn’t panic when you arrived. …Is everything okay? Do I need to come??’
    ‘Hey, Tobes.’ Her voice was soft as usual and for a moment I though I sensed some sadness in her voice. ‘Oh, no, don't worry, you don't have to come’ My shoulders lowerd a bit- I hadn’t even noticed my muscles tensed by the thought of something being wrong.
    ‘Actually, I called to tell you something came up. Meet up tomorrow? There's something I need to share with you, too. I'll bring some treats—what are you in for? I can bring and make everything you want.’ I don’t know how she did it but a genuine small smile reached my lips hearing her laugh soflty.
    “Tomorrow is great Eva- take your time alright? “ She did so much for me already and she was grieving aswell- yet taking the time for something so small did help me with healing a little. It made me forget about time and as a memory logged my brain and made my heart sink a little bit I managed to ask for Raspberry cookies. It was the first thing she ever baked for Laurel and me. How my little girl caught her aunty cursing and being persuaded with cookies to not go potty mouth in front of the family. Only to run up to me cursing her lil mouth full of cookie and telling me about her deal with aunty Eva.
    It still made me chuckle and made the sadness a less hard sadness- even for a few seconds.
    ‘Oh, Tobi, I must say, it feels really good hearing your voice. . .’ Her soft voice awoke me gently out of my thoughts. A small hum left my lips as replacement of a watery chuckle. I didn’t feel super great but my walk outside – the fresh air was a good nudge in feeling a bit more energised.
    ‘Wait, where are you? It’s kinda rowdy in the background.’ As behind me some discussion seemed to happen I figured that Eva would’ve heard that. ‘Yeah, Jack and I were heading to the bar but he had an urgent meeting so I’m already there. Hey, maybe you could join later if you’re free?’ I bit my lip gently- having my two comfort people beside me would be a good thing knowing they would help me get my mind off of everything without forcing it to much.
    ‘Mhm? You. . . I. . .?’ As the crowd behind me got a little louder it was harder to hear Eva clearer. ‘I'd love to join later, if it still can. You know I'll make time for you.’ I smiled. “Always.”
    ‘Hey, Tobi? If you needed me, you’d tell me, right?’ her voice grew even more silent but stern in a way- my shoulders tensed a bit and putting my fingers on my free ear I tried to cancel out the ruckus they where making.
    ‘Of course.’ It was genuine. She has been my rock these couple of weeks and actually from the moment I met her I knew I could trust her with everything I felt and loved. I could hear her sigh relieved ‘Even if I don’t, you always seem to know’, I chuckled softly, without her realising her call had calmed me- the ruckus didn’t bother me and the looks others gave – of pity and whisperings were unnoticeable for now. Like she knew it was the right time to call and soothe me with her gentle voice.
    ‘You let me know too alright?’ I asked my fingers fidgeted with the wood markings on the bar.
    ‘I will’, she hummed, a promise that was fathomed without words, too, ‘enjoy your night. And Tobes? Don’t forget—cuídate mucho por mí, cariño. Call me when you need me.’ I nodded soflty even if she didn’t see it- it was a knowing she would be assured.
    ‘I will, Take care, Eva.’ I waited for her to hang up- hoping she would make it down here tonight as my friend Thomas peeked from behind the bar with a silent gesture holding a bottle of beer and coke. I nodded gently toward the softdrink and without many more words he filled me a glass. On the house - I figured as he was a kind soul doing these small favors more often to the tormented souls entering his place. Grateful I raised my glas slightly and took a small sip.
    Not sure if I would even finish the glass while sitting here by myself.

    Jack really did take his time- I was sitting here for what seemed like an halfhour. I did manage to finish my glass but the nerves did get under my skin again- I was ready to leave until.
    A pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders and with a small frown I looked up to the Blonde guy who greeted me with a big smile. Not one of pity not a ‘how are you holding up.. But a
    'Hey, stranger.'
    I blinked a bit muddled as I racked by already over the place thoughts to where I knew him from. It was deep down my memories but then I figured it out- his hair got longer and more bewildered then the last time we met. It had been at least two years ago and then he had vanished.
    My vague memoris if him where more then pleasant even if it was only for one night but a funn night at that. Still it was a long forgotten past. Not really knowing what to say I cocked my head a bit studying his moves as he seemed to study my empty glass. I racked my brain trying to remember his name but there was no help.
    'Fancy another drink?' His blue orbs pierced trough me 'Or perhaps something else?' witough blinking the boy finished off the bit of cola left in my glass wich made me raise an eyebrown toghetter with a stunned chuckle. Leaning my arm on the bar resting my chin on my hand I contemplated if this was even a good idea. But it was a tempting offer. Having a conversation with someone who seemed like a good one to not think about what had happened…
    “Hmm- I don’t know.” I mumbled against my palm as my dull eyes followed him again.
    His arms were a pleasant embrace – a slight burning that seemed like a better sensation then al the tenseness my muscles endured. “I was actually waiting for someone-.” I prssed my lips toghetter and sighed. Wel I was out here now anyway. One drink couldn’t hurt. “What are you getting? I’ll get just one of that aswell”.
    I looked at the kid again and then his name flashed up. “I’t was Joel, right?” I tried- as I still had no clue if the lad even remembered me right.

    [ bericht aangepast op 26 april 2024 - 22:07 ]

    I caught a golden trout! But the real treusure? Friendship - ACNH

    × local problem child × outfit ×
    × at the fair w/ Jackie ×

    》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《


    》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《

          ”Goeie manier om uit te gaan,” knikte Jackie op haar woorden. De lach van Celeste bleef wat verborgen in haar poging goed adem te halen, waardoor het er wat verstompt uit kwam. Terwijl ze verder sprak haalde ze haar telefoon uit haar zak, nu ze eindelijk een hand vrij had. Ze kon het gejammer niet tegenhouden, ergens wel oprecht teleurgesteld dat Jackie haar voor Bash had laten wachten. Maar ze schoof het weg, op de rest van de stapel. Ze was al blij genoeg dat Jackie er überhaupt was.
          “Hé, hij is jouw verloofde,” sprak Jackie. Celeste rolde haar ogen, voor ze iets mompelde dat Jackie vooral de suikerspin moest opeten. Hoewel ze echt wel twee zou kunnen opeten als ze zou willen, had ze echt geen zin in overgeven later vanavond. “Of laat ik hem weten dat het huwelijk niet doorgaat? Ik keek er net naar uit om je in een trouwjurk te zien,” ging Jackie verder voor ze richting het drankkraampje liepen.
          “Als je me in een trouwjurk wilt zien, moet je toch echt maar Harry Styles gaan bellen,” zuchtte ze, voor ze wat suikerspin van de toren plukte. “Of Pedro Pascal,” voegde ze toe. “Oh of Anne Hathaway.”
          “Meer dan genoeg opties, toch?” glimlachte ze vervolgens breed.

