• ̷ᗯEᒪᑕOᗰE
    to      Sommervale

          Somewhere, tucked away in America, there's a quaint town called Sommervale. It's the perfect place for those who want to escape the noise of the big city.
          Or those who want to bury their secrets.

    Here, we do not judge you for your past actions. Heck, we might even share some skeletons in the closet. Because behind those mowed lawns, white picket fences, and helpful neighbors, terrible things have been happening. If you don't watch your back, you might be the next to vanish without a trace.

          And, remember – be a good neighbor, or all the things you tried so desperately to hide, will storm out before you get a grip of yourself. Because, here in Sommervale, nothing is what it seems.

          We hope you enjoy your stay, here in Paradise!
    De RPG draait om het dorpje Sommervale. Sommervale heeft mooie natuur met grote bossen rond zich, samen met wat meertjes. Langs de centrale weg vind je wat winkeltjes, een bureau voor de hulpdiensten, een kerkje met community center, een arcade met bioscoop, een ouderwetse diner, en toeristeninformatie. Verder zijn er de Sommervale Elementary School, Sommervale Middle School, en Sommervale High School, die elk aan een eigen zijstraat liggen.
          Jarenlang heeft het op rij bekend gestaan als de ‘veiligste plek van Amerika’, wat toeristen heeft getrokken ― eveneens door de prachtige plek waar het zich bevindt. De afgelopen twee jaar echter, zijn er steeds meer dubieuze dingen gaande, waaronder verdwijningen. De goede naam van het dorpje is nu aangetast, en enkele weken geleden heeft het nieuws zelfs gewaarschuwd hier vandaan te blijven.
          Wat alleen de lokale bevolking verder weet, is dat Sommervale is opgedeeld in twee kampen: North en South. In het noordelijke gedeelte zijn de wijken duidelijk opgeknapt in tegenstelling tot het zuidelijke gedeelte, waar ze strijden met armoe en bendes zich gevestigd hebben.
          Ondanks de recente gebeurtenissen, is het er vrij rustig. Het is een dorpje waar iedereen elkaar kent en niemand geheimen heeft. . . Maar is dat wel zo? Zijn je buren wel echt wie je denkt dat ze zijn? En weet je wel echt wat er gebeurt achter de gesloten deuren van het kleine dorpje?

    ''HAVE YOU

    De mysterieuze verdwijningen zijn alweer twee jaar gaande. Het is het "nieuwe normaal" voor de inwoners van Sommervale. De nodige maatregelen zijn genomen om iedereen zich toch enigszins beschermd te laten voelen. De rust leek eindelijk weder te keren in het kleine dorpje, tot twee maanden geleden; toen de beeldschone Laurel Madden spoorloos verdween. Het zeventienjarige meisje was niet op komen dagen bij haar baantje als serveerster bij de Diner.
          Ondanks dat haar vader in alle staten was, werd hier in eerste instantie niet zoveel aandacht aan besteed. Het was immers goed te begrijpen als ze plotseling vertrokken zou zijn uit het dorpje. Zeker een ambitieuze dame als zij.
    Ondanks dat grotendeels van de bewoners nog altijd vrij sceptisch waren, is er toch een zoektocht opgezet. Nadat het meisje na ruim ander halve maand nog niet was gevonden, zijn de grootschalige zoekacties gestaakt. De politie en haar familie en vrienden zijn echter nooit gestopt met zoeken.
          Exact twee maanden nadat Laurel vermist raakte werd ze door een lokale visser gevonden in het bos, aan de oever van het meer. Helaas was het meisje al overleden. Dit liet de alarmbellen opnieuw afgaan. De opgelaten sfeer duidelijk te merken aan de bewoners. Om de veiligheid van Sommervale en haar bewoners voorop te stellen is er een avondklok ingezet en het nadrukkelijke advies om ramen en deuren op slot te doen.
          De RPG speelt zich drie weken na de vondst van Laurel af, een nationale feestweek in Sommervale: namelijk het begin van de zomer. Om de mensen hoop te geven is er besloten de festiviteiten door te laten gaan. Echter wel met extra beveiliging afkomstig uit nabij gelegen dorpjes, gezien de avondklok nu ook tijdelijk niet van toepassing is. Maar wees op je hoede, want wie weet ben jij de volgende...

    x      Naam:
    x      Leeftijd:
    x      Status: (Wat voor reputatie heb je in het dorpje? Woon je in North of South Sommervale?)
    x      Baan:
    x      Innerlijk:
    x      Uiterlijk:
    x      Verleden: (Heb je een partner of ben je single? Hoeft niet heel uitgebreid te zijn, gewoon een paar zinnen is goed genoeg. Het is wel handig om te weten wat er allemaal met deze persoon is gebeurd.)
    x      Geheim(en):
    x      Relaties:
    x      Extra:
    ✑      Evangelina Sánchez | the fun-loving Baker (North) | Mabon | 1,1
    ✑      Richard Ellis | The Mayor and professional douchebag (North) | Motion | 1,4
    ✑      Joel Elijah Ellis | son of the Mayor (North) | Motion | 1,1
    ✑      Celeste Howard | The troubled teen girl (North) | glowfaery | 1,4
    ✑      Vincent "Vince" Madden | Henry Cavill (North) | Ken_
    ✒      Jack Summers | the Sheriff (South) | Motion | 1,2
    ✒      Christopher "Kit" Kiefer Hall/Stacy Rect | Friendly neighborhood Drag Queen (South) | Tolkien | 1,1
    ✒      Jacqueline "Jack(ie)" Summers | (South) | Tolkien | 1,3
    ✒      Tobias "Tobi" Madden | Henry Cavill (South) | Ken_
    ✒      Nikolas Angelov | the Good Samaritan (Neutral) | Venkman | 1,3
    ✑      Name | Role | User
    ✒      Name | Role | User
    ✑      Name | Role | User
    ✒      Name | Role | User


    1. Kerk.
    2. Begraafplaats.
    3. Gemeente kantoor.
    4. North school.
    5. Politie bureau.
    6. Bakkerij.
    7. Kledingwinkel.
    8. Bloemist.
    9. Giftshop/Toeristenbureau.
    10. Supermarkt.
    11. Apotheek.
    12. Dokterspraktijk.
    13. Bibliotheek.
    14. Bioscoop.
    15. Arcade.
    16. Kermis.
    17. Diner.
    18. Bar/Club.
    19. Trailerpark.
    20. Garage.
    21. GYM.
    22. South school.
    23. Strand bar.
    24. Surplank/boten verhuur.
    25. Sunnyside beach.
    26. Windermere lake.
    27. Place where Laurel her body was found.
    28. Squire mountains.
    29. Lovers Lane.


    A. Penrose Place.
    - Nr. 10 - Fam. Ellis/Howard

    B. Ironstate Street.
    - Nr. 29
    - Nr. 30 - Fam. Jeremiah Ellis
    - Nr. 31
    - Nr. 32

    C. Arcadia Street.
    - Nr. 14
    - Nr. 15
    - Nr. 16 - Fam. _Ken
    - Nr. 17 - Fam. Judah Ellis

    D. Parkside Avenue.
    - Nr. 111
    - Nr. 113
    - Nr. 115
    - Nr. 117
    - Nr. 119
    - Nr. 121

    E. Ivory Lane.
    - Nr. 66
    - Nr. 68
    - Nr. 70
    - Nr. 72
    - Nr. 74
    - Nr. 76

    F. Vermillion Boulevard.
    - Nr. 120
    - Nr. 122

    G. Bridgewater Street.
    - Nr. 42 - Fam. Hall
    - Nr. 44
    - Nr. 45
    - Nr. 46
    - Nr. 47
    - Nr. 48 - Fam. Summers
    - Nr. 49

    H. Copper Row.
    - Nr. 66
    - Nr. 67
    - Nr. 68
    - Nr. 69

    i. Juniper Street.
    - Nr. 88
    - Nr. 89
    - Nr. 90
    - Nr. 91
    - Nr. 92
    - Nr. 93
    - Nr. 94
    - Nr. 95

    J. Lumber Lane.
    - Nr. 202 - Fam. _Ken
    - Nr. 204
    - Nr. 206

    — In deze RPG gelden de huisregels van Quizlet.
    — Minimaal 200 woorden per post.
    — Deze RPG is samen met Motion.
    — Geen Mary-Sue's en Gary-Stu's, hou het zo realistisch mogelijk.
    — We schrijven in het Nederlands, maar voor degenen die dit willen, mogen dialogen wel in het Engels.
    — 16 / 18 + is toegestaan, maar zet er wel een waarschuwing in het rood boven.
    — Karakters mogen in de RP ruzie krijgen, maar probeer geen ruzie te maken buiten de RP. Sluit niemand buiten.
    — Er is een max van 3 karakters, waaronder één man. Meer personages zijn, met overleg, mogelijk nog toegestaan.

    [ bericht aangepast op 8 okt 2023 - 11:37 ]

    How far is far

    𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟 | 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕚𝕣 | 𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕙

    Een plotse pijn schoot door haar enkel en Jack zette zichzelf schrap voor de volle faceplant in het grasveld onder haar voeten, maar het gevoel van een gebroken neus bleef vreemd genoeg uit. Toen ze besefte dat iemand haar had vastgegrepen en dat haar gezicht helemaal niet meer naar de afgrond toe aan het snellen was, deed ze voorzichtig haar ogen weer open. Ze had eigenlijk niet eens door gehad dat ze die gesloten had.
          "Je kan ook gewoon 'hallo' zeggen," zei een bekende stem. Jackie besefte zich dat iemand haar overeind hield. "Je hoeft niet letterlijk voor me te vallen." Schrik ging door haar heen en ze trok zichzelf in zo'n harde reflex van hem weg, dat ze alsnog naast haar gsm op de grond belandde - al was het wel op haar kont, niet op haar gezicht.
          Ze keek Bash met een kritische frons aan en nam een moment om haar wilde haren uit haar ogen te blazen. De lokken vielen mooi terug waar ze daarnet gelegen hadden (voor haar ogen), dus streek Jackie ze maar geïrriteerd achter haar oren.
          "Wil je nu dat ik iets zeg in de aard van "ach, maar dat kan ik toch niet weerstaan" of wil je gewoon even een momentje om me uit te lachen?" zei Jackie. Ze griste haar gsm van de grond en bleef mooi op haar plekje in het gras zitten terwijl ze naar Celeste antwoordde.
    To: Cinderella
    zit even met oponthoud maar hou nog een kilootje over ofzo pls?
    Jack verzond het berichtje en keek opnieuw op naar Bash, die naar haar stond te grijnzen. Ze deed haar best om boos te fronsen, maar Bash had om de één of andere reden altijd een aanstekelijk effect. Ze had bij hem nooit het gevoel dat ze zich anders moest voordoen dan ze was. Alles dat in haar hoofd opkwam, floepte gewoon haar mond uit wanneer ze bij hem was.
          Ze wilde er net nog iets uitfloepen toen haar blik op iets bij zijn schoen viel. Een plastic zakje. Ze kon niet goed zien wat erin zat, keek opnieuw naar Bash en fronste dieper.

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 dec 2023 - 20:51 ]


    𝙹 𝙰 𝙲 𝙺      𝚂 𝚄 𝙼 𝙼 𝙴 𝚁 𝚂

    It was as clear as day that Eva was in total anguish. I've had come to know her over the last few years, likewise her body language. We weren't extremely close, but we were close enough for me to notice such things. We weren't exactly what you'd call close friends, but I had grown rather fond of the woman standing in front of me. She had so much potential - yet she was held back by her disreputable husband.
    She was a strong woman, but like any other sometimes, just set in her old ways. Something that was completely rational. It hadn't always been like this, her home situation. She had known joyful times as well. I think she wanted it to work so badly that sometimes she was just oblivious to the things he'd put her trough. And I felt sorry for her. In a way, I even felt sorry for him.
    I wanted so much more for her.
    I pulled her in for a hug, trying my best to console her. But instead, her arms hung limp beside her body. It felt as if I was embracing a ghost. Merely a shell of a person.
    Before I well realized it wasn't the right call, she had already roughly pushed me back. Before I could bring out a word, Vincent interrupted the moment. I tried my utter best to hide my annoyance by biting the inside of my cheek.
    “We are so sorry to have bothered you this evening. Eva has been upset and seemed to believe this item is of importance, tho I don’t really understand it. But if it is important, I do hope we haven’t tampered with it too much— you see Eva had to bury it out of the mud, so I hope her prints aren’t all over.”
    I raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "I'll be the judge of that," I mumbled, trying to not sound too pissed off. His presence simply made me uncomfortable.
    I scanned the mud-caked name tag, which clearly read "Celeste". This could mean loads of things, however, none positive. Eva soon took the item, asking me for the plastic bag and my opinion on it. I furrowed my brow and scrambled my pockets for the roll of small plastic bags. I then picked the item up, using one of the bags, and held it closer to examine it further. Although, there wasn't much more to it than it just being a name tag.
    I licked my lips, and put the bag in the pocket of my jacket. "It could mean loads of things. But I think it's possibly a substantial clue." I nodded towards Eva. I wasn't sure if this was what she wanted to hear. But I hoped she understood that I couldn't say too much about it yet. Especially since we couldn't talk freely in this position.
    "I'll make sure it gets to the bureau safely, so we can investigate further." I stated, cracking a polite smile. I needed to remind myself to not let my emotions cloud my judgement. To not let my clients too close. Yet it was a mighty thin line.
    It got to me. The whole case. Me knowing Eva, me being a father - it just hit so close to home. It was hard to keep a straight face.
    I looked into Eva her eyes and the forlornness that lay within them made me swallow thickly. It got to me, it made my heart ache.
    “Don’t mind me. It might — it might not mean anything, I understand that. But I can’t stand this feeling of injustice when two —”
    I shook my head, and reached for her hands once again, squeezing them tightly in mine. "Cut yourself some slack, Eva." I spoke softly, almost whispering. "I highly appreciate you mentioning this. I have a feeling this will prove to be of quite the importance." I smiled fondly at her, hoping to ease her mind at least a little. She was so hard on herself.
    "I will fight to get to the bottom of this. You're right, it isn't fair. And whoever did this deserves to pay for it."
    “Nothing is okay, Jack. People keep disappearing, Laurel died, and people have suffered enough. When will it end? Vincent and I are still dealing with the loss of Cain, we can’t take another one. We needs answers. Closure. Anything. Please — please, promise me you’ll give our family that. Currently, Tobi above all. In a world of sunshine, his darkened.”
    I hadn't noticed until now how my mouth had run dry. Maybe it was because how I suppressed all these feelings, maybe it was because I felt guilty. As if I didn't do enough. The case certainly was of high importance to me, but I tried to balance solving it with the rest of my police work - and my life at home. I had a daughter who still needed her dad. A daughter who needed her dad to be there for her. A dad who wasn't passed out on the couch every weekend because he was too exhausted. She needed my attention, too.
    "Eva, believe me, I will do everything that's in my might to solve this. You'll have to take my word for it."

    How far is far

    Kit Hall
    26 | BAR | NIKO

    The stranger smiled at Kit's brashness, and the latter had to refrain from winking at him.
          "If those mozzarella sticks aren't to your liking, I bet there will be a load of other choices at the fair. So, let's agree on this: you tell me something about yourself. Quid pro quo, as they say. It is a fair exchange, if you ask me."
          Kit wet his lips, turning over the idea of stepping out of the feigned mystery he'd somewhat cultivated around himself this evening - almost laughing at the idea, because he knew he was a loudmouth. If anything, he told people too much about himself constantly. But this stranger, who carried himself so much unlike most people in Sommervale, gave him different vibes. For some reason, Kit wanted to impress him, and not just because he wanted to lure the man back home with him, because he still hadn't completely gotten over the beige shirt yet.
          The mystery was soon abandoned as the two introduced themselves to each other, and Kit, very much aware of the warmth of the man's hand under his fingertips, let himself be guided to the fair, where the wondrous mozzarella sticks proved just as good as he remembered.
          "Do tell me if those were worth it," Nikolas noted as Kit, maybe somewhat too hungrily, attacked the fried food. He startled when he felt something touch his cheek, then couldn't help but grin brightly when Nikolas abashedly pulled back. "Ah, I mean, there was some... some-" Kit wanted to say something, maybe tell Nikolas that he was always very welcome to touch him anywhere else again, but he froze when he heard another familiar voice.
          "My my, look who we have here. I gotta say, he's quite the looker." Slowly, Kit turned his head towards Joel. He blinked. Ground his teeth. Suddenly forgot all about the heavenly mozzarella sticks the stranger had so graciously provided him with. His eyes glazed over with an icy boredom, though on the inside, Kit was boiling. He hadn't seen Joel in what - four years after the whole situation had happened? And now he had the audacity to be sassy?
          He didn't even hear the rest of what Joel said, didn't even hear Nikolas' too-nice attempt to diffuse the situation. His body acted before there was anything he could do about it. He barely felt himself grab for the drink Nikolas was holding, but suddenly Joels shirt was soaked and the empty cup lay discarded at his feet. Kit turned back to Nikolas and cocked his head.
          "Oh my God I'm so sorry," he said, an obnoxious tone sneaking into his voice. "I thought I heard a huge, annoying wasp buzzing around. They terrify me, you know. Acted before I could think." He looked back at Joel, his eyes sharp, tone even sharper. "Somehow, they always find a way to sting me in the ass."

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 dec 2023 - 18:12 ]


    × 18 × Newbie Gangmember × at the fair w/ Jackie ×



          Ⓑash had zichzelf bijna overtuigd om te zwichten voor de popcorn. Hij kon later altijd de schuld geven aan de drukte en het feit dat het té goed rook. En als zijn aandacht niet door iemand was weggetrokken, had hij zeker ingegeven aan een grote zak.
          Zijn handen schoten al naar voren voor hij zelf helemaal kon beseffen wat er gebeurde en wie er viel. Zodra hij de tijd had om Jackie te herkende, rolde er een lach over zijn lippen.
          Zodra de woorden zijn lippen hadden verlaten wist Jackie zich uit zijn armen te krijgen, en alsnog op de grond te belanden. De jongen duwde zijn lippen hard op elkaar om een lach tegen te houden. Hoewel de kritische frons op haar gezicht het moeilijk maakte. Het meisje blies de haren uit haar gezicht wat niet veel leuk uit te maken.
          “Wil je nu dat ik iets zeg in de aard van “ach, maar dat kan ik toch niet weerstaan” of wil je gewoon even een momentje om me uit te lachen?” sprak Jackie.
          “Het is niet mijn schuld dat het er grappig uitzag, hé,” verdedigde hij zichzelf lachend, terwijl Jackie op haar telefoon typte. “Ter zelfverdediging, als ik dacht dat je veel pijn had - had ik niet gelachen,” voegde hij nog toe, voor hij zijn hand naar haar uitstrekte toen ze klaar leek met typen, om haar overeind te helpen. De grijns weer op zijn lippen te vinden.
          Het meisje keek hem echter enkel met een boze frons aan, hoewel het niet heel overtuigend over kwam op hem. De meeste studenten op hun school konden hem weinig boeien, hij sprak met ze als het nodig was, maar voor de rest kon het hem allemaal gestolen worden. Jackie was een van de weinige waarvan hij haar aanwezigheid juist op prijs kon stellen. Misschien was het omdat het meisje soms zo van een andere planeet leek te komen, en het daardoor alleen maar interessanter was om haar reacties mee te maken.
          Haar aandacht leek te verplaatsen, voor ze hem weer aankeek, de frons enkel dieper.
          Bash zijn ogen schoten naar waar ze naar gekeken had. Zat er iets vies op zijn schoenen of zo? Hij kon niet ontkennen dat hij hele korte paniek voelde toen hij het zakje zag liggen. Hij wist niet hoe het uit zijn jaszak gevallen was, en hij wilde daar ook niet verder bij stilstaan eigenlijk.
          Bash griste het zakje van de grond, en stak deze weer diep in zijn jas zak, de rits nu meteen dicht ritsend zodat het niet nog eens kon vallen. Hij wilde niet weten in wat voor problemen hij zat als hij de drugs kwijt raakte, en hij wilde er vooral niet achter komen.
          Vervolgens stak hij weer zijn hand uit naar Jackie. “Of wil je liever blijven zitten?” vroeg hij. “Dat mag natuurlijk ook, zolang je maar niet verwacht dat ik bij je kom zitten of iets.”


    × local problem child × outfit ×
    × at the fair w/ Joel, Kit and Nikolas ×

    》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《


    》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《

          ℂeleste her gaze wandered around the fairground as she waited in line for the cotton candy stall. She used to love the fair and the entire week full of festivities. Every year she would spend the entire night with Laurel, trying every ride there was and eating way to much sugar. It was basically a tradition.
          It had felt so much like a tradition that Celeste had doubted for days to even attend the fair this year. Somehow it felt like a betrayal go without Laurel. To do the same things with Joel and Jackie now.
          Whenever she was alone now, just watching people pass, she could not help but wonder if Laurel wandered around in their minds as well. Or if people simple were forgetting about her, moving on like she was just another tragedy, that would fade as her missing posters were discarded.
          She shouldn’t have split up from Joel. It was easier to not dwell on her depressed thoughts when she was not alone. And this line was taking way too long, for a cotton candy stall. The girl sighed softly as she grabbed her buzzing phone from her pocket.
          Maybe Jackie’s delay was a sign from whatever-was-up-there, that she should just go home and curl up in her bed for the rest of the night, with a bucket of ice cream she could steal from the kitchen. Because that seemed to be slowly turning into the better option.
          But Celeste took a few deep breaths, that the school counselor she visited once told her to do, before she tried to push her mind away from the sad thoughts so she could give Jackie a proper response.

    To: blue magic worm on a string

    To: blue magic worm on a string
    To: blue magic worm on a string
    dit moet op zijn minst de reunie van one direction zijn
    To: blue magic worm on a string
    anders is het NIET belangrijk genoeg om me te laten wachten
    To: blue magic worm on a string
    zeg tegen harry dat ik met hem wil trouwen pls

          She shoved the phone back in her pocket, as it was finally her turn. The woman behind the small counter gave her a concerning glance, as she ordered two of the biggest size cotton candy’s. The coins nearly rolled over the counter as she tried to count out the change.
          Celeste shoved her small coin wallet back in her pocket, as the woman held out the two sticks with towering cotton candy. She managed to hold both, and not smash them together on accident.
          She truly did not think this through, as she tried to make her way over the fairground. She had to be careful to not hit someone with the soft candy, and have it stick to them, but also still be able to see where she was going. But Celeste was not a quitter.
          Once she reached the ferris wheel she twirled around on her place. Where the fuck did he go. There was no way the drinks would take longer than the candy. If he had wandered off, and just left her like that, she would lock her window tonight and go to sleep with noise canceling headphones on.
          She decided to head to the drinks stand, as she assumed she would find him there. For once she was thankful the man was taller than the Empire State Building. It made it a lot easier to spot him, and spot the empty hands which were most certainly not holding drinks.
          From behind the two cotton candy towers she managed to spot Kit. And she loved to see Kit, she would absolutely be over the moon to see him, as long as he wasn’t near Joel. Was the scenario of just curling up in bed with ice cream still an option or was she doomed for tonight.
          “Joeeeel,” the girl dragged out his name. “I was waiting at the ferris wheel,” she complained, as she held out the cotton candy to him. Her eyebrow shot up a little bit at the sight of the drenched shirt. How many more laundry runs could she do for Joel without her mom noticing the quickly emptying bottles of detergent? They would find out sooner than she hoped at this rate.
          “Kit, why didn’t you tell me you were coming tonight?” Celeste continued, as she turned her attention to the other boy. “I would’ve bought you cotton candy as well,” she smiled. “A smaller one tho, I don’t have enough cash left for another big one.”
          “Oh my god, Mister Angelov,” the words left her lips before she truly realized, as she caught sight of her teacher. Put it next to Joel and Kit together on the list of things she didn’t wanna see, teachers during her summer break. She shot a pressing gaze in Kit’s direction. She truly hoped his text’s weren’t about Mister Angelov, because she could not handle the idea of Kit on a date with her teacher. That simply did not work in her mind.


    [ bericht aangepast op 17 dec 2023 - 0:09 ]


    𝐽 𝑂 𝐸 𝐿      𝐸 𝐿 𝐼 𝐽 𝐴 𝐻      𝐸 𝐿 𝐿 𝐼 𝑆

    I had sent myself out on a very important mission; providing the drinks. It wasn't the first time I got distracted only a few seconds in, and in wouldn't be the last time either. It was something I just couldn't ignore. Or rather someone.
    It was the same person who had occupied my mind often for the last four years. Way longer than that, actually. The only thing that had changed was the way I looked at him. Now that we had estranged, I only seemed to be wanting him more.
    I wanted to forget, but I just couldn't. Everything that made me remotely think of him brought it all back. Sure, we've had our ups and downs. A lot of downs, now that I come to think about it. But our time together was good. It was something that I found myself longing for more intently as time passed.
    And now he was stood there, right in front of me. I didn't even think. My feet suddenly had gotten a life of their own, and moved me closer. The way the annoyingly good-looking stranger had touched Kit his face infuriated me. I knew I had no right of feeling this way, yet I still did. Instead of greeting him like a normal person would have, I decided to recite his own words to him. It wasn't necessarily a smart move, but it sure did feel good.
    “I do not believe we have met, but that’s no way to greet someone.” the tall stranger spoke. I slowly turned my head towards him and raised an eyebrow in the same manner before I looked him up and down. I wasn't talking to him. The sheer audacity.
    "Well, I wasn't talking to you now, was I?" I had never met this man before in my life, and essentially he hadn't done anything wrong, yet I felt the urge to put him in his place.
    Before I could turn to Kit again, I suddenly felt my shirt stick to my skin. My hair fell limp in my face, dripping with whatever liquid it was that was just thrown full force into my face. For a moment I was too stunned to speak. Too stunned to do anything, really.
    I was not the person to let something like that slide. The fact that it was Kit who did it, too, only made it so much worse. Honestly, it was to be expected that something like this would happen eventually. In a way, I knew I probably deserved it. Yet it still made me angry.
    I ground my teeth, sent out a deadly gaze towards the culprit. "I thought I heard a huge, annoying wasp buzzing around. They terrify me, you know. Acted before I could think. Somehow, they always find a way to sting me in the ass." Kit spoke in an annoying manner.
    "Funny, I've never heard you complain about that before." I referred to the many nights we had spent together. The nights I had longed for often. Even more so recently.
    It was probably for the better that Celeste appeared, since I don't know what I would've done if she hadn't come between us.
    I wiped the wet strands of hair out of my face and crossed my arms as I listened to Celeste talking. I scoffed as she finished. "Don't bother, then. We all know Kit doesn't do small. Which is again, quite funny, since it would be quite the opposite of what he states." I smirked, quite conceited.
    "You can't fool me, though." I spoke, moving towards Kit. As I stood behind him, I wrapped my arms around him, letting my fingers dance sensually across his chest as I eyed the stranger at the same time. "I would know, wouldn't I?" I almost whispered, brushing my lips against his ear. I knew exactly what I was doing. I still saw Kit as my territory, and I did not want anyone getting too close. Especially not some handsome, tall stranger who I could see as a possible threat.

    How far is far

    𝐑 𝕀 ℂ ℍ 𝔸 ℝ 𝔻      𝐄 𝕃 𝕃 𝕀 𝕊


    Toespraken geven was niet per se Richard zijn favoriete ding om te doen. Het was niet of hij ze echt reperteerde, hij wist genoeg uit zijn duim te zuigen om zich op een rechtvaardig en gemoedelijke man te laten lijken. Hij wist precies wat hij moest zeggen om de menigte mee te krijgen.
    Het liefst had hij nu voor het haardvuur gezeten met een glas van zijn beste whiskey en een goed gedraaide sigaar, zijn gastpreek van aankomende zondag voor aan het bereiden. In plaats daarvan moest hij nu een dom festival inleiden. Een festival wat de inwoners enkel aanspoorde aan het eind van de avond ergens laveloos in een greppel te liggen. Het betekende allang niet meer waar het ooit voor bedacht was. Net als dat kerst en pasen dat allang niet meer deden.
    Hij was blij toen hij eenmaal hij het applaus had ontvangen van het podium mocht treden. Het enige pluspuntje was dat hij voor een moment alle aandacht over zich had gekregen. Nou ja, bijna alle.
    Net toen hij bijna bij de onderste trede was hoorde hij commotie ontstaan. Hij zette een paar stappen terug omhoog, en stak zijn hoofd tussen het gordijn door om te zien waar het vandaan kwam.
    Als hij niet beter wist had hij bijna gedacht dat er een cloon van zichzelf had gestaan in de verte. De houding, de lengte, de lichaamstaal... Dat kon maar één ding betekenen. Joel had de poppen weer aan het dansen gekregen.
    Hij klemde zijn kaken stijf op elkaar en sloot zijn ogen voor een moment, in een poging zichzelf te kalemeren. Er waren weinig dingen die Richard zo enorm ziedend konden krijgen als Joel dat kon. Het maakte niet uit hoe vaak Richard hem wel niet had gewaarschuwd, Joel had er lak aan. Zelfs nu hij hem uit huis had gebonjourd ging hij nog rustig door. Juist nu Richard had gehoopt dat er eind aan was gekomen.
    En alsof het nog niet erg genoeg was had hij Celeste er ook maar bij betrokken. Richard snapte niet waarom Celeste zich zo in liet met Joel en zijn duivelse levenstijl. Celeste had zoveel potentieel om een nette dame te zijn. Ze was intelligent genoeg om zich erboven te plaatsen. Helaas had ook zij Richard nog nodig om zich op het rechte pad te houden.
    Richard had het al zwaar genoeg met het hele dorp en het hele bedrijf wat hij gaande moest houden. Hij had er helemaal geen tijd voor om politie te moeten gaan spelen bij zijn "kroost".
    Maar dat is toch wat hij deed. Richard had nogal moeite met los laten. Hij wilde dit wan gedrag meteen de kop indrukken.
    Hij streek zijn overhemd glad en trok zijn stropdas recht, alvorens hij op pad ging richting deze zondaars. Hij zal het blijven proberen.
    Het aanbeeld van zijn eigen vlees en bloed wie zijn handen over de borst van de kleine geblondeerde jongen liet glijden wekte een misselijkmakend gevoel op bij Richard. Het was gewoon niet natuurlijk. Het was ronduit beschamend dat het zijn eigen zoon was wie deze show weggaf. Het feit dat hij sprekend om hem leek maakte het allemaal nog zoveel erger. Het feit dat iedereen in dit dorp wist dat Joel zijn zoon was. Het deed lijken of hij akkoord ging met dit onchristelijke gedrag.
    Richard legde zijn hand op Celeste haar schouder en gaf er een kneep in. "Celeste, weet je nog waar we het over hebben gehad? Ik dacht dat je inmiddels wel beter zou weten dan je te laten beïnvloeden door..." hij liet een minachtende blik over Joel en zijn metgezel heengaan. "... dat daar."
    Richard had er simpelweg geen woorden voor. Hij vond het al erg genoeg dat het bestond, laat staan dat het in zijn dorp plaatsvond en dat nota bene zijn zoon er de hoofdrol in speelde. Joel was eigenlijk allang een verloren zaak. Richard had geen eens zin meer zijn moeite er in te steken Joel te beteren. Maar Celeste daarentegen, daar was nog hoop voor. Al maakte bepaalde mensen het hem wel erg lastig.
    Richard mengde zich het liefst niet in wat er zich voor hem afspeelde, al helemaal niet toen hij zag dat er nog een man in het spel was. Wellicht werden de twee jonge heren al gecorrigeerd door iemand, maar toen Richard de man beter bekeek trok hij het in twijfel.
    Het feit dat Joel niet stopte met waar hij mee bezig was en zich steeds meer tegen het lichaam van de kleinere jongen bewoog liet Richard zijn vuisten ballen. Het liet hem zich iedere keer weer opnieuw afvragen waar hij gefaald had in de opvoeding. Richard had zelden iemand gezien wie zoveel zondigde als zijn eigen zoon. En dat maakte hem nog het aller kwaadst.
    "Joel, God sta me bij, het is hier geen hoerentent!" barstte de man uit. Het liefst had hij de jongen aan zijn haren van de ander afgetrokken en had hem een lesje geleerd, was het niet dat er zoveel omstanders waren geweest. Hij had zichzelf zojuist al laten gaan. Hij keek eens rond en schraapte zijn keel, alvorens hij zijn stropdas glad streek.
    Hij kookte nog altijd van woede, maar bevond zich in een lastig parket. Gelukkig voor Richard klonk op dat moment een complex orgelspel uit zijn borstzak. Hij was niet zo heilig dat er engelen rondom hem spontaan begonnen te zingen, dus moest het zijn ringtone wel zijn. Hij zou dat helse kastje nog eens in de rivier gooien.
    "Hier is het laatste woord nog niet over gesproken, jongeman." sprak hij, terwijl hij met een dreigend vingertje wees alvorens hij wegliep van de commotie en een "rustige" plek op zocht.
    Klaarblijkelijk was hij net te laat met het opnemen, waardoor hij een voicemail bericht ontving. Hij speelde deze af, om er achter te komen dat deze afkomstig was van Vincent.
    Waar Richard dacht dat hij niet kwader kon worden, had Vincent het zojuist voor elkaar gekregen. Hij twijfelde dan ook geen seconde en belde de blaaskaak terug. Wie dacht hij wel niet dat hij was. Ronduit respectloos.

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 dec 2023 - 23:43 ]

    How far is far

    ·· ·· · ·

    ·· ·· · ·
    @THE FAIR ·

    You blossom under
    don't ―      y o u?


    After their interruption, Nikolas had warned the young one to be respectful of others in his salutation to others. What he got in return was a raised eyebrow.
          ‘Well, I wasn't talking to you now, was I?’
          With a straight back, and one hand loosely in the pocket of his pants, his eye contact was unwavering. ‘But I was talking to you. That's why I addressed you, did I not?’ He spoke, somewhat languidly—as if he communicated with a simpleton who couldn't otherwise understand basic English. After all, seeing how he addressed others, it seemed this was how he wanted to be treated himself. Opening his mouth to continue one's words, his companion had grabbed his drink in a moment's time, and dumped it over the stranger's frame—audibly telling him off. Nikolas couldn't help but snicker. Amusingly quirked an eyebrow at Kit as well, relieved that he could take care of himself. Though, he hadn't quite doubted that. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why he had caught his attention.
          What followed was a sequence of bizarre happenings—one of his students, Celeste, appeared out of thin air and another man, whom he recognized as the mayor, yelled against the stranger. Apparently appearing to be the boy's father. A well-established man like him should know how to handle it with dignity, right? Especially in the presence of people and to his own blood. How else did he become mayor if not for one's skill to keep composure?
          After the man left, Nikolas turned to the one entangled around Kit. ‘You are the Mayor’s son, I thought I recognized you from somewhere. Yes, the conceited mannerisms, the insecure gaze, the need to control others—it fits.’ He frowned a bit, as if in deep thought, before continuing. ‘You should release him. I don’t think he finds it all that enjoyable, and this attitude surely won’t help you improve your bond—whatever that is.’
          The sound of his phone made him raise his eyebrows in confusion, reading a certain message that had been sent to him. It was from his contact whom he couldn’t reach earlier. Seems something happened, and he wants to meet someplace else. Nikolas turned to Kit in an instant, a soft glow in his forest-green eyes. ‘I have to leave, but it was a pleasure meeting you, Kit.’ Taking his hand, he pressed a quick kiss upon it. ‘Until next time.’ Then, in passing, he greeted Celeste as well. ‘Celeste, I’ll see you in class next time. Have a nice evening.’
          And he disappeared into the crowd of people.

    [ bericht aangepast op 7 jan 2024 - 15:46 ]

    [ heaven knows ]


    I want to rule it all - The woods- with Evangelina and Jack

    Mijn hart stond even still toen ik de naam zag op mijn mobieltje. Richard belde terug. Ik was onderweg naar het begon van het bos toen ik stilstond. Me even een klein jongetje voelend in veel te grote schoenen.
    Ik nam even een diepe teug adem, schraapt mijn keel en drukte op het groen telefoontje. Waar dit één van de normaalste zaken was in mijn dagdagelijkse leventje – vaak gepaard met het “You are speaking to Vincent Madden, with what can i help you?” was het nu met een ietswat gejaagde stem.
    “Richard- Good god thanks for Calling back I-“ voor ik echter verder kon met mijn business partner in te lichten over wat er gaande was, beet de man me toe.
    “Calling you back? That was supposed to be a call? The only thing I heard was you screaming bloody murder at me! Need I dare to remind you what happened the last time you raised your voice at me? “ meteen slikte ik, de man was ijskoud aan de andere kant van de lijn en veel inbeeldingsvermogen had ik niet nodig om de neerkijkende blik in zijn koude poelen te gissen…Wetnd dat zijn teleurstelling in me even diep stak als mijn vaders denigrrende woorden die hij altijd naar me toegooide als ik niet goed genoeg bleek in zijn ogen.
    “Sir I-“ ik slikte nogmaals al herpakte ik mezelf snel, betekende dat ik zijn kostbare tijd aan het verspillen was. “I’m sorry sir- but we have a Summer on our candy case... and I fear for another problem.” Vervolgde ik mezelf kalm houdend. Richard was laaiend, maar we besloten morgen in zijn kantoor af te spreken- wetende dat dit geen zakens waren om over de telefoon te bespreken. “I’m getting the ‘season’ problem under control Sir-“ daarna hoorde ik de telefoon aan de andere kant van de lijn neergegooid worden. Wetende dat ik morgen een geen al t blije Richard tegenover me ging hebben.
    Daarna draaide ik het naamplaatje van de grond en trok richting Eva, waar het probleem me al zat op te wachten..

    (sorry dit stukkie is NL de rest wordt Engels ecusi)
    After the call I could feel my hands shake even worse then before, wanting to destroy everything that lied in my path just for a moment- but realised that I perhaps already had. Richard would kill me if I gave the nametag to Summers- him granting evidence that may or may not have to do with the business we had. But I couldn’t- I’ve had grown tired of lying to Eva and simply telling the sherrif that my wife was hallucinating as for a second my brain had tought to do- my heart couldn’t bear it. So I took the nametag in my trembling hands and sought for Eva who’m already was in the prescence of our Sherrif.
    ‘Summers’ I greeted with a simple nod, before showing him my muddied hands with the havend piece of metal in it. Telling him a white lie that we hoped our prints didn’t tamper with the ‘evidence’. Conflicted by my own feelings I at one hand had hoped that the murder of my poor Niece could be solved… I loved my brother, we were bounded by blood and his daughter also had a piece of my heart even if we weren’t super close. I didn’t wish dead upon anyone… I didn’t want to see Eva hurt and having her go trough everything since Cain… Which.. was also my fault.
    Yet- I put my fingerprints on the tag, I had to after Eva clawed ir out of the mud- her emotions overtaking as the touched it first. I was no true crime expert- but knew that with that action alone al believeability could be thrown out of the window. Eva her print could lead to her being a suspect. So I put my fingers on the item too. Grabbed it fully in my hand until Jack bagged it. Not only out of fear that this evidence could have prints of anyone that coud link to the business. But out of love for Eva too. If she had to testify so would I.
    "I'll be the judge of that,” the self proclaimed sherrif muttered wich made my jaws clench a bit tighter. This man was a thorn in my eye- not only being able to unfold al my wrongduoings but just seeing him holding Eva that didn’t help me with mending my brick wall that had cracked a mere minutes ago. It felt like everything I still had slipped trough my vingers as droplets of sand wanting to count the seconds I had left.
    Knowing it would all end soon. My son, my marriage, my job, my friends.. Why was he pestering me this way? Not only after putting the plastic bag in his pocket but then holding Eva’s hands made me want to explode. Al those emotions that I had contained for years trying to sip out of the cracks in my wall that seem to split further and furter.
    Grinding my teeth I sniffed not really approving of what I saw but not disrupting Eva as she spoke.
    “We discovered it near Laurel’s . . . where she was found. It must mean something, right?” Without thinking, her hands grabbed his tightly, a slight sliver of hope in her otherwise spiritless orbs. “Right?”
    "It could mean loads of things. But I think it's possibly a substantial clue. I'll make sure it gets to the bureau safely, so we can investigate further."
    “Don’t mind me”, she whispered, “it might — it might not mean anything, I understand that. But I can’t stand this feeling of injustice when two —” I looked up to Eva and her brown eyes caught mine for a moment- I didn’t need to know the words that she not only meant Tobi’s daughter… but our son aswell. As Jack held her hands I looked away, only to look up again, when she had freed hers to made ours touch.
    It was not like we intertwined- it was not as al my mistakes got fixed and brushed off. But it was a simple touch her hand shielding my bloodie knuckles for she didn’t need answers of them right now but it was her willing to lend me a moment to gain her trust back.
    Her willing to advocate her worries and mine aswell. “Nothing is okay, Jack. People keep disappearing, Laurel died, and people have suffered enough. When will it end? Vincent and I are still dealing with the loss of Cain, we can’t take another one. We needs answers. Closure. Anything. Please — please, promise me you’ll give our family that. Currently, Tobi above all. In a world of sunshine, his darkened.”
    Her words made my heart grow heavy as if I was carrying two tons of lead in my chest barely able to move anymore. There were wounds that I couln’dt seem to close how hard I even tried to cover them up. Patching things on there to close that gap but never allowing it to scar.
    "Eva, believe me, I will do everything that's in my might to solve this. You'll have to take my word for it."
    I looked up at Jack biting my tongue- not daring to say ‘Like you solved who ran over our son’- But I didn’t. Summers was a jerk, so was I but I didn’t need to eplain my dislike for him as for now i didn’t want to put much attention on myself.
    “Thank you Sherrif Summers.” I ‘politly’ eclaimed yet my eyes flickerd with a hint of jealousy. “For if you don’t mind. I would like to return home now. I’ve..- I’ve to process some things.” I cleared my troath and looked down- no I looked at my lovely Eva. “Can I bring you with me Lina? I want to take a look at your kns, see if I can tend to the scratches?” I offered, gently toucing her pinky with mine. “Or I can bring you to your hotelroom?”

    In this game of chess there was no black or white. It all seemed gray- pawn against pawn fighting against the ones who opposed losing themselves in a game of the mind. And I saw Knights attacking , towers crumbing , bishops going sideways to protect what they could taking away the smaller pawn who had no intention of this war that had nothing to to with them in the first place.

    In the end All that was left was me- I was no Knight- no definitely not. I was merely a smal pawn in a plan that was doomed to sacrifice me. That I only realised now. Having to defend either my King- because losing him would mean the end of the game that I was playing since I was merely a young kid who knew nothing of the rules that lead this word. But defending my king would mean losing my Queen.
    My everything that danced around the board no rules applied to her as she could do all. As she was my all.
    But she had become a piece of this game she was forced to play- a game where I would lose her either way. For not protcting het would mean I’ve won but at what cost?

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 jan 2024 - 15:42 ]

    I caught a golden trout! But the real treusure? Friendship - ACNH

    𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟 | 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕚𝕣 | 𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕙

    Het ontging Jackie niet hoe snel Bash reageerde op haar blik. Ze keek hem even argwanend aan, dacht na of ze er iets over wilde zeggen. Maar toen was het zakje weg en stak er opnieuw een hand in haar gezichtsveld en was het moment voorbij. Ze voelde een knoop in haar maag en wist niet echt wat die haar precies probeerde te zeggen. Was ze bezorgd? Om Bash en wat hij aan het uitspoken was? Of omdat ze nu al wist dat ze er niets meer van zou zeggen en dus eigenlijk soort van haar vader hiermee verraadde? Hij had haar geleerd om altijd eerlijk te zijn; om iets te zeggen wanneer ze illegale dingen zag. Jackie was het gewoon om geheimen te bewaren, maar het werd moeilijker wanneer die in het vaarwater van haar aangeleerde principes kwamen.
          "Of wil je liever blijven zitten?" vroeg Bash. Jackies wenkbrauwen hielden niet op met fronsen. "Dat mag natuurlijk ook, zolang je maar niet verwacht dat ik bij je kom zitten."
          Die opmerking deed een glimlach aan Jackies mondhoek trekken, ook al probeerde ze die tegen te houden. Ze gebaarde even rond zich. "Toch een fijne plek om even in het gras te zitten," zei ze gewoontjes. Uiteindelijk nam ze toch zijn hand aan, trok ze zichzelf overeind en veegde ze even haar achterwerk af, hopend dat er geen vieze grasstrepen op haar broek zaten. Daar had ze geen behoefte aan.
          Ze draaide zich even terug naar Bash, deed haar mond open om iets te zeggen, twijfelde en sloot hem weer. Ze draaide zich om om weg te lopen, maar stopte zichzelf opnieuw. "Doe gewoon voorzichtig, oké?" flapte ze er uiteindelijk uit. Hé. Waar kwam dat vandaan? Zat ze nu echt met Bash' illegale escapades in? Jackie was niet iemand die snel bezorgd werd. Ze snapte niet goed wat er aan de hand was, waarom haar lichaam zo gereageerd had op het zien van het zakje drugs. Ofja, ze dacht toch dat het drugs was. Ze zag niet echt in waarom Bash met een zak bloem of bloemsuiker zou rondlopen, dus dan leken er voor haar weinig andere opties mogelijk.
          Jackie bestudeerde hem heel even en kruiste haar armen beschermend over haar borst. "Ik had afgesproken met Celeste, dus..." zei ze, met een gênante ondertoon in haar stem.

    [ bericht aangepast op 28 jan 2024 - 13:21 ]


    ♦      ♦      ♦
    FIND ME—     

          Where the       w i l d      things are.❞

          ♡ ♡      ♥ ♥ ♥      ♡ ♡


    the fun-loving baker

    w. Vincent @ Bakery

    Staring down at her hands, she nodded—perfectly aware of what he meant. Still, she wished for it to be tangible evidence, a confirmation for better times ahead. Every little piece of information could help, but she wanted to do more. Know more. Find out more. This all played with her sanity, and she already felt like going crazy—seeing hallucinations of deceased loved ones and almost being hit by a car. . . Perhaps Vincent was right, he had made sure that time and time again, she kept her feet on the ground. Her nature was impetuous, untamed, and it gotten her into trouble loads of times. But you don’t turn your back on family nor the things you believe in. And she wasn’t about to do that now. Laurel would want her loved ones to fight, to persist, to take care of each other. That girl was a warrior—she would’ve made it anything but easy for her kidnapper. Nevertheless, any traces or injuries that she may have caused could be long gone—it had been weeks. If there was anything to find, the police should’ve found them already or mother nature had taken it with her.
          ‘Thank you’, she whispered, her voice soft but stable, ‘I know you will do everything in your power to solve this, Jack. But I’m no fool.’ Her gaze found his in a calm, confident manner. ‘I know that sometimes people get away with unforgivable deeds. Horrible deeds that leave people traumatized for years. I’m asking you to not let that happen. There is something bigger going on, all these disappearances and murders. . . Sommervale isn’t what it used to be. I’m afraid of who’s next—and I shudder to think that it may be another of my loved ones. I do not care much about my own being, but. . .’ She shook her head, turning her face downward and pressing her lips tight to push back any tears. Though the sorrow had seeped through one’s voice. ‘don’t let it be them.’ Without realizing it, her grip had tightened around Vince’s hand, her free hand grasping his as well. If anything should happen to either Tobi or Vincent, Evangelina would no longer be able to function. Vincent might be a grade-A prick, but he was still the father of her child.
          Perking up a little, out of dark thoughts, she heard her husband thank him as well—though she knew him well enough to recognize something troubled his waters. And demons got hold of him, more than he could handle. She needed to talk to him, and best be quick about it. ‘For if you don’t mind. I would like to return home now. I’ve…—I’ve to process some things. Can I bring you with me Lina? I want to take a look at your knees, see if I can tend to the scratches? Or I can bring you to your hotel room?’ Meeting his spheres, she tried to delve into the woes that were his, sighing softly. Evangelina did not understand when exactly, but as his pinkie touched hers, she realized she must’ve released him unconsciously. Thinking back to their argument earlier, would it be a wise choice to go back? Swallowing the lump in her throat, she then nodded slightly, lenient to his offer.
          ‘Okay—I’ll go with you. But I want to show Jack where we found it first. Do you want to get the car in the meantime?’ To give him some kind of solace, she fastened her pinkie around his, not wanting him to spin out completely. If he’d have brought her to her motel room, he would know where to find her in the future, and she wasn’t up for that. Not yet. Maybe not ever. Not even Tobi knew where to find her—and she’d like to keep it that way. Seeing his expression, it seemed strained and calmed at the same time.

          Instead of replying to her, he asked, ‘Where are your shoes?’ His voice soft, tinged with a slight worry. And if she could sunk her toes in the dirt underneath, she would, but it was concrete and solid. Yet, she curled her lips in a soft (yet tired) smile when he offered to show Jack in place of her. Stroking her finger over his hand, she shook her head in a calm manner.
          ‘That’s not necessary. Get the car, Vincent. I promise, I will come.’ When he offered his shoes, she raised her brows. ‘I’d rather you wear it, I’ll only trip over them. Don’t worry, I’ll be back before you know it.’ Even if her voice had sounded stable, demanded him really, it had gentle tones as well—confirming this by gently nodding. Go on, her eyes told him, it's okay. Speaking to her husband in a certain manner had become a habit of knowing what to say and to do, and how to act to achieve a goal. Calculating perhaps, draining most definitely, but she understood that some things should be handled in a specific way to avoid conflict.
    As expected, he wasn’t quite pleased with it. His mouth seemed crooked pressed together as wariness clouded his stare, then slowly bent down to give his wife a kiss on the cheek. Walking away, he looked back once before continuing on—retrieving the car which Evangelina instructed.
          ‘Hurry’, she whispered to Jack, taking his arm and pulling him into the woods towards the place of interest. Stopping there, she turned to face him. ‘Here it is.’ Covering her face with her hands for a mere moment, she sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. She was all out of gas. ‘Listen, I didn’t tell Vincent, but I recognize the tag. At the diner, all waitresses wear the same. Laurel, Celeste, and I all have shifts there. Celeste and her must’ve switched it, like the silly girls that they are. Like any profession, we also have our fair share of dealing with difficult customers—it might be worth looking into. I remember there being some who were unwilling to pay, some might get handsy on the waitresses, or demand another meal because what they received was not to their liking. In any case, Celeste needs to be protected. And questioned—she might know something.’ It wasn’t a case of Vincent knowing, rather of him judging her every action and words. He thought she was mad already, not taking her seriously, she didn’t want to feed into it any further.
          Avoiding Summers’ form, her face turned ashen—thinking back to Laurel and all moments they shared together. Biting her lower lip, her voice trembled, ‘Please keep me up-to-date about the case. If there’s anything else you need, anything at all, tell me. I want to help in whichever way possible. And,’ she hesitated, ‘I mean no disrespect, but I hope you came as the Sheriff. I am grateful for all that you have done, and I do understand this job works rather consuming—both energy and time. Yet, if there are any feelings involved—I’m sorry if I gave you a wrong impression in any way. Whatever it was, let’s end it. Tobi and Vincent need me. Have you. . . talked with him lately? Tobias, I mean. I haven’t seen him in over a week. . . How is he doing, in your opinion?’
          Time enough, however, they did not have. In the distance, she could hear his car pull up and it would only be a matter of time that he searched for her. ‘I must go, but again, thank you for everything. Take care, Jack.’ As she stepped backwards, she smiled apologetic before turning on her heels and rushing towards the unmistakable sounds of the car.


    the same again
          ‘Ouch’, rolled over her lips, feeling a sharp stab pierce through her right feet, ‘ayosmio, this too?’ Limping, she hopped over to the wooden bench, trying her best to avoid other scrapings on the street. With the festivities, there was bound to be garbage as almost everyone dumped it. Taking out a small piece of glass, Evangelina clenched her jaw painfully when seeing red and brown mix together. ‘Lina!’ Looking up, her eyes spotted her husband dashing for her, a worried expression on his otherwise stern face. Without any warning, he scooped her up, and carried her until they reached the car.
          ‘Vince, please, don’t be ridiculous. I can walk by myself, it’s just a small cut.’ And besides, she didn’t quite believe he actually cared. After all, there were more than enough times she needed him and he was nowhere to be found. ‘Can we stop by the bakery? I forgot my phone there’, she asked, averting her face so as to not be persuaded by him again. To not be intoxicated by his cologne nor the face she knew so very well. Every little crinkle was a line she used to trace with her fingers, kissing every (im)perfection—though it seemed another world now. She wrinkled her nose. Him being so familiar with her after not having seen each other for at least 6 months really put a number on her.
          When Vincent placed her on the passenger seat, she let her feet hover inches from the ground—not wanting to taint anything. As he did so, he frowned. Evangelina tried her best to ignore it. ‘What were you doing without your phone, running in the street?’
          ‘I don’t know, Vincent’, she snapped, ‘Maybe I was hoping you’d run me over. At least then I wouldn’t have to feel like this anymore.’ Heaving a deep sigh immediately after, she scrubbed a hand over her face. ‘Look, I’m sorry. . . I don’t wanna get into this. Let’s just go to the bakery, okay?’ With pained expression, she slammed the door shut, looking out the window until she read the well-known brand For Goodness Cake. Opening the car door, her mind calculated the distance between the two doors—standing on one foot to take a chance. However, she couldn’t even jump once or she’s swept off her feet once more. Vincent apparently didn’t enjoy playing games now either. Which he made clear by opening the door, ignoring her as she demanded him to put her down, and walking straight towards the counter.
          ‘Wait, wait, wait, Vince, my phone, my phone’, Evangelina repeated, wriggling around in his arms to get him in the direction of her target—laying on a shelf in the opposite way. ‘Over there. Go that way. No—that way.’ She pointed, her eyes big and as innocent as possible whilst grabbing the thing and checking if it was charged whilst Vincent put her down on the counter.
          ‘Uh, yes’, lightly muttered, answering his question about the EHBO-kit, and staring down at her phone, ‘there should be one in my office.’ Battery was barely alive, much like herself—hanging on to a thin thread, so if she wanted to call, she should do it now. ‘I guess I'll just wait here.’ With a shrug, her gaze watched her husband’s retreating form—only then dialing Tobi’s number.
          ‘Hey Eva. Ah shit, I forgot to let you know that I am not home right now. Sorry, I hope you didn’t panic when you arrived. …Is everything okay? Do I need to come??’
          ‘Hey, Tobes.’ Talking with him felt natural, comfortable and without pretenses, it was something she needed now more than ever. Nonetheless, hearing his rough tones, Evangelina understood she must be the one committed, and attempted to ease her breathing. Ignoring the pain in her foot as best she could, she looked around. ‘Oh, no, don't worry, you don't have to come’, responding almost immediately, a soothing tone in her voice. She didn’t want him to concern himself with her troubles, nor have his mind plagued with others. The only thing he needed at the moment was tenderness and understanding.

          ‘Actually, I called to tell you something came up. Meet up tomorrow? There's something I need to share with you, too. I'll bring some treats—what are you in for? I can bring and make everything you want.’ A giggle, heartfelt yet gingerly, left her lips. In fact, she was relieved to hear he was somewhere else but at home right now. It means progress—babysteps.
          She laughed breezily, her features softened listening to Tobi’s wish—raspberry cookies. ‘Consider it done.’ Knowing he’d ask for this before he even had answered, a wistful expression shimmered in her amber-colored spheres. After all, they were Laurel’s favorite baked goods. ‘Oh, Tobi, I must say, it feels really good hearing your voice. . .’ Her smile turned watery, she hadn’t seen him in a week at least. And even though she respected his every decision, it somehow felt rather powerless as well—not doing anything for him. Though, the laughter and background noise distracted her, as she could feel her eyebrows knit together. ‘Wait, where are you? It’s kinda rowdy in the background.’ She didn’t even think of asking at first, if he had wanted to tell her—he would. Smiling softly, she became well aware of how much she could hear him talk all day. Swaying her legs slightly on the counter, her eyes skimmed the goods and cabinets, her senses occupying itself with the ingredients for his wish.
          ‘Yeah, Jack and I were heading to the bar but he had an urgent meeting so I’m already there. Hey, maybe you could join later if you’re free?’ Her legs stopped swaying. Now she truly was confused. Pausing before she’d even reply, her mind boggled. Why would Jack leave that out? Perhaps she needed to inquire about it, giving him the benefit of the doubt yet a dark, foreboding feeling settled in her stomach.
          ‘Mhm?’ Blinking, the frown between her eyebrows settled deeper. She almost felt like Vincent when reading work-related stuff. ‘You. . . I. . .?’ Evangelina wanted to be truthful right then and there, share with him what happened, but. . . But. She paused. In hindsight, it might not be such a swell idea, knowing Tobi might get distraught. ‘I'd love to join later, if it still can. You know I'll make time for you.’ Thoughts raced through her, emotions overtaking her soul. As warm-hearted as possible, she softly asked, ‘Hey, Tobi? If you needed me, you’d tell me, right?’
          ‘Of course.’ His voice was soft, and she sighed in satisfaction before she could stop it. Sweet fragrances of cinnamon and vanilla drafted through the air, a warm blanket on a cold winter day—a pleasant drink on a hot summer day. It invoked memories of better times, moments that seemed stolen at the present. ‘Even if I don’t, you always seem to know’, he chuckled softly, ‘You let me know too alright? Take care, Eva.’
          ‘I will’, she hummed, a promise that was fathomed without words, too, ‘enjoy your night. And Tobes? Don’t forget—cuídate mucho por mí, cariño. Call me when you need me.’ (look after yourself for me/take good care of yourself for me) Closing her eyes, she tipped her head backwards, hanging up. Where is Vincent with that kit, anyway? It doesn't take that long to look for something.
          ‘Vincent, have you found it? And can you take my slippers with you?’

    [ bericht aangepast op 8 feb 2024 - 17:45 ]

    [ heaven knows ]

    Kit Hall
    26 | BAR | NIKO

          "Funny, I've never heard you complain about that before," Joel quick-wittedly replied, making Kit raise his eyebrows, widen his eye - proof that he was, actually, impressed with the comeback. He would've laughed if the sight of Joel didn't piss him off so much. He opened his mouth to snap right back at him, but suddenly two towers of cotton candy showed up, dragging Celeste behind them.
          "Joeeeel," she said, and Kit wondered if this was an attempt at diffusing the situation. "I was waitng at the ferris wheel." She handed him one of the towers of cotton candy and turned to Kit. "Kit, why didn't you tell me you were coming tonight?" she started off a ramble. "I would've bought you cotton candy as well. A smaller one, though, I don't have enough cash left for another big one. Oh my god, Mister Angelov..."
          "Don't bother, then. We all know Kit doesn't do small," Joel interrupted her. Kit crossed his arms, inspecting his nails as if he had nothing better to do. He was clearly agitated, though, waiting for Joel to finish his little charade. "Which is again, quite funny, since it would be quite the opposite of what he states."
          "Clearly you are compensating for something," Kit mumbled between his teeth, not paying attention as Joel moved closer. He jumped when he felt the latter's arms around him - had to stop himself from not leaning backwards when he felt that familiar body against his own.
          "You can't fool me, though," he said, quietly. Kit's body turned rigid, and he wasn't sure if it was anger or something else. He stared down at Joels hands - those damn familiar hands - blinked and weighed his options. Was he fast enough to bite Joel's arm? Kick him in the balls? Stomp him on the toe?
          His heart skipped a beat when he felt Joel's lips brushing his ear, his breath stroking down his neck. Something hitched in his throat, something burned behind his eyes.
          "I would know, wouldn't I?" Joel whispered possessively - and suddenly, all Kit wanted to do was cry. He felt trapped, felt that hot wave of betrayal flashing through his chest again. It completely paralysed him - so much so that he wasn't even aware of the mayor's accusatory words, of the small exchange with Niko, or of the latter's kind words to Kit himself, nor the kiss on the back of his hand, which was hanging limp at his side. Suddenly it was just him and Joel, Celeste hidden behind her candy mountains, and Kit had to force himself to come back to the present, to move, to frantically push Joel away from him like he was a disease. He turned around, barely aware of what his own body was doing, didn't even notice when he slapped Joel across the face but only felt the sting on his fingertips, only heard the echo of the slap. He couldn't bear to meet Joel's eyes, was too focused on his heaving breath to still do anything remotely sensible.
          "Fuck you," was the only thing he managed, his voice high-pitched and out of breath. He didn't want to cry. He wouldn't cry - not here. So Kit turned on his heel and strutted away in long strides, forcing himself not to run for the woods on the edge of town. He didn't know where he was going - all he knew was that he was desperate for alcohol.


    [ bericht aangepast op 10 feb 2024 - 12:35 ]


    𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕀𝕔𝕪 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤

          Every mile Mia drove to her old village felt like her heart was pounding harder and harder. She didn’t want to go back — not after what they did to her, while she knew she wasn’t the only one who was wronged there. Mia left her hometown, leaving her father alone. She tried a lot to convince him to move with her, out of this town and make a new start, but her father didn’t give in. He had ties here, at least that was what he said. And now she came back, but to a sick father.
          Mia saw the sign for Sommervale and realized she had to drive 5 more miles. Perfect. She turned on the radio to listen to one of her favorite songs, ensuring that she wouldn't be overthinking about the scenarios she might encounter when facing the familiar faces she wanted to avoid. The more she drove into the village, the more police cars she saw. That’s weird.
          She was driving automatically to her home. At some point, she didn’t even realize she was driving and wondered how she arrived so fast. She told her father that she would be here Saturday, so he wouldn’t be waiting for her at the door because she knew he felt alone and wanted company.
          Mia wasn’t surprised to see the lights off when she opened the door. Her father’s keys hung in the key box, indicating he was home. Mia left her bags in the car to sneak around the house quietly. Even though two years had passed, not much had changed except for the unbearable smell that lingered. Her eyes were searching for the source to throw away, but she didn’t find one. Cleaning the house would have to wait until tomorrow.
          Her legs made their way to her father's room. Despite the closed door, his loud snoring filled the house. Still, Mia decided to peek in and see how he was doing. His snoring didn’t even falter when she opened the squeaky door. Taking in the sight of her father, she notices that he lost some weight which made worried her a bit. Memories of her mother flooded back as she closed the door, leaving her lost in thought for a moment.
          Mia made her way to the kitchen, a familiar path. Normally, it would be stocked with booze. Her father could have stopped drinking after the autopsy. A sad breath escaped her lips. The urge to drive back was strong, but the desire to drown her sorrows in alcohol was stronger. She knew she couldn’t stay at home forever. The keys she had hidden in her pocket were useful again for the night. She decided she could also do some grocery shopping since her father didn't have much at home, and it would be a pleasant surprise for him to see his daughter making breakfast. Closing the door slowly behind her, Mia headed to her car.
          As if she hadn’t already driven enough, she started the car and made a U-turn. The nearest store was a ten-minute walk away, but she was afraid of running into familiar faces. After about three minutes of driving, she parked her car. Mia didn’t know where she got the energy from, after driving for so many hours, but she got out of the car as if her knees didn’t hurt. With a simple click, she locked the car and entered the store, grabbing a shopping cart.
          The store was nice and quiet, likely because most people had gone to the festival. Thinking about encountering the people who had gossiped about her made her stomach churn. She took a deep breath, finally releasing the tension she had been holding in for a while. Her eyes were fixed on the snacks aisle but she didn’t have much of an appetite and was about to head back to her car and — Oh, a new chip flavor she hadn’t tried before. Intrigued, she scanned the product and placed it in her shopping cart.
          As she continued scanning the shelf, looking for more snacks, it was as if she hadn’t glanced down earlier. Lost in thought, she pushed her cart forward, her focus solely on the snacks. Suddenly, she felt the cart bump to a stop, the handle pressing into her stomach. “Ah.” Mia’s eyes madly searched for the cause, only to find a woman sitting on the ground. It took a moment for Mia to realize that she had accidentally bumped into her while the woman was crouched down looking at a product. “Oh my God.” Mia quickly covered her mouth with her hand, feeling a wave of shock and self-hatred wash over her. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry.”

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 feb 2024 - 7:50 ]

    × 18 × Newbie Gangmember × at the fair w/ Jackie Kit ×



          𝔹ash was nog meer opgelucht dan normaal dat Jackie niet iemand was die vragen stelde. Want dat kon hij er niet ook nog bij hebben, vragen beantwoorden en de echte antwoorden ontwijken. Al helemaal niet van de dochter van de sheriff.
          Het zakje zat snel weer veilig in zijn zak, zo weggestopt dat hij het niet nogmaals kon laten vallen. Hij twijfelde heel kort nog of hij iets moest zeggen, iets om in ieder geval duidelijk te maken dat ze hier niks over kon zeggen. Maar met het risico dat ze dan wel vragen ging stellen, besloot hij het volledig te negeren, beter te doen alsof er niks gebeurd was.
          In plaats daarvan stak hij zijn hand weer naar haar uit, en liet hij zijn lippen weer in een grijns krullen. Het was dan ook een opluchting om de bescheiden glimlach om het meisje haar lippen te zien, voor ze in de rondte gebaarde.
          “Toch een fijne plek om even in het gras te zitten,” sprak Jackie, en het liet Bash kort lachen, voor hij haar overeind hielp. Zodra het meisje weer met beide benen op de grond stond schoof hij zijn handen in zijn broekzakken.
          Als het meisje niet zo duidelijk had getwijfeld, was Bash misschien al doorgelopen. Vooral met de telefoon die in zijn zak trilde. Maar nu was hij alleen maar meer nieuwsgierig naar wat haar plannen waren
          “Doe gewoon voorzichtig, oké?” sprak ze, en dat was misschien wel het laatste wat hij had verwacht. De jongen zijn wenkbrauw schoot wat vragend omhoog. Hij wist voor een paar tellen niet goed te antwoorden.
          “Altijd,” sprak hij uiteindelijk met de glimlach weer op zijn lippen. Hij haatte het als mensen zich zorgen maakte, of er ook maar op hinte dat ze dat deden. Hij wist nooit hoe hij dat weg moest nemen.
          “Ik had afgesproken met Celeste, dus..” sprak Jackie, haar armen over elkaar geslagen.
          “Dan zal ik je niet langer ophouden. Je mag mij de volledige schuld geven als je nu te laat bent,” sprak Bash. Hij trok zijn jas wat recht. “Veel plezier nog,” glimlachte hij vervolgens, voor hij de andere kant opliep. De jongen haalde de prehistorische telefoon uit zijn zak, kort het berichtje lezend.
          Bash maakte zijn weg over het festival. Hij had verwacht dat alles moeilijker zou gaan met de drukte, maar maybe dat door de hoeveelheid mensen juist iedereen minder zag. Hij wist alleen nog steeds niet zeker of hij comfortabeler was met drugs op zak of een stapel cash geld. Of dat zoiets ooit zou wennen. Hij hoopte stiekem van niet.
          Bash had net een onaangestoken sigaret tussen zijn lippen toen zijn blik viel op iemand die té hard liep om het naar zijn zin te hebben op de fair. Het koste Bash geen seconde om Kit te herkennen.
          “Hey,” wist hij uit te brengen terwijl hij Kit’s arm vast pakte om de jongen tegen te houden, voor hij voorbij gelopen zou worden. Hij bestudeerde zijn broer kort, maar er leek een mix van emoties te spelen waardoor Bash het niet precies wist in te schatten. Hij wist wel zeker dat Kit geen goede avond had tot nu toe.
          “Wil je een stukje lopen?” opperde Bash daarom, om hem zelf te laten kiezen of hij in de drukte van het festival wilde blijven of juist de rust opzoeken.


    Leila Brinsley

    Driving into Sommervale turned out to be a holy mess. Everywhere she looked were either throngs of people, carts or attractions. Not to mention all the cops and roadblocks swarming the town. If the circus was in town, she'd rather get a heads-up to avoid it. Jack hadn't mentioned anything in particular, but she sure was curious about what he meant when he asked for help.
          Swirling her car around, she managed to stop in time before another vehicle crashed into hers. Punching the horn, she cussed loudly, letting them know what she thought about it. Why did she come to Sommervale again? Right—because of that. Leila sighed, parked the car closest to the store as possible, and scanned the perimeter. Just in and out, Leila, you'll be done in no time.
          Doing groceries was one of her least favorite pastimes in life, but she had to get food. She just managed to settle in her new place today, which meant a lot of unopened boxes, no provision, and a growling stomach. Knowing herself, she'll be working until late, forgetting everything and everyone, so she had to get something. Better yet, buy sustenance for the whole month.
          As she got a cart, walking through various aisles and dropping in specific things on her (enormous) grocery list, she frowned. Where the heck was the snack aisle in this store? Eliminating them one by one, the woman wasn't about to ask for directions—she'd rather do it herself. Always been that way. And even if there weren't a lot of people, just the way she liked it, she didn't enjoy interacting. Only if it actually proved of use to her (in some way or another).
          Ducking to one of the lower shelves, Leila grabbed the last package of cheese sticks—only to get rammed by another cart. She cursed. Rubbing the painful spot on the side of her face, and checking the culprit with a fairly agitated look in her eyes. “Oh my God”, the perpetrator started, covering her mouth with one hand, “Are you okay? I’m so sorry.”
          “What do you think?” It was a metaphorical question. Sighing, she seized her snacks of choice again. “So, now the folk of Sommervale drive their shopping carts into newcomers, too?” Even if her voice had sounded rather accusatory, her lips curled in a small snicker. “Don't bother, I imagine you want to get out of here quickly as well.” Finding her balance, she stood straight, eyeballed the woman’s cart and snagged a mix for pasta between her groceries. “Hey, where did you get this? I looked everywhere!”

    [ heaven knows ]