• ̷ᗯEᒪᑕOᗰE
    to      Sommervale

          Somewhere, tucked away in America, there's a quaint town called Sommervale. It's the perfect place for those who want to escape the noise of the big city.
          Or those who want to bury their secrets.

    Here, we do not judge you for your past actions. Heck, we might even share some skeletons in the closet. Because behind those mowed lawns, white picket fences, and helpful neighbors, terrible things have been happening. If you don't watch your back, you might be the next to vanish without a trace.

          And, remember – be a good neighbor, or all the things you tried so desperately to hide, will storm out before you get a grip of yourself. Because, here in Sommervale, nothing is what it seems.

          We hope you enjoy your stay, here in Paradise!
    De RPG draait om het dorpje Sommervale. Sommervale heeft mooie natuur met grote bossen rond zich, samen met wat meertjes. Langs de centrale weg vind je wat winkeltjes, een bureau voor de hulpdiensten, een kerkje met community center, een arcade met bioscoop, een ouderwetse diner, en toeristeninformatie. Verder zijn er de Sommervale Elementary School, Sommervale Middle School, en Sommervale High School, die elk aan een eigen zijstraat liggen.
          Jarenlang heeft het op rij bekend gestaan als de ‘veiligste plek van Amerika’, wat toeristen heeft getrokken ― eveneens door de prachtige plek waar het zich bevindt. De afgelopen twee jaar echter, zijn er steeds meer dubieuze dingen gaande, waaronder verdwijningen. De goede naam van het dorpje is nu aangetast, en enkele weken geleden heeft het nieuws zelfs gewaarschuwd hier vandaan te blijven.
          Wat alleen de lokale bevolking verder weet, is dat Sommervale is opgedeeld in twee kampen: North en South. In het noordelijke gedeelte zijn de wijken duidelijk opgeknapt in tegenstelling tot het zuidelijke gedeelte, waar ze strijden met armoe en bendes zich gevestigd hebben.
          Ondanks de recente gebeurtenissen, is het er vrij rustig. Het is een dorpje waar iedereen elkaar kent en niemand geheimen heeft. . . Maar is dat wel zo? Zijn je buren wel echt wie je denkt dat ze zijn? En weet je wel echt wat er gebeurt achter de gesloten deuren van het kleine dorpje?

    ''HAVE YOU

    De mysterieuze verdwijningen zijn alweer twee jaar gaande. Het is het "nieuwe normaal" voor de inwoners van Sommervale. De nodige maatregelen zijn genomen om iedereen zich toch enigszins beschermd te laten voelen. De rust leek eindelijk weder te keren in het kleine dorpje, tot twee maanden geleden; toen de beeldschone Laurel Madden spoorloos verdween. Het zeventienjarige meisje was niet op komen dagen bij haar baantje als serveerster bij de Diner.
          Ondanks dat haar vader in alle staten was, werd hier in eerste instantie niet zoveel aandacht aan besteed. Het was immers goed te begrijpen als ze plotseling vertrokken zou zijn uit het dorpje. Zeker een ambitieuze dame als zij.
    Ondanks dat grotendeels van de bewoners nog altijd vrij sceptisch waren, is er toch een zoektocht opgezet. Nadat het meisje na ruim ander halve maand nog niet was gevonden, zijn de grootschalige zoekacties gestaakt. De politie en haar familie en vrienden zijn echter nooit gestopt met zoeken.
          Exact twee maanden nadat Laurel vermist raakte werd ze door een lokale visser gevonden in het bos, aan de oever van het meer. Helaas was het meisje al overleden. Dit liet de alarmbellen opnieuw afgaan. De opgelaten sfeer duidelijk te merken aan de bewoners. Om de veiligheid van Sommervale en haar bewoners voorop te stellen is er een avondklok ingezet en het nadrukkelijke advies om ramen en deuren op slot te doen.
          De RPG speelt zich drie weken na de vondst van Laurel af, een nationale feestweek in Sommervale: namelijk het begin van de zomer. Om de mensen hoop te geven is er besloten de festiviteiten door te laten gaan. Echter wel met extra beveiliging afkomstig uit nabij gelegen dorpjes, gezien de avondklok nu ook tijdelijk niet van toepassing is. Maar wees op je hoede, want wie weet ben jij de volgende...

    x      Naam:
    x      Leeftijd:
    x      Status: (Wat voor reputatie heb je in het dorpje? Woon je in North of South Sommervale?)
    x      Baan:
    x      Innerlijk:
    x      Uiterlijk:
    x      Verleden: (Heb je een partner of ben je single? Hoeft niet heel uitgebreid te zijn, gewoon een paar zinnen is goed genoeg. Het is wel handig om te weten wat er allemaal met deze persoon is gebeurd.)
    x      Geheim(en):
    x      Relaties:
    x      Extra:
    ✑      Evangelina Sánchez | the fun-loving Baker (North) | Mabon | 1,1
    ✑      Richard Ellis | The Mayor and professional douchebag (North) | Motion | 1,4
    ✑      Joel Elijah Ellis | son of the Mayor (North) | Motion | 1,1
    ✑      Celeste Howard | The troubled teen girl (North) | glowfaery | 1,4
    ✑      Vincent "Vince" Madden | Henry Cavill (North) | Ken_
    ✒      Jack Summers | the Sheriff (South) | Motion | 1,2
    ✒      Christopher "Kit" Kiefer Hall/Stacy Rect | Friendly neighborhood Drag Queen (South) | Tolkien | 1,1
    ✒      Jacqueline "Jack(ie)" Summers | (South) | Tolkien | 1,3
    ✒      Tobias "Tobi" Madden | Henry Cavill (South) | Ken_
    ✒      Nikolas Angelov | the Good Samaritan (Neutral) | Venkman | 1,3
    ✑      Name | Role | User
    ✒      Name | Role | User
    ✑      Name | Role | User
    ✒      Name | Role | User


    1. Kerk.
    2. Begraafplaats.
    3. Gemeente kantoor.
    4. North school.
    5. Politie bureau.
    6. Bakkerij.
    7. Kledingwinkel.
    8. Bloemist.
    9. Giftshop/Toeristenbureau.
    10. Supermarkt.
    11. Apotheek.
    12. Dokterspraktijk.
    13. Bibliotheek.
    14. Bioscoop.
    15. Arcade.
    16. Kermis.
    17. Diner.
    18. Bar/Club.
    19. Trailerpark.
    20. Garage.
    21. GYM.
    22. South school.
    23. Strand bar.
    24. Surplank/boten verhuur.
    25. Sunnyside beach.
    26. Windermere lake.
    27. Place where Laurel her body was found.
    28. Squire mountains.
    29. Lovers Lane.


    A. Penrose Place.
    - Nr. 10 - Fam. Ellis/Howard

    B. Ironstate Street.
    - Nr. 29
    - Nr. 30 - Fam. Jeremiah Ellis
    - Nr. 31
    - Nr. 32

    C. Arcadia Street.
    - Nr. 14
    - Nr. 15
    - Nr. 16 - Fam. _Ken
    - Nr. 17 - Fam. Judah Ellis

    D. Parkside Avenue.
    - Nr. 111
    - Nr. 113
    - Nr. 115
    - Nr. 117
    - Nr. 119
    - Nr. 121

    E. Ivory Lane.
    - Nr. 66
    - Nr. 68
    - Nr. 70
    - Nr. 72
    - Nr. 74
    - Nr. 76

    F. Vermillion Boulevard.
    - Nr. 120
    - Nr. 122

    G. Bridgewater Street.
    - Nr. 42 - Fam. Hall
    - Nr. 44
    - Nr. 45
    - Nr. 46
    - Nr. 47
    - Nr. 48 - Fam. Summers
    - Nr. 49

    H. Copper Row.
    - Nr. 66
    - Nr. 67
    - Nr. 68
    - Nr. 69

    i. Juniper Street.
    - Nr. 88
    - Nr. 89
    - Nr. 90
    - Nr. 91
    - Nr. 92
    - Nr. 93
    - Nr. 94
    - Nr. 95

    J. Lumber Lane.
    - Nr. 202 - Fam. _Ken
    - Nr. 204
    - Nr. 206

    — In deze RPG gelden de huisregels van Quizlet.
    — Minimaal 200 woorden per post.
    — Deze RPG is samen met Motion.
    — Geen Mary-Sue's en Gary-Stu's, hou het zo realistisch mogelijk.
    — We schrijven in het Nederlands, maar voor degenen die dit willen, mogen dialogen wel in het Engels.
    — 16 / 18 + is toegestaan, maar zet er wel een waarschuwing in het rood boven.
    — Karakters mogen in de RP ruzie krijgen, maar probeer geen ruzie te maken buiten de RP. Sluit niemand buiten.
    — Er is een max van 3 karakters, waaronder één man. Meer personages zijn, met overleg, mogelijk nog toegestaan.

    [ bericht aangepast op 8 okt 2023 - 11:37 ]

    How far is far

    ♦      ♦      ♦
    FIND ME—     

          Where the       w i l d      things are.❞

          ♡ ♡      ♥ ♥ ♥      ♡ ♡


    the fun-loving baker

    w. Vincent @ Bakery

    The reaction she got from her husband was, well, non-existent. Not to the fact she grabbed his shoulder or wanted to caress his cheek, not to her words, not to anything at all. She nodded, it was all she needed to know. He wouldn't change, even if he so desperately claimed it. She fell back into that sad truth when they lost their child and he built walls high enough to shut everyone out. When she did get an reaction, it was another stab in her heart.
          “I- I- I couldn’t. You’ve got enough hurt because of me already I – I couldn’t drop al my worries onto you. I love you, Lina, I only wanted to protect you!” She couldn't hear the pleading in his voice, for anger surged through her veins in an instant. Couldn't? Couldn't?!
          “That's a load of bullshit! Truth is that you didn't want to, you only wanted to protect yourself!” She was done with this conversation before it even started, and the only thing to grasp onto was a hot bath. And knowing she'll be in her own bed. Alone. Even if it was a motel away from the civilization of the shithole that is Sommervale. All the better, actually.
    As she jumped of the counter, tears welled up in his eyes which she tried to ignore. “How can you be so sure? That I am not a bad person? Lina i- I’m a fucking monster.”
          Though, she frowned. “You're not—How can you say that?” she whispered in disbelief, though it seemed he didn't hear her. As he was caught up in his own world again, ranting uncontrollably. Looking at Vincent, she just couldn't let her husband be, and at the same time the woman felt nothing at all. The only thing she wanted at this point was to withdraw and wrap herself in the warm blankets of her bed.
          “I am all alone.” Before she realized it, she shook her head almost frantically.
          “No. Don't. Don't do that, Vincent. Don't play that card. You did this all on your own—Doing the wrong thing for the “right” reason doesn't make it right.” She sighed, yielding somewhat. Her fingers stroked through the wild locks, lingering in her neck for a moment. Biting her lip, her eyes darted to the ground as she slowly moved closer. Now standing next to him, she put a hand on his wrist, gently squeezing it, hoping to bring him out of his thoughts.
          “You are a human being, Vincent. Humans make mistakes. Mistakes give us an opportunity to grow. Now, I have a pretty good understanding of who you are as a person and how your hardship came to be. But that doesn't excuse you going off into the deep end.” Evangelina chew her lip, weighing up his words. “So, the real question is if you're willing to put in the work. To make things better. That's the real challenge. For all of us.” Positioning herself between him and the counter, she searched for his watery orbs. With her other hand Evangelina even caressed his cheek, wiping tears away, adopting a soft tone in her voice. “Please, let's talk about this at the house, Vincent. Please.”

    [ bericht aangepast op 3 juni 2024 - 19:24 ]

    [ heaven knows ]

    Leila Brinsley

          "Sommervale is my hometown.” The woman said after a moment of pondering. And Leila, too, found herself absorbed in thoughts. “I left years ago, hoping to find a better life beyond its borders. Yet, when my father fell ill and needed my assistance, I couldn't turn my back. So, here I am, back in Sommervale - today, of all days.”
          “Well, it's quite a day to return here, what, with all the festivities in town. It isn't really my cup of tea, but if it's yours, you should go. To distract yourself.” She cleared her throat, feeling slightly uncomfortable comforting strangers. “Or, you know, I heard there's a diner here somewhere. You. . . could join me for a cup of coffee. Perhaps for some food, too. I figure I need some distraction as well before buckling down. It would be nice to know someone in town, other than your employer I mean. Sommervale seems to be a rather tight-knit community.” Her eyes darted around the store, wandered the shelves and people that were still present. Going over the grocery list in her head, she suspected of having everything.
          “My apologies for cutting this short—time, as expected, is not on my side. I will answer your questions at the diner. Let's say over. . .” Leila checked the time on her phone, and seeing it, a muscle near her mouth twitched slightly. Yet, she smiled anyway, if somewhat constrained. “—half an hour? That is, if you come. Otherwise I will bid you a good evening regardless, and. . . I am sorry about your family. Illness, especially in the family, is always a struggle to deal with. Hopefully he will get better soon.” And with that she bid her farewell.

    Stepping outside, it was a typical humid summer night. She loaded the grocery bags in the car and attempted to navigate home without driving into something. Or someone. When Leila finally managed to put everything away, she did not dare to look in the living room—knowing what waited there for her. Piles of boxes still waiting to be unpacked. Sighing, she grabbed her keys once more to drive towards the diner, which she had spotted on the way back. She wondered if she'd even join her, but on the other hand, Leila needed to eat something before she'd faint.
          Once there, it seemed quaint. Some might even call it cost, with Leila one of them. Though, to be fair, she enjoyed a high-end restaurant once in a while. But she did not complain at all. As one of the waitresses penned down her order, she pulled out her agenda—stuffed with loose pieces of papers and memo's, scribbled on are addresses, telephone numbers and dates. The waitress filled her coffee mug to the brim and Leila thanked her, mumbling and eyes fixed on all the information.

    [ bericht aangepast op 3 juni 2024 - 19:22 ]

    [ heaven knows ]

    × 18 × at the fair w/ Jackie Kit ×



                Kit looked like shit, sorry not sorry. Bash wasn’t sure if he was more worried about Kit, or angry at the person who did this to him. Okay that was a lie, he was definitely more angry at first. Anger had been his default reaction to basically everything for too many years. But once Kit finally looked up to him, the worry took over. And he hated the feeling of worry cause it made him feel useless.
          “I want to get shitfaced drunk.” Bash nearly pulled his arm back, letting go of Kit’s arm, but he managed to hold that grip. Worry was going to turn into panic real quick if his brother started acting like that. He was by far not the qualified person to deal with other peoples’ breakdowns. Heck he couldn’t even deal with his own, how was he suppose to do this.
          “No fucking way,” he blurted out. “I can get you a coke or a water, but i’m not old enough to buy beer,” the boy managed to curl his lips in a smile, in the hopes to make Kit relax, even if it’s a little bit.
          “Besides I would have to tell our dads and I hate being a snitch.” his grip on Kit’s arm relaxed a little bit, trusting that he wouldn’t suddenly start running away from him. “So, some water and a walk far away from here? Then you can tell me who I have to beat up tomorrow, because they deserve it for ruining your make-up.”
