• Zit je iets dwars? Heb je de perfecte reaction meme gevonden die je gemoedstoestand weerspiegelt en moet je die nu gewoon delen? Maakt je fbi-agent zich ook zorgen omdat je dag in, dag uit alleen maar Koreaanse mannen aan het Googlen bent? Ben je het er niet mee eens dat het eerste sneeuwvlokje binnenkort het land binnen migreert (of juist wel en kan je niet wachten om eindelijk van je wortels af te komen)? Of voel je je gewoon zo ontzettend blij en wil je dat met de rest van Quizlet delen? Schrijf dan hier alles van je af.
    Sharing is caring!

    xoxo Taehyung and Chanyeol, two caring boys

    Voor gevoelige onderwerpen verwijzen wij (de mods) je
    graag door naar het volgende topic: professionele hulpverlening.
    [Dit bericht dient in ieder lucht-je-hart-topic te blijven staan.]

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 nov 2018 - 11:04 ]

    2 sinterkerst cadeautjes gehaald, of nou ja.. besteld. Nog 1 te gaan joejoe ^^

    "Nice is different than good." CORPSEHUSBAND > SCORPIO

    I am one hell of a happy bean c:

    What’s tasty in Busan?

    Over vier dagen ga ik Sinterklaas vieren. Ik moet nog zes van de zes gedichten maken, ondanks dat ik mezelf beloofde op tijd te beginnen. Haha uitstelgedrag ten top, it's getting old.

    26 - 02 - '16

    Kom noouuuu :c

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Voel me beter, hopelijk is de hoofdpijn morgen over en voel ik me dan echt weer beter. Voor de zekerheid een emmer mee, maar ik hoop hem niet nodig te hebben.

    Vraag me wel af wat het nou is, griep of gewoon iets wat verkeerd viel. Misschien toch iets opgelopen bij de sportschool.

    Physics is awesome

    Dat moment dat mijn vader vraagt of ik nieuwe kleren heb, waarop ik 'nee' antwoordde, om vervolgens te vragen of ik dan ben afgevallen... idk yo, but I'll take the compliment ^^

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 nov 2018 - 20:34 ]

    "Nice is different than good." CORPSEHUSBAND > SCORPIO

    Should I ask her for help cause.. I need it.

    — Inner peace, it's hard to find. —

    Wtf is wrong with me?

    almost me rn

    Ah, long rant incoming.

    It’s kind of sad that tomorrow is the start of the last month of 2018 — which was supposed to me ‘my year’. Because it wasn’t — I completed only twenty five percent of my personal goals, which is a low even for me. I lost someone very dear to me; a symbol for my childhood. I lost people who called me best friend and soulmate. I lost people from my family while they’re still beating not five hundred meters away from me. I gained even more weight. I didn’t go to a new travel destination. I didn’t challenge myself. I needed therapy again. I disappointed my family and myself. I failed.

    But, then again — I did so amazingly good, too. I graduated and got my masters degree. I got a full time job. I took my mom on a week long holiday. I bought my own car. I realized that the so called best friends and soulmates weren’t any of that after all. Even better: I bonded more and more with amazing people. I learned how to love the extra pound on myself. I took time to relax and do things for me instead of others. And while I might have raised some eyebrows, I know damn well that everyone around me is proud of me.

    Point is, dear stupid me — I’m still learning. And 2018 might not have been ‘my year’, 2019 won’t be either. Because I deserve a Hell of a lot more than one fucking year.

    Blackbeak schreef:
    Ah, long rant incoming.

    It’s kind of sad that tomorrow is the start of the last month of 2018 — which was supposed to me ‘my year’. Because it wasn’t — I completed only twenty five percent of my personal goals, which is a low even for me. I lost someone very dear to me; a symbol for my childhood. I lost people who called me best friend and soulmate. I lost people from my family while they’re still beating not five hundred meters away from me. I gained even more weight. I didn’t go to a new travel destination. I didn’t challenge myself. I needed therapy again. I disappointed my family and myself. I failed.

    But, then again — I did so amazingly good, too. I graduated and got my masters degree. I got a full time job. I took my mom on a week long holiday. I bought my own car. I realized that the so called best friends and soulmates weren’t any of that after all. Even better: I bonded more and more with amazing people. I learned how to love the extra pound on myself. I took time to relax and do things for me instead of others. And while I might have raised some eyebrows, I know damn well that everyone around me is proud of me.

    Point is, dear stupid me — I’m still learning. And 2018 might not have been ‘my year’, 2019 won’t be either. Because I deserve a Hell of a lot more than one fucking year.

    Blackbeak schreef:
    Ah, long rant incoming.

    It’s kind of sad that tomorrow is the start of the last month of 2018 — which was supposed to me ‘my year’. Because it wasn’t — I completed only twenty five percent of my personal goals, which is a low even for me. I lost someone very dear to me; a symbol for my childhood. I lost people who called me best friend and soulmate. I lost people from my family while they’re still beating not five hundred meters away from me. I gained even more weight. I didn’t go to a new travel destination. I didn’t challenge myself. I needed therapy again. I disappointed my family and myself. I failed.

    But, then again — I did so amazingly good, too. I graduated and got my masters degree. I got a full time job. I took my mom on a week long holiday. I bought my own car. I realized that the so called best friends and soulmates weren’t any of that after all. Even better: I bonded more and more with amazing people. I learned how to love the extra pound on myself. I took time to relax and do things for me instead of others. And while I might have raised some eyebrows, I know damn well that everyone around me is proud of me.

    Point is, dear stupid me — I’m still learning. And 2018 might not have been ‘my year’, 2019 won’t be either. Because I deserve a Hell of a lot more than one fucking year.
    I am so proud of you, you have no idea. 💕😍

    You gave me my life all those years ago, now I give you yours.

    Ik vind het heerlijk om mij zo te voelen, zo gelukkig. (:

    One Who Travels A Higher Path.

    Ik heb me zo onzichtbaar gevoeld. Ik was op dat feestje, maar je zag me gewoon niet.
    Ik zat voor je neus, maar je negeerde me compleet...

    It's never gonna happen, Guys.

    We're scared of dying, it's fine.

    — Inner peace, it's hard to find. —