💗 IrisWestAllen - Kai Nalani "Nani" Kameāloha - 25 - Vanessa Morgan - Dumb AF
    💗 Benu - Jade Olivia Vauhn - 24 - FC - The Rich Bitch
    💗 Shadowsinger - Delia Ellison - 21 - FC - The Virgin
    💗 Jailbird - Naam - Leeftijd - FC - The Bookwurm
    💗 J0Y - Chloë Mills- 20 - Jessica Chastain - The Femme Fatale
    💗 Quean - Naam - Leeftijd - Audreyana Michelle - The Rebel

    💙 User - Naam - Leeftijd - FC - The Funny One
    💙 Fonollosa - Naam - Leeftijd - FC - The Male Slut
    💙 Suzuya - Naam - Leeftijd - FC - The Disney Prince
    💙 MoonchiId - Rex Dale Evans - 24 - FC - The Asshole
    💙 Marlow - Naam - Leeftijd - FC - The One That's Always A Little Drunk
    💙 xJess - Owen Christopher Davidson - 22 - Wade Poezyn - The Socially Crippled One

    Hierbij ook de ex-en.
    Male slut - dumb af
    Asshole - bookwurm
    Funny one - rich bitch
    Disney prince - rebel
    Always a little drunk - virgin
    Socially crippled - femme fatale

    [ bericht aangepast op 14 april 2018 - 23:25 ]

    Bicycle, unicycle, unitard. Hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants.


    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Ik heb er zin in! (:

    Even the smallest can change the course of the future

    MoonchiId schreef:

    Hierbij ook de ex-en.
    Male slut - dumb af
    Asshole - bookwurm
    Funny one - rich bitch
    Disney prince - rebel
    Always a little drunk - virgin
    Socially crippled - femme fatale

    Male slut & bookwurm, come at me.

    Bicycle, unicycle, unitard. Hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants.

    MT! Yashh! ^^

    I have seen my own sun darkened

    MT :')

    Hello :Y)

    El Diablo.


    chaos makes the muse


    'Three words, large enough to tip the world; I remember you.'

    Mt ^^

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Ik denk dat er iemand op het verkeerde knopje heeft gedrukt bij het rollentopic :')

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Shadowsinger schreef:
    Ik denk dat er iemand op het verkeerde knopje heeft gedrukt bij het rollentopic :')

    Een nieuwe modje, perhaps? :p

    Bicycle, unicycle, unitard. Hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants.

    It was me

    Even the smallest can change the course of the future

    J0Y schreef:
    It was me

    Bicycle, unicycle, unitard. Hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants.


    That is a perfect copy of reality.


    Bowties were never Cooler