• Hier kun je al je frustraties, euforische momenten en hersenspinsels kwijt.
    Dus zit je iets dwars? Heb je problemen? Is je ijsje niet lekker? Gelooft niemand in je draak? Of voel je je gewoon zo ontzettend blij en wil je dat met de rest van Quizlet delen?

    Schrijf hier dan alles van je af.

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 dec 2017 - 11:32 ]

    You gave me my life all those years ago, now I give you yours.

    Ah no dat was de laatste keer van Ellen :cccccc

    You gave me my life all those years ago, now I give you yours.


    Caution first, always.

    Mijn god schrik alsjeblieft niet zo van me (':

    mortui vivos docent

    Just because I will only be a sentence in your autobiography, doesn’t mean you aren’t a chapter in mine

    ~ When you fall asleep tonight, just remember that we lay under the same stars ~

    Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh ik kan niet meer.

    — Inner peace, it's hard to find. —

    waarom is er nog niemand die Trump door z'n kop geschoten heeft?

    Le Beau n’est que la promesse du bonheur | Will you dance, dear Emma? | page 28


    ~ When you fall asleep tonight, just remember that we lay under the same stars ~

    Binging Supergirl cuz i am living for Alex Danvers and i love Winn too much.

    — Inner peace, it's hard to find. —

    Don't come into my system. I don't have those high walls for no reason.

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 dec 2017 - 19:58 ]

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    Lalala ik heb geen fucking motivatie

    i wanna vincent van gogh cry in a corner

    Ik wil die broek NU. MUH. WHY IS HET PRE-ORDER. Gelukkig heb ik nu ook nog een soortgelijke. 😏

    The truth is out there.


    i wanna vincent van gogh cry in a corner

    No-No-No I'm not bitter, I'm not mad
    Well, maybe just a little, just a tad.
    I know every apple here ain't bad,
    But I found a worm in every single one I had.

    A-all this dirty little boys who think that the girls
    are only made for toys
    Boys wants them women, though they barely can remember.
    Then again all men are dogs.
    All men are dogs.

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.


    kindness is never a burden.

    Ugh, alles doet pijn

    mortui vivos docent