• Nothing like Highschool
    RPG - 50 - English - ©Tamatoa

    Roles      ☠      Talking      ☠      Drama


    Boys - 5
    Username ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page
    Sarn ~ Val(entino) Jack Lyne ~ 18 ~ Popular nice guy/psychopath ~ Kian Lawley ~ 1.4
    Webster~ Fergus Fraser ~ 19 ~ The Artist ~ Herman Tommeraas ~ 1.4
    Kendol ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page
    Webster~ Archibald Arlington~ 19 ~ The Anti-Hunter~ Florian Neuville ~ 1.4
    Sameer ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page

    Girls - 7 - STOP
    Username ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page
    Cranston ~ Ailsa Nielsen ~ 17 ~ Bubbles ~ Hermione Corfield ~ 1.4
    Ziegler ~ Tansy Elizabeth Jenner ~ 17 ~ Teacher's pet ~ Oliwia Wedzicha ~ 3
    Eternitarian ~ Nicole 'Sully' Sullivan ~ 17 ~ Firecracker ~ Anna Christine Speckhart ~ 3
    Carneliana ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page
    Yellowstone ~ Hannah Sawyer ~ 17 ~ Clumsy Marshmellow ~ Scarlett Leithold ~ 3
    Sameer ~ Alessandra Flores ~ 18 ~ Wallflower ~ Chiara Scelsi ~ 3
    Soco ~ Eve Marilyn Freyz ~ 16 ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ 1.4
    Iratus ~ Lidiya Delov ~ 16 ~ Follower ~ Maria Almenta Poole ~ 3

    Val & Hannah
    Fergus & Sully
    Tansy & Alessandra
    Dude & Ailsa

    The beginning
    It's the 21st of March, a month after their annual move to 'warmer' resorts (this year, our characters all went to Dubhaile, Scotland). everything is sort of back to normal, and they still have more than a month untill their exams. It's a friday afternoon (14:00) and to celebrate the beginning of spring, the students don't have classes for the rest of the day. The oldest (and ofcourse, most popular/richest) students will host the annual springparty later that night, in one of the old, unused hangars in the northern part of the school's domain. Every student older than 15 talks about it, as it is one of those events you look forward to the entire year.

    [center] Borealis

    Location & Map

    ❖ Russian Siberia (East)
    ❖ Average temp: -10°C
    ❖ Isolated, but large city, around 25km south.
    The winter is very long (half september till the end of april) and very cold. Snow only falls in september and october , but stays the entire winter. Summer is short and hot during the day, cool/cold during the night.
    ❖ Because of the isolation, there are a lot of lone vampires and werewolves. If you don't get the logic - which is probably, bc this sounds weird - just ask me, bc I don't wanna explain right now.

    Location & Map
    The school owns a large area of woods, a lake, sportareas and the buildings. There's also a lot underground. It looks old on the outside, but it's actually quite modern. There's a small airport in the north.
    WiFi & phonesignal

    Up - the image is clickable
    2) Reception
    There's a gate inbetween 1 and 2
    3) Dorms (b) and living space (a) students
    4) Dorms (b) and living space (a) personel
    5) Cafeteria
    6) Dorms and livingspace travelers
    7) Classrooms age 6 - 12
    8) Classrooms age 12 - 6
    9) Music room and theatre

    10) Library
    11) Theoretical classes
    12) Infirmary
    13) Shop
    A) Icehockeyfield
    B) Basketballfields
    C) Running track
    D) Rugbyfield
    E) Football field

    1) This is where all the paperwork occurs.
    2) This is where new students and travelers sign up. It's also where you have to go when you're 'sent to the principal'.
    3) This is where the students sleep and live when they're not doing anything else. Every student has a room and a small bathroom on their own. There are four floors. The first and second floor are for the children between the ages of 6 and 12. The third and fourth floor are for the students between the ages of 13 and 20. The girls sleep on the 1st and 3rd floor, while the boys sleep on the 2nd and 4th floor. Showers are mutual and there's 10 of them on every floor. In the livingspace you have a few large rooms with TV's, pooltables, whatever you can think of.
    4) This is where the teachers and other staffmembers live and sleep. It's similar to that of the students, except there are only two floors. The women sleep on the second floor, while the men sleep on the first. There's only one, large living room.
    5) This is where everybody eats. There's room for about 400 people, so it's never full and everybody can sit where they want. There's always bread and breakfast available. If you want to eat something warm, you'll have to be there between 11 AM and 9 PM (21).
    6) These are the bedrooms of the guests. There aren't many of them, but it suffices. They have seperate rooms with their own bathrooms. There's a small, mutual livingroom.

    7) This is where the smaller children have their 'normal' classes. It's comparable to elementary school.
    8) This is where the teenagers have their 'normal' classes. It's something in between middle and highschool.
    9) This building has two rooms: A music room (with all the instruments you can think off) and a large aula, suitable for around 600 people.
    10) This is the library. Students can study and read here. Besides the normal world books, there are also a lot of books about the Hunter world. Most of them are copies of the originals.
    11) This is where the students get their theoretical classes. Half of the building resembles more of a museum, though.
    12) This is where the sick and injured are treated. They are prepared for a lot, but when someone is hurt really bad, there's always a small airplane or helicopter available.
    13) This is where students can shop. From clothes and toothpaste to weapons, alcohol and sigarettes, you can find almost anything here. And if you can't, you're allowed to order it here as well.
    A - E) Only maintained when used a lot

    1) Archives
    2) Lab 1
    3) Lab 2
    4) Shooting range
    5) Great Hall
    6) Small Hall
    7) Hall of knives
    8) Gym
    9) Fitness
    10) Pool


    Down - Image is clickable
    1) This is where the school keeps all the original books and all the records of every person who has walked through the gates.
    2) This is the research labaratory of the school. It's full of weird stuff and it's very modern, but it lacks WiFi.
    3) This is the weapon development labaratory of the school. It's full of weird stuff and it's very modern, but it lacks WiFi.
    4) This is a large shooting range. It's always kept in top condition.
    5) It resembles a gym, but it has a simulationprogram and all kinds of weaponry.
    6) This resembles a dojo. It's where the close combat classes take place. There are matts and mirrors.
    7) This is the place where you can train with all the non-shooting weapons.
    8) This is just a regular gym. You can play all kinds of sports here.

    ❖ Alcohol is forbidden under the age of 17
    ❖ Cigarettes are forbidden under the age of 15
    ❖ All drugs are forbidden
    ❖ Guns and other shooting weapons aren't allowed outside the shooting range, unless you have permission
    ❖ Students are not allowed to enter the Archives
    ❖ Students are not allowed to leave the terrain without permission
    ❖ Students from the ages 6 to 12 have to be in their building between 8:30 PM and 7 AM
    ❖ Students from the ages 6 to 12 have to be on their floor between 9:30 PM and 6 AM
    ❖ Students from the ages 6 to 12 have to be in their room between 10 PM and 5:30 AM
    ❖ Students from the ages 13 to 20 have to be in their building between 10:30 PM and 5 AM
    ❖ Students from the ages 13 to 20 have to be on their floor between 11 PM and 5 AM
    ❖ Students from the ages 13 to 20 have to be in their room between 12 PM and 5 AM
    ❖ Students have to pay their respects for every graduated hunter.
    ❖ To avoid misuse of the previous rules, every graduated hunter has to leave the school for at least two years.
    ❖ The rooms will be checked every sunday. Privacy will be kept, but the dorms have to be clean and tidy.
    ❖ No one is allowed to hurt anyone in anyway, unless it's during training.
    ❖ Pets are allowed

    ❖ This isn't a school for every regular hunter. In fact, only three kinds of children end up here:
    - The ones who don't have a Hunter family that is big enough to give them the proper training. They are usually sent by their parents or other family members.
    - Orphans. They are the ones who are discovered and usually don't know anything about Hunters until they arrive at the school.
    - The troublemakers and unwanted. These children are usually so awful their family sent them away to gain some discipline. Most children belong in this group.

    ❖ The school houses children between the age of 6 and 20. That means every child has had the test with the photograph and everyone stays - unless something really serious happened - until their graduation.
    ❖ These children do not excist for the normal world. They don't have valid papers, or those won't be used.
    ❖ At the moment, there are 186 students housed. There are 53 teachers and 16 other staffmembers.

    Although this is a hard environment and there isn't much space for mental issues and care, they are not entirely unreasonable. The children can leave the school.
    ❖ They spend the coldest period of the year (half december - half februari) in a different country. Usually somewhere in Europe or North-America. The school will be divided in groups of maximum 50 and be stationed at a Quarter. This is not a break and the lessons (usually exams) will continue.
    ❖ The schoolyear ends on the 16th of June. It starts again on the 23rd of July.
    ❖ They get to go on a vacation in juli. It's three weeks long and they can choose their own destination (one that's on the list (15)). After these three weeks, school starts again.
    ❖ They often get a few days of during the year.
    ❖ Last winter, they went to Dubhaile, Scotland.
    ❖ Although it's not allowed, there are often parties for the students aged 15 or older. They take place in some of the old, not used buildings further north on the terrain.

    ❖ 6 years old: The children are shown a picture of a vampire. If they cannot see them, they are hunters. This is the age they are allowed at the school.
    Start of theoretic lessons.
    ❖ 8 - 10 years old: The children get their partner - with a maximum age difference of two years, although they try to keep the difference as small as possible - and a small brand of a moon on their right wrist. They start as soon as the youngest of the two turns 8.
    Start of practical lessons.

    ❖ 11 - 13 years old: They get to go on their first hunt, but are not allowed to kill anything - unless it cannot be avoided. They are guided by at least one more experienced hunter couple, who do most of the job.
    Choice of specialisations.*
    Theoretic lessons stop.
    ❖ 14 - 16 years old: They get to go on their first, unguided hunt. This is - after graduation - the highlight of their study. This is the moment their first kill happens. After this day, they go on a hunt every two weeks. They get a larger, but simple tattoo. Whenever they reach a certain amount of kills, the tattoo gets more detailed. (1ste kill, 10de kill, 25ste kill, 50ste kill, 80ste kill 100ste kill, 145ste kill, 200ste kill. After this one, a new tatto will be started.)
    ❖ 18 - 20 years old: They graduate. There's a ceremony each year, but I'm too lazy to think off that. They get another brand of a sun on their left wrist. Afterwards, they get a week to pack their stuff and leave. They are not allowed to come back for at least 2 years. However, they are allowed to keep their contacts and see their friends, just not at school.
    ❖ Ofcourse, not every student arrives at the school at the age of 6. The ones who are older get an adapted cousre. It's usually more intense and a lot more difficult as they get the same amount of time. Students who arrive really late, usually never become true Hunters and will become Teachers or researchers.


    They get a normal education, although it's a bit easier than usual. It's a lot of selfstudy and it's only the basic classes. The older you get, the more you have to do on your own.
    ❖ Math
    ❖ English
    ❖ Russian
    ❖ Science (Chemistry, Physics & Biology)
    ❖ (Human) History
    ❖ Geography


    Every student gets basic training lessons. These are the things the students want to train extra. Another basic lesson is survivaling.
    ❖ History & Research of monsters (H&RM): You'll learn everything there is to know about monsters, which isn't that much. This is a course that is looked down upon and not many students take it. The History part is quite extensive, but there isn't much budget and interest for the research.
    ❖ Firearms; History (FH): This is a course that cannot be taken alone. Students who follow weapondevelopment have to take it, while it's an option for the students who follow the course Firearms; Practice.
    ❖ Handarms; History (HH): This is a course that cannot be taken alone. Students who follow weapondevelopment have to take it, while it's an option for the students who follow the course Handarms; Practice.
    ❖ History & Research of Hunters (H&RH): You'll learn everything there is to know about Hunters, which isn't that much. This is a course that is looked down upon and not many students take it. The History part is quite extensive, but there isn't much budget and interest for the research.
    ❖ Kill & Conquer; Vampires (KCV): This is the course where you'll learn every detail about killing vampires.
    ❖ Kill & Conquer; Werewolves (KCW): This is the course where you'll learn every detail about killing werewolves.
    ❖ Firearms; Practice (FP): You'll learn about guns and everything that shoots. You also learn how to use most of them, and choose a few to specialise in.
    ❖ Handarms; Practice (HP): You'll learn about knives, swords and every weapon that doesn't require munition. You also learn how to use most of them, and choose a few to specialise in.
    ❖ Close Combat (CC): Here you'll learn how to fight when you don't have a weapon.
    ❖ Weapon Development (WD): Here you'll learn how to change, improve or invent weapons of all kinds and other aids for hunting. Students who take this course also have to follow the History of both kinds of weapons.
    ❖ Medicine: This is where you'll learn advanced first aid and everything else you need to know about healing and stuff. The students can choose how many years they'll take this course and when to start, as it's based at level and not at age.
    ❖ Foreign Cooperation (FC): This is already very specific. The students who take this course will be Travelers, which are some kind of ambassadors/negotiators. This course includes at least 2 more languages (choosing from Arabic, Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish & French), communication and culture & customs. They also take two more short trips to other countries, in octobre and march.


    ❖ They have regular tests
    ❖ There are midterm exams in january and final exams in the last and first two weeks of june.

    ❖ To keep it easy, we'll just use the euro. I don't have a clue what the normal prices are in Russia (1 euro = almost 60 ruble, but idk how much a bottle of water costs, ya know.)
    ❖ Every student gets some pocket money. When they're younger than 12, they get 20 the month. When they're older, they get 40.
    ❖ Kids who still have a family, often get more money sent to them.
    ❖ The students can earn some money when they do chores.

    ❖ There are only teams when the interest is big enough. They play a lot of sports during training, but outside of that it depends. I'll go further on with this if people are interested.




    ❖ At least one of the parents has to be a Hunter as well. That's the only requirement.
    ❖ Hunters cannot turn into a monster.
    ❖ Hunters can recognize monsters, they're more fit physically and they are more resistant to pain and illness.
    ❖ At the proper age, they have to take a test. The results of this test determine the partner. Hunters almost never hunt without their partner and they learn to train together. They can, however, take different courses. Every combination (male x male, male x female, female x female, ...) is possible and there are no restrictions on the relationship between them.
    ❖ There are a few rules every hunter has to keep:
          - Humans have to be kept out at all costs. This means physically, but also by knowledge.
          - Werewolves may not be harmed when they are in human form, unless it's self-defence.
          - One bullet is better than two.
          - Never make a vampire go into a Tantrum on purpose
          - Never hurt a non-feeding member of the Colonies.


    If you've got the time and motivation; you can read everything about vampires and werewolves here. If you don't; just keep this shit in mind:
    ❖ Hunters recognize them because they do not have a reflection or show on images and film. This is uniquely for Hunters.
    ❖ They can die when you cut of their head, damage their heart enough or put them on fire.
    ❖ Their biggest weakness is sunlight for young vampires, and elektricity for them all. And fire, but that's kind of everybody's weakness.
    ❖ Hunters recognize them because their irises are completely black (not their entire eyes, just the colourpart). Only Hunters can see this.
    ❖ They can die whenever you hurt them enough.
    ❖ Only changed werewolves are a target. It's forbidden to kill a werewolf in humanform, unless it's self-defense.
    ❖ Their biggest weakness is silver.


    ❖ Only Tamatoa is allowed to open new topics, unles I ask differently
    Whenever there is an issue, send me and/or the person involved a pb or gb. Don't put it in the topic. This is not to silence anything, but I've seen (and have been on both sides, I'll admit that) it happen when someone points something out, a lot of people react to it. There is nothing wrong with that, but it can feel like an attack and I want to avoid that. Long story short; I'm sick of the drama, whether watching it, or being part of it. This does not apply to questions. (Don't spam me)
    ❖ Maximum three characters, with at least two different sexes
    ❖ OOC clearly indicated or do it in the Talktopic
    ❖ Mentioned in your post: Who, where and with whom. A special lay-out is not obligated.
    ❖ Your post only has to be at least 50 words. That's almost nothing, so I hope there will be more posts, as they are less time consuming.
    ❖ Posts and roles have to be in English. Everything else doesn't really matter. You can choose
    ❖ If you need more information about RPG'ing, go check this out


    [ bericht aangepast op 30 juli 2017 - 21:41 ]

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    17 | bubbles | girls' dormitories | with feliks


    "Oh so that's how you roll. Use people as your servants, do you?"
          "Yes. I'm a dictator, you should know that by now, mister." I had definitely heard his Russian accent when he spoke, but I didn't say anything about it. I thought it was cute, but over the years I had learned that he didn't like it, so I stopped making comments about it. I tried to tickle him to distract him, but it didn't work. I should've know that it wouldn't work. Already knew that for a long time, but I kept trying anyway.
          "I hope there's pizza."
          "Pizza is loooove, pizza is life," I laughed softly. It sounded stupid, but one of the things I missed most about home was the simpleness of just being able to order pizza whenever and wherever you wanted. At Borealis that was impossible.
          Unfortunately, there was no pizza at the cafeteria, so I just went for a simple apple and a grilled cheese sandwich. Maybe I was in luck and there would be pizza at dinner. I also started to think I was really right about Feliks have 24 stomaches, with the way he shoved the food in to his mouth. I, on the other hand, was a very slow eater, something he always liked to make fun of.
          "So how are you and Val?"
          "You know Val and I broke up," I mumbled. I always was a bit vague about why I broke up with him. Val and Feliks were friends and I didn't want Feliks to think badly about him. It also wasn't that I didn't really like him anymore, it was just his behaviour sometimes that scared me. "So, that's that. There isn't a 'Val and me' anymore." But it still felt weird, because they had dated for longer than two years. It kind of surprised me that he didn't get bored of me, since there were quite a lot of girls interested in him. "And, how is your love life?"

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    17 • Australian • Teacher's Pet • Cafetaria • Alessandra

    Letterlijk overal waar Tansy kwam, ving ze gesprekken op over het feest dat die avond georganiseerd werd. Tansy was wel de laatste persoon die de tijd of moeite zou nemen om daadwerkelijk naar het feest te gaan. Ze was geen party animal, nog niet eens in de buurt van iets dat überhaupt op leek. Ze hechtte veel waarde aan haar nachtrust, omdat ze wist dat weinig slaap een negatief effect zou hebben op haar prestaties en ze wilde graag één van de beste leerlingen van de school blijven. Ze streefde er altijd naar om de beste zijn, maar dat was moeilijker dan het leek. Er liepen veel getalenteerde jagers rond op school, ondanks dat de helft er niet bepaald snugger uitzag. Tansy wist ook dat niemand haar mee zou gaan vragen en dat wilde ze graag zo houden. Zeker 80% van de school had een hekel aan haar en dat nam ze niemand kwalijk, dat was immers precies zoals ze het wilde hebben. Ze was niet leuk of vriendelijk of iets dat in de buurt kwam bij gezellig. Ze ging naar Borealis om de beste jager van haar generatie te worden, niet om te feesten of de sloerie uit te hangen.
          Terwijl overal de woorden spring party vielen, zat Tansy rustig de kantine een boek te lezen over zeldzame ziektes. Geneeskunde had haar altijd geïnteresseerd en als ze het jagersgen niet had, was ze sowieso in de mensenwereld gaan studeren om dokter te worden. Ze liet haar blik rustig over de woorden glijden en nam alles goed in haar op, maar ze werd afgeleid door giechelende meiden. Geïrriteerd richtte ze haar ogen op en gunde het groepje een dodelijke blik. Ze wilde zich weer focussen op haar boek, maar haar kijkers vielen op een bekende verschijning: Alessandra. Ze zat aan de andere kant van de kantine en had Tansy waarschijnlijk niet gezien. Tansy was zeer te spreken over haar partner. Ze sloten bijna naadloos op elkaar aan, ze waren een goede balans en dat was precies wat Tansy wist te waarderen aan Alessandra. Tansy besloot dan ook om haar boek dicht te klappen, op te staan en naar haar partner te lopen.
          Zonder te vragen of de stoelen om Alessandra heen vrij waren, liet Tansy zich tegenover de krullenbol zakken. Ze keek haar serieus, maar op haar manier vriendelijk aan. 'How are you?' vroeg ze rustig. 'Did you hear all the talk about that party tonight? Not my thing.' Tansy wist dat ze ietwat denigrerend klonk tegenover alles en iedereen die hield van feesten, maar ze deed bewust de moeite niet om haar afschuw te verbergen. 'What are you reading?' vroeg ze vervolgens bij het zien van het boek dat Alessandra voor zich hield.

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 aug 2017 - 19:54 ]

    Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

    [^ Wil je wel je dialoog in het Engels proberen te schrijven? Dat is makkelijker voor het aansluiten van de posts.]

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    Sarn schreef:
    [^ Wil je wel je dialoog in het Engels proberen te schrijven? Dat is makkelijker voor het aansluiten van de posts.]

    Oh shit, dat wilde ik doen maar uit automatisme vergeten. So sorry, ik pas het aan!

    Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

    Fergus Fraser
    He was a rainbow ——— in a colorblind world.

    19 • Scottish • The Artist • Trainingroom • Alone • Host

          Fergus stands in the trainingroom for a couple of minutes after he watches his partner leave, feeling like she just gave him a kick in his crotch. No, it’s worse — he feels like he’s disappointed her and can’t do something about it to make it better. Fergus sighs, holding his face in his hands and allowing himself to choke up in his emotions. When he looks up again, he’s decided that he’s going to make it better.
          Fergus wiggles with both of his hands in the pockets of his jeans, feeling all his painting material and several iron buds sliding through his fingers. Then, he finds his phone and gets it out, scrolling to Sully’s conversation.

          >>> Sully
          I never thought you enjoy hurting me, but I’d rather like you to hurt me instead of someone else, because I’m the one who fucked up. I’ll see you tonight Sul, Mike Wazowski needs his big fluffy monster.

          Fergus puts his phone in the pocket of his jeans again, looking at the smudged paint on his lower forearm. When he feels his emotions coming up again, he folds his hands into fists and turns around – knowing he needs some shooting to calm down and put his insecurities down before the party.

    Feliks Ilya Konstantin Vasilyev
    19 — Slut/Russian Prince — Cafeteria — With Ailsa — A host

    'You know Val and I broke up,' Ailsa muttered. 'So there's that. There isn't a 'Val and me' anymore.' Feliks nodded excessively and made vague hand gestures to let her know that he knew that, but that that wasn't what he had meant. Of course his message didn't get across and he only looked like a gigantic spaz. He quickly swallowed his food and translated his motions: 'I meant, how are you guys now? Still no talking? You'll probably have to at the party, right?'
          He was a little worried about her, but let's be honest, when wasn't he? They'd been together for quite some time and they both seemed fine, but it was a forced kind of 'being fine'. Meaning he didn't buy it at all.
          'And, how is your love life?' she asked.
          Feliks thought about his last hook-ups, one of them being Archie and closed his eyes for a second. No, that was nothing. He then looked her straight in the eye, sighed as loud as he could and said: 'Boring as fuck. I'm in desperate need for some loving attention ASAP.' He raised his voice so the other students in the cafeteria could hear him and he was glad to notice a few girls smiling shyly in his direction and some boys looking up with great interest. 'I'm starting to think I've tried with every available person at Borealis and there are no cool people left.' He angrily shoved a heaped fork of stroganoff behind his teeth. 'What am I supposed to do now? Teachers?' He'd asked it rhetorically but there were a lot of beautiful and handsome teachers at school. And Feliks was over 18. 'Maybe that's exactly what I will do,' he muttered absently, already off dreaming about an affair with one of his teachers.
          Suddenly remembering Ailsa was still in from of him, he shook his head and smiled. 'I'm joking, obviously.' Finishing the last of his lunch, he looked over at Ailsa's plate, noticing she was eating way slower than him. One glance at his watch told him he'd only had a couple of hours left to place the booze in the hangars.
          As he texted Val and Fergus to ask them where he'd best put it and that he would check if everything was ready, he asked Ailsa: 'You wanna come with me to the hangars for a sec?' Hitting send on the messages, he looked back up again to see her reaction. 'Won't take long, you'll have plenty of time left to get ready.'

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 aug 2017 - 22:50 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    Alessandra Flores
    19 — Wallflower — Cafeteria — With Tansy

    Alessandra looked up when someone came to sit at her table. She was happy to see it was Tansy, her partner. She wasn't sure if she could've handled anyone else seeking her company right now. Fergus Frazer had shouted something to her from the other side of the room a few minutes ago. Although she liked him, she really did, she was glad he didn't come over.
          'How are you?' Tansy asked and Alessandra smiled, said she was fine and asked Tansy how she was in return. 'Did you hear all the talk about that party tonight? Not my thing.' She paused and then asked Alessandra what book she was ready.
          Alessandra turned the book over, reading the title. 'Hunters: An African History. It's for an extra credit paper.' She shrugged and put down the book. 'And it's quite hard to miss. The party—talk, I mean. Everyone's excited. Are you really not coming tonight?' She asked. She really hoped Tansy would change her mind, since it would be fun having her there. It wasn't that Alessandra was worried about not having many people there she liked — or rather, who liked her —, but those were mostly boys. And anyway, if she or Sully would meet again at the party, Alessandra needed her partner there. 'I could be your date or you could be mine?' She continued. She didn't mean it in a romantic way, not really. 'Then neither of us have to show up alone.'

    kindness is never a burden.

    Hallway 4th floor dorms / Archie / Relaxed & happy / host

    [Small note, I'm changing into past tense because idk, I do it automatically]

    I'd started walking again and didn't notice Archibald had stopped in his tracks until I heard his pen drop and I turned around. He looked baffled and I wondered which of the things I said, made him freeze like this. The fallen pen was annoying me and I came back to pick it up, but apparently Archie restored his focus.
          "I — I never thought you’re less smart than a B. And we can do something else than the Vampire thing, I’ve got so much books with ideas. I can make a list if you want?"
          "Well, I did get a C on the last test about werewolfpacks," I grinned. Archibald picked up his pen and put it behind his ear, which made him seem to be a lot more confident. At least until he started fiddling with his hands. "But that's because I'm not amazingly interested in oversized poodles. If you have something in your mind about politics and vampires, however, then I'm all ears." I put my hands in my pockets and tried to ignore Archie's unstable stance. There was a short silence until I lost my interest, smiled, gave him a nod and turned around, ready to go to my room and hack my fosterparent's bank account, because I was broke.
          "Uh, Val?"
          "Yeah?" I asked, looking over my shoulder.
          "I heard about the party tonight and uh — uh — can I come? I mean, do I need to get an invitation? Or won’t you have enough drinks and snacks for one more? I understand that! I mean, I wouldn’t like it either if someone just asked me a couple of hours before the party and..." He rattled. Oh God, how's this kid still alive. "What I meant: can I come?"
          I didn't know how to respond immediatly and even forgot to act for a moment. I stared at him as if he just crawled through a portal from another dimension. He might as well have. Luckily, my habits kicked in, and I could feel how my expression softened.
          "God, Archie," I laughed, but in a way anyone would like. For some sick reason the universe gave me that ability. "It's not with an invitation, you can come and go whenever you like. You've never been there before?" I made my way back to him again and put my arm around his shoulder. Shouldn't have done that, since he still had his one foot on the other and I had to catch him before his head hit the wall. "You really shouldn't stand like that, buddy," I muttered, but I was distracted by my phone.
          A message from Feliks, asking me where to put the booze.

    From: Valentino
    To: Feliks

    Thrs an exit bhind bar. Put in snow.
    Will b there asap.

          "Where was I?" I mumbled, after I sent a quick answer. "Oh, right. So, have you been to a party before?"

    True evil is, above all things, seductive.

    [ bericht aangepast op 6 aug 2017 - 1:06 ]

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    17 • Australian • Teacher's Pet • Cafetaria • Alessandra

    Het deed Tansy goed om de glimlach op Alessandra's gezicht te zien toen ze aanschoof aan tafel. Er waren niet veel mensen op school die zo reageerde als Tansy ergens binnen kwam lopen en over het algemeen vond ze dat geen probleem, maar wanneer iemand dan wel de moeite nam om te lachen naar haar, gaf haar dat een goed gevoel. Alessandra gaf aan dat het goed met haar ging en stelde vervolgens dezelfde vraag aan Tansy. 'I'm good,' antwoordde ze kort, maar op een vriendelijke toon.
          Alessandra liet het boek zien dat ze aan het lezen was. Tansy keek kort naar de titel en knikte als teken van herkenning. Ze had het boek zelf niet gelezen en ze wist ook niet of ze dat zou gaan doen, maar ze had het al weleens voorbij zien komen. ' It's for an extra credit paper.' gaf Alessandra aan. Tansy gunde haar een goedkeurend knikje. 'Well, that's good to hear,' zei ze. 'I mean, being the best hunterpair in school doesn't come easy, right?' grapte ze, ondanks dat het niet geheel als grap bedoeld was.
          'And it's quite hard to miss. The party—talk, I mean. Everyone's excited. Are you really not coming tonight?' vroeg Alessandra vervolgens. 'I'm not really the type for a party,' zei Tansy. 'And I'm quite sure no one would really want me there anyway. It's not like those hosts are really my friends, thank god for that.'
          'I could be your date or you could be mine?' stelde Alessandra voor. Tansy keek even verbaasd op. 'You'd really want me as your date?' vroeg Tansy op een luchtige manier, terwijl de vraag wel meende. 'Well maybe, just maybe, I can clear my schedule and stop by real quick. But I won't drink any alcohol.'

    Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

    17 • Dormitories • Alone

          Sully looked at her nightstand — where she'd left her phone to charge. The screen lit up vividly and she already knew who'd texted her before she walked over to pick it up. Fergus had always had his difficulties with her violent nature. She couldn't blame him — but right now the words like ''monster'' only tired her further.
          She tossed the device on her covers, deciding that a hot shower would be the best way to deal with herself right now.

          When she got back, she sat down at her desk and took a long breath — before she replied.
    To: Fergus
    Don't worry about it. See you tonight partner.

    Sully studied her reflection for a bit, something she didn't do very often, wondering if she should clean up to attend the party. Would it even matter what she looked like anymore? A sigh left her lips as she shrugged. She could, for once, blend in a little. It'd at least take her mind off of things. Without a chance to talk herself out of the idea, she got up and rummaged through her closet. Sully had at least one dress, right? Maybe far away in the back — but she was certain she owned more than comfy sweaters and boyfriend jeans.
          There was one dress. It'd been an impulse purchase — and she'd have probably never worn it to class or anything. But it was still a beautiful dress.
          ‘Fuck it.’
    She threw it on, something she'd done a few times before deciding that she wouldn't wear it — but now she kept to it, as she attended to her hair. It was still damp, but she could wear it up. Sully found a lipstick in her desk, it'd been the color of blood and that was the reason why she bought it a while back but she hadn't had the opportunity to wear it. If she was going to go for fuck it — that'd top it off.
          Sully walked around her room looking at herself with a renewed interest. She didn't have to look like what she felt like.

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.

    Archibald ‘Archie’ Arlington
    Do not throw a ball at me ——— I will break a leg, get the flu and sprain a wrist all at once.

    19 • English • The Anti—Hunter • Dormitories • Alone

          ‘God, Archie.’
          Archie feels his cheeks turning red during Val’s words about the fact that he could come and go whenever he likes during the gathering that evening. Earlier, Archie was under the impression that it’s a private thing — something for the popular kids at Borealis, not for the nerds (which is just him, because all the others were at least capable of one of the Hunter activities).
          ‘You’ve never been there before?’
          Archie shakes his head, forming the words in his head as an answer. But then, Val puts his arm around Archie’s shoulder and the sudden movement and pressure makes him feel out of balance even more than normal. When Val catches Archie before he hits his head to the wall, Archie sees the room spinning around him — fumbling with his feet to keep himself up. Archie had fallen a thousand times at Borealis, so he wasn’t that shaken about it. Val didn’t seem to care, because he’s writing a text message on his phone. Archie has a phone as well, but he almost never uses it — for a while he’d used it to send Feliks messages, which made him blushing and giggling all the time.
          Archie notices Val staring at him and he deducts that his fellow Hunter asked him a question before that he hadn’t heard. Archie mutters a couple of inaudible words, before remembering the things that Val said before his cellphone got into his concentration.
          ‘No, I’ve never been there before. So um, I’d go shower and put on some appropriate clothes. Tomorrow I’ll make that list about subjects for the project.’
          Archie’s blushing, he’s excited for tonight and the fact that he’s going to do something with the Hunters that matter. It’s the fact that Val’s standing next to him, that keeps him from jumping around like a little kid. Archie goes through his outfits, picking the one thing that’ll portrait him as something more than he is.
          ‘Thanks, Val!’
          Archie runs off, almost falling down in the process but keeping himself up due to the wall. Before he can feel ashamed of himself, he thrusts himself forward into the common area — next to the laughing Hunters into his bedroom. Within a couple of minutes, all of his clothes are thrown on his bed and Archie stands in front of it with his hands in his hair — it’s a disaster, he’s got no idea what to wear at some gathering like tonight because he’s never even been there. For a second, he contemplates asking Feliks for help — but ignores the idea, not wanting Feliks to see him like this. Archie’d choose an outfit, all alone — and he’s going to love tonight, he has to.

    Fergus Fraser
    He was a rainbow ——— in a colorblind world.

    19 • Scottish • The Artist • Dormitories • Alone • Host

          Fergus hears his phone chiming again, but he’s got a sniper rifle in his hands and is just pointing it at one of the targets at the others end of the room. Fergus isn’t going to break off his training now for a text, even though he knows it can be one of his partner. Without thinking about it further, he fires the sniper rifle again and again — until all the rounds are done and the one target he’s been hitting all the time is nothing more than a ruffle of paper. Fergus exhales, loving the feeling the sniper rifle gives him when it’s in his hands. With slow movements, he starts to take the rifle part — cleaning all the bits with care.


          When Fergus leaves the trainingroom, he’s covered in sweat. Smiling because of the exercise, he gets his phone out of his pocket and scrolls through his messages. The one from Sully is short, so he decides to let her be and see her tonight. The one from Feliks makes him sigh, he forgets most about the preparations for their parties all the time — so he likes it that his friends take care of it for him. Still, he writes them a small answer.
          >>> Feliks & Val
          I’ll bring some paint for the nice bodies. First, showering. I’ll meet up with you losers in an hour or so — takes time to be this handsome.

          Fergus puts his phone back in his pocket and walks back to the dormitories, planning on a hot, long and steaming shower.


    - thank you for existing -

    17 | bubbles | cafeteria | with feliks


    "I meant, how are you guys now? Still no talking? You'll probably have to at the party, right?"
          I simply shrugged and focussed my attention on the little plate of food in front of me. Talking about it wasn't really my favorite subject. It wasn't like I didn't like Val anymore. I still did, despite his behavior sometimes, it just scared as well and I started to freak out because of it. "I guess so yeah. It is okay, I don't mind." To distract from her lovelife, I quickly asked Feliks about his lovelife.
          "Boring as fuck. I'm in desperate need for some loving attention ASAP. I'm starting to think I've tried with every available person at Borealis and there are no cool people left. What am I supposed to do now? Teachers? Maybe that's exactly what I will do. I'm joking, obvious."
          His loud voice, which attracted the attention of many of the students in the cafeteria, made me roll my eyes. We were basically opposites on that. Where he kind of loved attention, I didn't really like it that much when everyone was focussing on me. It made me feel uncomfortable.
          "Don't I give you enough loving attention?" I put on a sad face. "I am also very cool bye the way, and single, so..." Hopefully he knew I was just joking. Kind of. It would probably be too awkward anyway. "I'd be a saver option than a teacher, probably. You might be legal, I'm pretty sure student-teacher relationships are still forbidden." Honestly? It wouldn't surprise me if he would actually go for a teacher. The idiot.
          "You wanna come with me to the hangars for a sec? Won't take long, you'll have plenty of time left to get ready."
          "Sure thing, just let me eat my food first." I still had only finished my apple. "And let me grab my jacket, unless I can borrow one of yours?" I always liked his jackets a lot better. They were big and cosy.

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Alessandra Flores
    19 — Wallflower — Cafeteria — With Tansy

    'I mean, being the best hunterpair in school doesn't come easy, right?' Tansy said jokingly, which resulted in Alessandra laughing out loud. She loved her overworking, ambitious partner. She was glad they'd been chosen for each other when they were younger. Even though she had been weary of it at first, looking at their age difference and Alessandra's mental health, it hadn't looked like it would work out. But thankfully it had.
          'Exactly,' she answered, still smiling. 'What a heavy burden to carry.'
          When Tansy said she wasn't the type for a party, Alessandra was disappointed. it wasn't true that nobody would want her. Of course, even Alessandra knew that Tansy's ambitions made her a not very sociable person, but she wasn't exactly hated by the study body either. Alessandra thought that if Tansy would just open up a little, it would get better. But that was like telling someone to not smoke, whilst holding a cigarette yourself. 'Fergus is alright, though. And Feliks, though don't fall for his flirting.' She glanced at Feliks and his partner Ailsa — Val's ex-girlfriend, she knew — sitting a few table away from them. The guy had only just nearly shouted that he was single and lonely, so Alessandra was quite certain he'd be able to pick someone up at the party. She didn't understand people like him. She herself was a one lifetime, one soul kinda gal. How you could fit multiple people, one right after the other, in your side, went above her. But maybe that was the reason she hadn't dated anyone in over 4 years.
          'You'd really want me as your date?' Tansy asked surprised when Alessandra suggested they went to the party together. Alessandra laughed again and nodded. 'Well, maybe, just maybe, I can clear my schedule and stop by real quick. But I won't drink any alcohol.'
          'Great,' Alessandra said, closing her books enthusiastically. 'I probably won't either.' If Val was one of the host, she didn't trust anything that she wasn't familiar with. 'Shall I wait for you in the dormitories then? I was planning on taking a long shower now, so I don't smell of oil tonight.'

    kindness is never a burden.

    Feliks Ilya Konstantin Vasilyev
    19 — Slut/Russian Prince — Cafeteria/Dormitories — With Ailsa — A host

    'Don't I give you enough loving attention?' Ailsa asked looking like a sad little puppy. 'I am also very cool bye the way, and single, so...' Feliks laughed loudly.
          'Okay. Wanna make out?' He crossed his arms on the table and leaned forward, wiggling his eyebrows seductively. He knew she was kidding and so was he. She wasn't exactly like a little sister to him, but she was someone he'd never hook—up with. It wasn't that she wasn't pretty or his type, but it would just never work out between them. And he didn't want it to either. Besides, Val was his bro, he couldn't do that to him either.
          'I'd be a saver option than a teacher, probably. You might be legal, I'm pretty sure student-teacher relationships are still forbidden,' she continued. Ever the level—headed one. Smart, too. Feliks pulled an equally sad face as she had done a few moments before and sighed dramatically.
          'I guess you're right,' he admitted in defeat. He was quiet for a few seconds and then looked up at her again, grinning smugly. 'But it would be fucking hot, though. Totally worth it.'
          Feliks felt his phone vibrate in the pocket of his jeans and pulled it out to read the two texts from Val and Fergus; the first one telling him where to put the liquor and that he was coming too and the second being a dickhead as per usual. He didn't bother answering Vals text, but couldn't miss out on the opportunity to annoy Fergus.

    To: Fergus
    like you'll get any tonight. Dick

          Feliks waited for Ailsa to finish her apple, as she had agreed to accompany him on his Booze Mission. 'You still have probably like three sweaters of mine in your closet, you thief. First a user, now a thief,' he joked. 'And still people think you're an innocent bubble of happiness.' He shook his head in fake disbelief. 'It goes beyond me.' He put their trays away and walked to the boys' dormitories where Feliks had stashed the liquor under his bed. Sneaking it out could turn out to be a bigger problem than he thought when he noticed multiple teachers walking up and down the halls. He would have to make the boxes look like they were something they weren't.
          Opening the door to the dormitories, he heard the familiar laughter of his fellow male Hunters. 'Dude! Feliks, you have to see this video of—' Daniel shouted at him, but Feliks just waved it away. 'No time, I'm on an alcoholic mission.' That statement resulted in some loud hollering from the guys and high fives and shoulder pads, for which Feliks really didn't have the time.
          He noticed Ailsa wasn't following him and realized she'd stayed at the door, waiting. He motioned that it as cool for her to come it, which resulted in some more hollering and Feliks only rolled his eyes.
          Feliks threw open the door to his room and immediately almost tripped over a lost shoe and a pair of fresh — at least he thought they were — boxers. He'd have to clean that up before the room checks on Sunday. 'Right. Excuse the mess. Here.' He crouched down next to his unmade bed and pulled out two wooden crates filled with glass bottles of multicolored liquor. He glanced over at Ailsa and grinned. 'How many d'you reckon fit in your bra?'


    [ bericht aangepast op 9 aug 2017 - 0:55 ]

    kindness is never a burden.