This is an all english RPG, which means that we write the characters and posts in english and we expect you to be able to write good post, with correct grammar and use of words and punctation. Of course you can chat in dutch.

    In this RPG we'll follow a couple of students attending Springfield University– a university only willing to accept the best students, or the richest. Springfield is an university with a high reputation as well in sports as in grades. Students come from all over the world to attend and almost no one starts or ends in any other year than the first and last year. To get in Springfield University students will need the best grades and motivation

          • Studies
    Students can follow a wide variety of studies at Springfield, of which all include a lot of colleges and work you have to do on your own. The students we follow follow either of the courses on this list. Most of those studies include some kind of separation in the higher years.
    — Architecture
    — Graphic Design
    — Politics
    — Physiology
    — History
    — Science
    — Biology
    — Engineering
    — Art
    — English literature
    — Law
    If you have read all this, please add 'Name' to you character sheet for this RPG. The 'name' has to include a name as well as a surname, and would be preferred to also have an cited meaning, origin and pronouncement. Nicknames and the reason your character has that name are also optional, but would be nice.
          • Dorms
    Springfield University has a roomie plan, which means that at the beginning of your first year, you get paired up with someone else from your own gender, and you guys will have to share a dorm room for your coming years. Your dorm includes two one-person beds which you can set to almost any height and can also pair up, two desk, two closets, two chairs, two nightstand and two dressers. You are allowed to move your furniture around in any way you like, but it has to stay in your room. Cleaning your room is your own responsibility. Boys and Girls are not allowed to be in each others dorm room while the door being closed and not allowed in at any time between 19.00 and 7.00. The dorms are checked every evening so there is no way of students sneaking in or out. In the evening there's a patrol at the doors, except between 1.00 and 4.00, but there still is an alarm on the building. The list of roommates will be made at the opening of the writing topic with a randomizer.
    If you have read all this, please add 'Age' to you character sheet for this RPG. This has to include a birthdate– but no year! and the age your character is at the start of the new school year. Astrological signs are optional, but would be nice.
          • Sports
    Sports are high-valued at Springfield University, though not a must. Athletes are well-known and most of them are populair. The cheerleading and football team are above all, most valued and most populair. The selection process for those includes a lot of work, and the only person secure of their place of the team another year is the person who was captain. Others all have to re-audition, and don't always get in the team again. Below is a list of all sports available at Springfield.
    — American Football (Boys Only)
    — Cheerleading (Girls Only)
    — Swimming
    — Track and Field
    — Show Jumping
    If you have read all this, please add 'Study' to you character sheet for this RPG. Please include a reason for why they chose this particular study.
          • Dress Code
    The university has no uniform, but a dress code, as that is what students prefer. During classes, students have to obey to the dress code, or they'll be sent to their dorm to change. A list of items not allowed:
    — Headwear of any way. If there is a reason you must or feel safer to, your parents have to have contacted the university's principal.
    — Any suggestive graphic on clothing.
    — Skirts, dresses or pants shorter than 15cm above the knee.
    — Suggestive clothing.
    — Heels over 8cm high.
    — Pants or shorts worn below the waistline.
    — Stretch lycra, spandex or nylon tights, leotards, biker pants, pajama/sleepwear pants or shirts, or underwear worn as outer garments.
    — Bare-feet or flip-flops.
    — Long coats (inside)
    — Pyjamas
    — Showing underwear.
    If you have read all this, please add 'Character' to you character sheet for this RPG. This has to include at least three well out written positive characteristics as well as three negatives. You can write more of those of course, but a list of the remaining characteristics is enough too.
          • Years
    Students can enroll at Springfield directly after high school, or after a break-year. In the RPG we'll follow second year students.
    1 — 18/19 or 19/20
    2 — 19/20 or 20/21
    3 — 20/21 or 21/22
    4 — 21/22 or 22/23
    If you have read all this, please add 'Nationality' to you character sheet for this RPG. Include a reason they chose to go to Springfield University here.
          • Grades, Tests and Essays
    The year is split into three trimesters. At the end of your last trimester, you'll have an exam to determine whether you can go on to your next year. The other trimesters end with a big test, that counts 20% or that years exam, which counts 15% on your graduation exam. Students are allowed to get three tests pro subject every trimester, and two essays.The grading goes on a percentage-scale. This percentage builds up, so at the end of your year you could reach a maximum of 1800%, though no one ever was able to reach that.
    If you have read all this, please add 'Appearance' to you character sheet for this RPG. You have to include the basic things, but it's important to mention a height (using centimeters, not inches!) and have a faceclaim.
          • Rules
    — No fighting, bullying or any way of harassing fellow students or Professors is allowed.
    — Never destroy or do harm to any of the University's possesions or the University itself.
    — Do not skip classes if you haven't got a valid reason to do so.
    — Any form of fraud is strictly forbidden and you will be punished severely for it.
    — Normal society rules also apply at the University.
    If you have read all this, please add 'Family and Background' to you character sheet for this RPG. This should include a list of immediate family and a brief summary of your characters youth and past. Any important things about their past should be mentioned too, as well as things still affectioning them.


          • American Football
    Captain —
    Guard (2) ––
    Tackle (2) ––
    Center (1) ––
    Quarterback (1) ––
    Running back (3) ––
    Wide receiver (2) ––
    Tight end (2) ––
    Tackle (2) ––
    End (2) ––
    Middle linebacker (1) ––
    Outside linebacker (2) ––
    Cornerback (2) ––
    Safety (2) ––

          • Cheerleading
    Captain ––
    Reserve Captain/Under Captain ––
    Other (12) ––
    • Alexis Mae Boyer
    • Charlotte Qais Teller Joneson
    • Lexi Amelia Everest

          • Track and Field

          • Swimming
    • Luka Ábel Petrovic
    • Lucy Cho Fitzgerald

          • Show Jumping
    • Joshua Niall Teagan

    Name — Study — Faceclaim — User — Page
    [Girls/Boys: 12/11]
    • Lieke Bregtje van Diepen — Graphic Design — Holland Roden — Deamus — 1.12
    • Averly Ann Daemor — History — Emilia Clarke — Anemoia — ?
    • ? — ? — ? — Probie — ?
    • Alexis Mae Boyer — Physiology — Danielle Campbell — Dysthymia — 1.3
    • Lucy Cho Fitzgerald — Law — Jenn Im — Daggers — 1.2
    • ? — ? — ? — Ellipsism — ?
    • Charlotte Qais Teller Joneson — Cara Delevingne — Science — Dinkleberg — 1.3
    • Rhea Alyx Metaxas — History — Amanda Steele — Sempre — 1.4
    • Lexi Amelia Everest — Architecture — Lauren Cohan — Caprice — 1.4
    • Elza Delilah Morrow — Science — Vanessa Moe — Malfoys — 1.6
    • Faelyn Bree Ahearn — Politics — Alexis Ren — Vellichor — 1.9
    • Camilla Sydney Marissa Fernandes — Biology — Cindy Mello — Xanthopoulos — 1.12

    • Elijah Valentijn Valencia — Law — ? — Anemoia — 1.12
    • Flyn Levi Thatcher — English Literature — Sean O'Pry — GusWaters — 1.3
    • Luka Ábel Petrovic — History — Alessio Pozzi — Raccoon — 1.3
    • ? — ? — ? — Ellipsism — ?
    • ? — ? — ? — Wallen — ?
    • Aurelian Narcisse Ainsworth — Law — Jordan Barett — Xanthopoulos — 1.3
    • Cain Timothy Acardi — Art — Francisco Lachowski — Vellichor — 1.10
    • Finley Sebastian Rutherford — History — ? — Dumbledore — 1.5
    • Joshua Niall Teagan — English Literature — Finn Harries — BenjaminSolo — 1.9
    • Sam Brian Moores — Biology — Nick Bateman — Necessity — 1.11
    • Sebastien Javier Dominguez — Graphic Design — Andre Hamman — Atlas — 1.11

    RPG Rules

    • Posts are at least 200 words.
    • Post regularly.
    • Be nice to each other.
    • Posts are in English only! OOC is allowed in Dutch.
    • Make a full post, meaning a picture, a name, your post and the study of your character
    • 16+ is allowed, but warn in the top of you post in red so people who don't want to read it don't have to.
    • Quizlet house rules.
    • Only Deamus and Anemoia make the topics, unless stated otherwise.
    • There's no character limit - but don't take more than you can handle.
    • When you want to reserve another character, please pay attention to the amount of boys and girls and keep that in mind when deciding on the gender. If there's a stop there's a stop. There is no wait-list, so first the first to actually claim the role gets it.
    • You only have to write English in your Character Sheet and in the Writing topic.
    • If you aren't writing with fun anymore, you can quit the RPG but not before you write a post where your character leaves the conversation/gets send off to another school/etc.
    • Read the whole topic!

    This RPG has been opened before, but I decided to open it with two others again. I'm sorry if you participated in the last one and want your old role back, because I want new, fresh roles that haven't been used before. Some things also might have changed between the last one and this one.

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 feb 2016 - 11:28 ]

    take me back to the basics and the simple life

    Oh, can I have a girl? This is awesome!

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 jan 2016 - 21:35 ]

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    It has been a while since I played an English RPG, so I will think about it, if that's okay?

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 jan 2016 - 21:31 ]

    When time and life shook hands and said goodbye.

    @both: fine ^^

    take me back to the basics and the simple life

    Can I have a girl? I might take on a boy later too (:

    I'd rather be spitting blood, than have the silence fuck me up.

    Can I have a girl? Who's also on the swimming team? With the study of Law.

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 jan 2016 - 10:10 ]

    The monsters running wild inside of me. I'm faded

    @above: sure. There'll be a stop at the girls for now.

    take me back to the basics and the simple life

    Hmm interesting, but i aint that good in English writing :c

    I caught a golden trout! But the real treusure? Friendship - ACNH

    Raccoon schreef:
    Hmm interesting, but i aint that good in English writing :c

    I think there are always people who would like to help you with that!

    The monsters running wild inside of me. I'm faded

    We are eager to help if needed ^^

    take me back to the basics and the simple life

    Can I have a boy of the football team, studying English literature?
    (Sean O'Pry as faceclaim)

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 jan 2016 - 13:59 ]

    Ik wil vrij zijn zoals de wind

    Maybe I would like to try a boy, studying Architecture :3

    I caught a golden trout! But the real treusure? Friendship - ACNH

    Girl & 2 Guys (let's even it out a little) ^^

    Diego Barrueco, Lucky Blue Smith and Zoey Deutch as fc's ^^

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 jan 2016 - 13:43 ]

    Spinning around, I'm weightless.

    Can I possibly have a Guy and a Girl?
    I have experience in RPG's My friend just Showed me this site.

    A sadness that you'll never be able to know how history will turn out

    This looks fun! Can I have a girl who studies science, but is also quarterback and captain of the American Football-team?

    Tijd voor koffie.

    Can I have a boy who studies forensics but also is the Running Back of the American Football team? ^^

    "At least I am much stronger than when I was unaware of my own weakness."