Lea Michele - Battlefield
But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.
Twenty One Pilots - Lane Boy. I can't with this band.
Caution first, always.
Pharrell Williams - Marilyn Monroe
"Satan's friendship reaches to the prison door."
Pretty is just a pretty word.
I'll stop laughing as soon as it stops being funny
Thousand Foot Krutch- Fly on the Wall
Take me to wonderland
Neon Trees - Songs I Can't Listen To Het nieuwste nummer van de band en ik vind het al helemaal geweldig.
"If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."
Ich liebe dich 27.12.23
Childsplay ft Jay - Bobbel
they come, they go
Muse - Psycho
Tell me about it, stud.
Kamelot- Liar Liar
Seasons will change, but I shall remain
Naruto - Opening 4 , Fighting Dreamers
Everything should have a balance, There is no light without darkness.
Hawthorne Heights • Niki FM
Every villain is a hero in his own mind.