• Welke film en/of serie heb jij het laatst gezien?

    De laatste aflevering van mijn serie die ik zag, was de seizoensfinale van Breaking Bad.. Ik val nu dus in een diep zwart gat, basically. Ugh. En jij?

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 april 2015 - 20:07 ]

    ars moriendi

    The Vampire Diaries

    Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.


    El Diablo.

    The Borgias :9~

    Sarah = ongewoon sexy

    The Boy Next Door en Taped. (films)

    Tell me about it, stud.

    Films: Shaun of the Dead en Cuban Fury;
    Serie: Doctor Who - Serie Three - Utopia/The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords.

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."

    Serie: The white Queen

    If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words.

    Film: Jurassic World.
    Serie: Pretty Little Liars.

    I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.

    Man on a ledge

    Sarah = ongewoon sexy

    Film: The A-Team (2010)
    Was een leuk film. ^^

    Serie: Prison Break (s1 ep2)
    Het einde ervan: ouch? o.-

    Ik wil een tuin vol egels

    Serie: Doctor Who

    Let's go outside and all join hands, but until then you'll never understand…

    Film: Ant-man

    "At least I am much stronger than when I was unaware of my own weakness."

    Serie: American Horror Story

    wat was dit ookalweer

    Jurassic World

    "Feet on ground, you’ll come round, And be human again."

    Magic in the moonlight

    The truth is out there.

    One Tree Hill

    ~ You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. ~