Ik had weer eens een creatieve ingeving dit weekend en dat resulteerde in 3 ideeën voor verhalen. Ik ben van plan bij het uitwerken van een van onderstaande verhalen(die ik overigens allemaal in het Engels zal schrijven) het anders aan te pakken dan ik tot nu toe deed, namelijk in kortere stukken schrijven die samen een hoofdstuk vormen(1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc.), dit heb ik anderen hier al wel eens zien doen en ik hoop dat dit zorgt voor een hogere motivatie/inspiratie.
De volgende plotten heb ik bedacht en ik ben benieuwd wat jullie een geschikt verhaal lijkt om uit te werken:
The last of a kind
The last of a kind
This is the story of Count Paul Benckendorff, the Grand Marshal of the Russian Court during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II.
He served under three sovereigns who succeeded one another in forty years time, this made him not only a very experienced and loyal courtier to Nicholas, but also a good friend of the Royal family.
Paul experienced the struggle the royal family was going through with his very own eyes and at last he even experienced the extermination of one of the oldest royal houses in Europe: the Romanovs.
- Veel informatie beschikbaar
- Gebaseerd op echte historische personen; iedereen heeft echt bestaan(inclusief Paul Benckendorff)
- Kan zeker voor de nodige drama & emotie zorgen
- Is zo te schrijven dat de lezer niet per se een 'hoogleraar geschiedenis' hoeft te zijn(bij wijze van spreken).
- Veel onderzoek nodig
- Bepaalde lezers die de geschiedenis kennen zullen bepaalde verwachtingen hebben
In the end, happiness does not lie in the South
'In the end, hapiness does not lie in the South' depicts the story of Samuel Ferguson, a young law student living in Philadelphia who falls in love with Pauline Jackson from Alabama, who turns out to be a daughter of a powerful Plantation owner.
He leaves his home city to chase his love back to the south, where he is amazed by the enormous plantations he sees along the way. But just when he finds out where Pauline may be living, the Southern states declare independence from the US and Mr. Jackson, who has heard about the young man in the meantime gives him an ultimatum.
Samuel needs to join the Confederate forces in order to get his daughter's hand. Samuel, desperate to marry the girl of his dreams joins the Conferdate army, against his principles.
Samuel gets wounded in battle and is send to an army hospital in Montgomery, the capital of the state Alabama.
After a long recovery period he continues his search for his love by contacting Mr. Jackson, only to learn that Mr. Jackson has just arranged a marriage between Pauline and the son of a plantion owner.
When Pauline visits Montgomery to do some shopping he 'kidnaps' her into his safety and they flee back North, just when the war is coming to an end.
Mr. Jackson hears of the kidnapping in no time and assembles a group of men to bring back his daughter.
And just when Mr. Jackson and his companions catch up with Samuel & Pauline, they find themselves on the battlefield.
Samuel achieves to convince the Union troops of his 'loyalty' to the North and retreats to safety behind the Union lines.
Or so they think: when Samuel and Pauline are just about to reach the camp of the Union commander, Mr. Jackson and his men threathen Samuel's life.
Just before Samuel thinks his life is over, Mr. Jackson and his men are killed by reinforcing Union troops, clearly recognizing the clothing of Southern men.
- Ik heb de basislijnen van het verhaal al redelijk uitgewerkt
- Heeft naast historische feiten ook romantiek en uiteraard drama
- Mijn motivatie valt o.a. te halen uit muziek van die periode
- Kan een vrij lang verhaal worden
- Hoofdpersonages zijn fictief dus moeten nog uitgewerkt worden
Intrigue and rivalry: the royal court of king George III
Since 1760 a monarch named George III rules the British empire. Unlike his father Frederik or even his grandfather king George II, he was born an Englishman.
But that was not the only thing that was different about him: George III was determined to modernize his nation and be the first Georgian monarch who actually had a good relationship with his familymembers.
However, as years went by trouble was brewing. After the successfull Seven Years war in which Great Britain acquired French Canada, the American colonies on the other hand saw civil unrest becoming worse each day.
His incompetent ministers at home made everything worse for George and the well intended king endured setback after setback even though he tried his best to do everything in his power to keep the empire stable.
All these setbacks were a major assault on his health and in 1811 he grew mentally ill. His son, the prince of Wales(who later became known as king George IV) was now the regent.
Even though his son now practically ruled the country, the mentally sick George was still formally king and thus able to make decisions.
This worsened the relationship with his son, who wanted to decide about his own marriage and was desperately waiting to be king.
This story shows different perspectives from inside the court of the British king who later became known as 'the mad king' or 'the king who lost America'.
- Mogelijkheid om het verhaal te schrijven uit verschillende personages dat het misschien leuker maakt
- Ook hier is veel informatie over te vinden en personages hebben echt bestaan
- Geen uitgemolken tijdsperiode/onderwerp
- Wederom veel onderzoek doen
- Sommige lezers zullen bepaalde verwachtingen hebben van vooral de personages
Elk verhaal zal uiteindelijk in het Engels geschreven worden. Maak alsjeblieft geen misbruik van de beschreven verhaallijnen voor je eigen verhaal, in overleg is er misschien wel wat mogelijk natuurlijk.
Ik hoor graag welk verhaal jullie het beste aanstaat en ideeën zijn natuurlijk welkom. Alvast bedankt!
How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.