The Nightclub!

    Life doesn't stop for anybody. And neither does the melodies and the beats of the songs. Come join us and get lost in the music. The night is still young. Make sure you're best dressed, but not too overdone. We're gonna live it up. Take a drink and party until the sun rises. We are the nightclub. Who says being awake at night is lonely? When the sun goes down, make sure you're ready to party like we're forever young.

    Onze Tinychat.

    The Guest list.
    Aldea • Gail • Smirnoff-vodka • 18 •
    Cenation • Sylvie • Kinderchampagne • 20 •
    DiNozzo • Yolanda • Bacardi-cola • 17 •
    Bat • Lotta • Ice Tea • 13 •
    Epps • Saartje • Jillz • 16 •
    McGregor • Kim • Appelsap • 18 •
    Leshley • Jaimy • Passoa • 17 •
    Ansolo • Aline • Appelsap • 14 •
    Nonno • Merel • Ouzo • 15 •
    Tricksters • Xanthe • Gin-tonic • 16 •
    Vernon • Miriam • Ice Tea • 15 •
    Debbaut • Jarne • Politie-inspecteur • 15 •
    Irmings • Eva • Amaretto • 14 •
    Frodo • Bes • WKD • 16 •
    Fabrizio • Tamara • Sinaasappelsap • 13 •
    Khamul • Erieka • Radler 0.0% • 18 •
    RayLaVie • Sam • Water • 16 •
    GIader • Rani • - • 19 •
    Dierickx • Leah • Baileys • 14

    Song of the night sinds 6 november: Nielson - Sexy Als Ik Dans

    Song of the night wachtlijst:
    - Sylvie met This Is How We Do van Katy Perry
    - Xanthe met Basket Case van Green Day

    Vond het wel een goed idee, want anders word je vergeten en kom je nooit aan de beurt.
    Is het een idee om elke song twee à drie dagen te houden?

    [ bericht aangepast op 7 nov 2014 - 21:53 ]

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."

    Aldea schreef:
    Een mini vraagje aan iedereen: Wat gebruiken jullie school?

    1. Laptop(gewoon opdr via internet doorgeven.)
    2. zwarte/groene bord met krijt.
    3. Wite bord met stiften
    4. Laptop en zo'n slideshow waarbij jij als een gek van alles mag overnemen?

    Wij hebben allemaal een eigen laptop x)

    wat was dit ookalweer

    Dit is topic 30 nog


    The Nightclub!

    Life doesn't stop for anybody. And neither does the melodies and the beats of the songs. Come join us and get lost in the music. The night is still young. Make sure you're best dressed, but not too overdone. We're gonna live it up. Take a drink and party until the sun rises. We are the nightclub. Who says being awake at night is lonely? When the sun goes down, make sure you're ready to party like we're forever young.

    Onze Tinychat.

    The Guest list.
    Aspen • Gail • Smirnoff-vodka • 18 •
    Cenation • Sylvie • Kinderchampagne • 20 •
    DiNozzo • Yolanda • Bacardi-cola • 17 •
    Bat • Lotta • Ice Tea • 13 •
    NefeIibata • Saartje • Jillz • 16 •
    McGregor • Kim • Appelsap • 18 •
    Leshley • Jaimy • Passoa • 17 •
    Ansolo • Aline • Appelsap • 14 •
    Nonno • Merel • Ouzo • 15 •
    Tricksters • Xanthe • Gin-tonic • 16 •
    Glade • Miriam • Ice Tea • 15 •
    Debbaut • Jarne • Politie-inspecteur • 15 •
    Irmings • Eva • Amaretto • 14 •
    Frodo • Bes • WKD • 16 •
    Fabrizio • Tamara • Sinaasappelsap • 13 •
    Khamul • Erieka • Radler 0.0% • 18 •
    RayLaVie • Sam • Water • 16 •
    Ventus • Rani • - • 19 •
    Dierickx • Leah • Baileys • 14

    Song of the night: You Got It All - Union J

    16 - 09 - '17

    Ons school gebruikt een groen bord met krijt, en op de achterkant kun je op een wit bord met stiften schrijven. Lekker primitief, haha.

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    Hhaha wauw xd ^^

    Nogmaals bedankt iedereen voor het antwoorden :D


    En de beginpost klopt weer. (;

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."

    Wachtlijst staat er niet in xp.



    The Nightclub!

    Life doesn't stop for anybody. And neither does the melodies and the beats of the songs. Come join us and get lost in the music. The night is still young. Make sure you're best dressed, but not too overdone. We're gonna live it up. Take a drink and party until the sun rises. We are the nightclub. Who says being awake at night is lonely? When the sun goes down, make sure you're ready to party like we're forever young.

    Onze Tinychat.

    The Guest list.
    Aspen • Gail • Smirnoff-vodka • 18 •
    Cenation • Sylvie • Kinderchampagne • 20 •
    DiNozzo • Yolanda • Bacardi-cola • 17 •
    Bat • Lotta • Ice Tea • 13 •
    NefeIibata • Saartje • Jillz • 16 •
    McGregor • Kim • Appelsap • 18 •
    Leshley • Jaimy • Passoa • 17 •
    Ansolo • Aline • Appelsap • 14 •
    Nonno • Merel • Ouzo • 15 •
    Tricksters • Xanthe • Gin-tonic • 16 •
    Vernon • Miriam • Ice Tea • 15 •
    Debbaut • Jarne • Politie-inspecteur • 15 •
    Irmings • Eva • Amaretto • 14 •
    Frodo • Bes • WKD • 16 •
    Fabrizio • Tamara • Sinaasappelsap • 13 •
    Khamul • Erieka • Radler 0.0% • 18 •
    RayLaVie • Sam • Water • 16 •
    Ventus • Rani • - • 19 •
    Dierickx • Leah • Baileys • 14

    Song of the night: 5 Seconds of Summer > Close As Strangers

    Song of the night wachtlijst:
    - Miriam met Sexy Als Ik Dans van Nielson
    - Sylvie met This Is How We Do van Katy Perry

    Vond het wel een goed idee, want anders word je vergeten en kom je nooit aan de beurt.
    Is het een idee om elke song twee à drie dagen te houden?


    Topic 31 ^^


    Ik heb de wachtlijst in de beginpost gezet.
    Ook heb ik de datum erbij gezet waarop de Song of the Night was veranderd. Anders denken mensen na een halve dag al dat de Song veranderd kan worden.

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."

    Mcgregor schreef:

    Sinds die ene keer, trek ik gewoon wat meer speciale kleding aan bij bijzondere gelegenheden.

    Ja dat doe ik ook (: En enkele accessoires, ook al heb ik die nooit echt gedragen. Nu weer wat meer (:

    '' Type Sangster if you can see this. "

    Hello once again audience, we left off and I filled up a bucket of lava, I am trying to make a volcano right now and the lava has been talking to itself. Oh no, oh god no. Shut up dude. Of course I am freaking you okay? You can clearly not avoid me. No I am not, you are such a stupid. I do not have a brain, give me a brain. Yeah well whatever. Like that is a freaking excuse. It is definately a freaking excuse. Whatever you want dude. You killed me too many times, you burned all my stuff; But that is what I do man. Do not jump in m. Yeah well, I did okay, so live with it. I can not, I am not even really alive. Oh the saddest thing I ever heard. That is so sad. But it is true though, you are not freaking alive. Do not freaking say that, come on. I am sorry lava, I am sorry. I am just, you know a really bad rap. Yeah movies are like, when a guy jumps in lava their legs burn of. This voice must be really painful for you. Can you sound different? Oh sure, this is what I sound like. Oh no, oh no juice, what just happend? What are you trying to do? Sorry, sorry I am covered I am in a bucket right now you can not be submerged. I will put my hand over the bucket, it will be fine. I seriously doubt. Oh god, I am going to drown, I am going to drown, oh god oh god, oh Jezus, please. freedom, oh no, Oh god I am going to drown. I am going to freaking drown alright? Do it, yes, see I told you, oh no you got to get out now, stupid. There you go lava bucket. I did not do it for you. Can you have a different voice? Well what about this one? it is fine I guess, okay. What are we doing up here? Bring me back to my family. You are good at accents, lava, holy mother can you do Australian? I do not know, sometimes, saying, New Zealand, sort of often I learned how to speak Australian from the fosters commercials. Oh yeah pretty limited vocabulary then. yeah totally, totally. Did not even hit, because I am freaking though that is why. Australians are freaking though as nails tougher than nails. Nails are sissies. I had nails for breakfast. That is a bad idea. Why. Hey, what happend I lost your for a second ,oh yeah I, well I, how do I say this? This is a, this is a computer game. What are you talking about? What is a computer? It is a, it is a thing humans made. What is a human? That is what I am. Oh that is right, that is right you are a human. Our educations are quite limited, it is pretty underground. You will find a really good school. It is not an easy task, not an easy task at all. What are we doing up here? Lava You tell me I do not know. A part of me wants to reunite you with your family. In the face of the world and a part of me wants to build a big, big tower that goes all the way up top like that one. Does that go up to the top of the what? Atmosphere I think I will build it right next to that one horn that goes to the top. that sounds a bit dangerous does it not? Yeah yeah yeah, I love danger dude. Which gets me to my next point. This whole thing is a videogame.
    Dat moment dat je engelse opdracht een hoop randomheid is :'D

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Jeeeeeeej, ik mag bijna m'n WvW wedstrijd organiseren, iemand die zin heeft om mee te doen dan?

    16 - 09 - '17

    Cenation schreef:
    Jeeeeeeej, ik mag bijna m'n WvW wedstrijd organiseren, iemand die zin heeft om mee te doen dan?
    Ik wil wel ^^

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Tricksters schreef:
    (...)Ik wil wel ^^

    Wow, die Engelse tekst is zo lang..

    16 - 09 - '17

    Cenation schreef:
    Jeeeeeeej, ik mag bijna m'n WvW wedstrijd organiseren, iemand die zin heeft om mee te doen dan?

    Ikke. Sowieso. Ik hou misschien iets téveel van dat spel.
    Maar wil je me dan wel alsjeblieft waarschuwen?

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 nov 2014 - 23:14 ]

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."