• In a second everything can change. You can buy a winning lottery ticket, you can see your true love at the bus stop for the first time or you can see your first-born being born. This is not the case for everyone, because in that one second your life can also change for the worse. That is what happened to them. The people in the support group in the literal heart of Jesus. One day these adolescents felt a pain somewhere, suddenly fainted or felt ill. The doctors first said it was nothing, but later it turned out they were all seriously, possibly terminally, ill. Suddenly their lives changed for the worse. They spend more time in the hospital than at school, all their wishes and dreams became pointless and all their hopes vanished into one: to get better. Friends abandoned them, everybody stopped treating them like they used to, but treated them as if they would soon be gone, or if they had already move on to another world. Some members of the group are new to all this, others have been in it for years. Some are friends and some can't stand each other, but at least they can all be themselves without being treated as patients all the time. This RPG is about their lives and their stories, not only the part the cancer has destroyed.

    • Roles •

    • Niall Horan •
    • Zayn Malik •
    • Liam Payne •
    • Harry Styles • Shinohara
    • Louis Tomlinson • UnpredictabIe
    • Michael Clifford • DanielInTheDen
    • Luke Hemmings • Kit
    • Calum Hood •
    • Ashton Irwin • Ashey
    • Extra character •

    • Fill-out Form •
    Name •
    Age •
    Nationality •
    Personality •
    Appearance •
    Everything about your illness •
    Extra •

    • Rules •
    • Minimal of 7 lines, 200 words, it's not extremely hard to do so.
    • Please write with capital letters, punctuation marks, decent grammar and spelling. NO DUTCH IC.
    • For OOC please use brackets [] {} () - -. This may be in Dutch.
    • Keep it REALISTIC!!! Terminal cancer is TERMINAL. Also treatments might not work, there are always side effects and there are no miracle treatments. You also can't be fine one minute and die the next.
    • If you don't reply within a week without notice you'll be removed without an excuse.
    • Reservations will be 48 hours. Reservation-time lasts until the role is COMPLETELY FINISHED.
    • No Mary Sue's (perfect characters).
    • Please tell me when you change your username.
    • Don't use other people's characters.
    • 16+ is allowed.
    • Respect the choices of other players and please don't force yourself on them.
    • Only DanielInTheDen and Shinohara create new topics

    You'll get a warning if you break the rule. You will be thrown out after two warnings.

    Have Fun!

    [ bericht aangepast op 8 aug 2014 - 21:40 ]

    Bowties were never Cooler

    Name • Harry Edward Styles.
    Age • Twenty. (First of February.)
    Nationality • British, Holmes Chapel.
    Personality • Harry is mostly a very sweet and spontaneous guy. He can be a bit weird once in while, but he means well. You have to take him for who he is, otherwise you can get the fuck out. That's because he just can't stand being used. If he gets mad you really must have done something terrible, and it will probably take a little time before he calms down again, he also gets the urge to throw with things. But in general he is just a bouncy ball of happiness. He is very protective towards his family and friends and will do literally everything to protect them. He's a real flirt, as soon he has a stable relationship he is as loyal as a puppy and wouldn't do a thing to hurt his boy- or girlfriend, but he will do his very best to make him or her happy. It also means he will be very upset when he did hurt them. Cheating is, according to him, the most unforgiveable thing in the world and isn't afraid to put an immediate stop to his relationship if his partner did that to him, even though it still hurts like hell. At first sight he looks like an extremely confident and cocky guy, but that's only because he is actually kind of insecure .People who he really knows know that and he acts normal around them. With them he is more affectionate than a puppy and gets jealous easily if he isn't in the centre of their attention anymore. A lot of people feel intimidated when they meet him for the first time, because of his length and his collection of tattoos, but Harry is the innocence itself. Most people have because of that a preconception about him, he would do anything to change that. Normally he is a very social boy and wants to join in with everything, because otherwise he feels shut out, and he loves to help with various things. Yet Harry also has his days he locks himself up in his room and listens to music for the rest of the day, and you shouldn't dare to interrupt him, because he will chase you down and kill you.
    Appearance • With his 5'9 Harry is a bit taller than most people, but surely not the most intimidating. His length mostly just makes him clumsy, not intimidating. At first sight his body is thin and slender, but if you look better you can see that the boy does have some good muscles, even though some people describe some of his curves as feminine. His skin is tanned because of all the being outside, not that he likes to sunbath or anything, he just loves being outside. The boy has cute brown curls that are way too long, but he refuses going to the hairdresser. He has the most bright green eyes you'll ever see, which can show both kindness and bloodlust. That same eyes are able to show nothing of his feelings or tell whole stories, it depends on how he feels. Just as noticeable are his full, rosy lips, the second thing people notice about him. Harry has quite a lot of tattoos spread out over his body, the one brighter than de the other. Not every single one is beautiful, but they all have a meaning. He regrets a few of them, and compensates that by getting another one tattooed over the old one. His way of dressing is kind of odd. His black skinny jeans and old, brown worn-out boots never miss, but what he's wearing on top of it can vary. But still, most of the time it's a shirt with a V-neck or a button-up shirt with the top buttons open.
    Everything about your illness • As a child, Harry could never keep up with his friends, he got easily tired and was left breathless after just a bit of running. He always had a lot of bruises too, you would say that is normal for a young boy that likes to play outside, but even after a day of gaming inside he gained a few. His parents thought he was just extremely clumsy. Harry never enjoyed eating a lot of food and rather skipped his meal, which resulted in him being a really skinny boy. Once, in gym class, he got suddenly really dizzy and eventually passed out. He woke up in the hospital, with his mom crying next to his bed and his father comforting her. The doctors had discovered Harry suffered from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, which he still has nowadays. He was doing better for a couple of years, he could do more without having to stop if he didn't want to pass out, but about a year ago he had a relapse. He doesn't like to talk about it, he thinks it makes him look weak. A really tall boy, so thin he looks like he is anorexic that can't keep up with literally anyone, who wouldn't feel sorry for him? He deeply hates being pitied, so he pretends he's fine, almost if he doesn't have cancer at all. This means that, in the evening, he is completely wrecked, he is used to asking too much from himself and dying a little every night from exhaustion.
    Extra • Harry is bisexual, even though he won't admit it himself. He's different enough already, he can't handle being excluded from the social even more just because of his sexuality.

    [ bericht aangepast op 6 aug 2014 - 19:14 ]

    Because I love him, do I need another reason?


    Bowties were never Cooler

    Ik ga morgen mijn rol verder aanvullen (:

    "Music expresses everything I can't say in words."

    Btw is de rpg in het engels? Want ik zie nu nog pas dat English voor de titel staat.
    Dom van me.

    "Music expresses everything I can't say in words."


    Bowties were never Cooler

    Oke, geen probleem (Y)

    "Music expresses everything I can't say in words."

    Calum, Ashton en Harry vervallen aan het einde van de dag

    Bowties were never Cooler

    Louis vervalt vanavond

    Bowties were never Cooler

    Het spijt me enorm, maar ik heb het nogal druk met mijn eigen rpg, zoals je wel al weet.
    En om eerlijk te zijn, denk ik ook dat ik niet zo goed in het engels zou kunnen rpg'en.

    "Music expresses everything I can't say in words."


    Bowties were never Cooler

    Kent iemand nog 1 iemand min om mee te doen? Dan ist even

    Bowties were never Cooler

    Name • Ashton Fletcher Irwin.
    Age • Twenty. [The seventh of July.]
    Nationality • Australian, Hornsby.
    Personality • Ashton is a very sweet boy, who would never hurt someone. He is the joy itself, and has almost everyday a warm smile on his face. He likes make fun, and enjoy the little things in live, and tries to see the postive side of everything. He is trying to get the best out of his live, and tries to avoid fights and being unhappy. But even he is not always positive. He can suddenly change from being cheerfull to someone who does not wanna talk at all. He hates it when he hurt people accidentally, and he never ment to do it. The last thing he would do is to hurt people. If he is angry you can better stay away from him, he hates it when people have mercy with him and especially with his illness. He don't wanna talk much about it, he don't want to saddle other people up with his problems. You can hurt him as much as you want, say mean things about him, but if you hurt his family or friends you're dead. He don't get angry easily, but if he is, you know that you went too far and you can better hide. He is shy, but he knows when he has to say something, and dares to express his opinion. He hate fights, and likes to see people in peace everwhere, but he knows that that will never happen. He is really insecure, and hates himself. He thinks he can never do something right, and thinks that nobody likes him. Nobody gets to know this side of him, only his real friends and family. Most of the people just see him as a boy who can always see the good things in something. He really tries to stay positvie, but sometimes that is thougher than he thinks it is. All with all Ashton is just a boy with two sides, the really positive and cheerfully side, and the really insecure side with really bad intensions about himself. He just likes to be with his loved ones, and want to think about the negative things less.
    Appearance • Ashton is has an average length, and is quite muscular, but has a normal posture for a boy of his age. He really loves to smile, and think about the positive things in live, so most of the time his dimples are visible. His slightly curly brown hair sits most of the time in the "just woke up" look, just because he is too lazy to do something about his hair, or he just wears a bandana or a beanie, and his problem is solved. His eyes are both hazel and green colored at the same time, it's just about how the light shines in them., and they show exactly how he is feeling. Ashton has pretty bad eyes, and has to wear glasses wich he hates, and he most of the time just don't wears them. He always has his glasses with him, so he can put them on when he really needs them. His loves to wear shirts from several known bands as; The Ramones, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, ACDC, Green Day, and Led-Zeppelin. He also likes to wear shirts from brands like Marvel and DC Comics. To complete his look he wears black skinny jeans, and his old worn-out Vans, and his for ever growing collection of colourful bracelets.
    Everything about your illness • Ashton has bloodcancer, also known as leukemia. He doesn't realize it yet, and has many feelings about it. He don't know what to feel or what to do. He wants to be like other boys of his age, doing adventourus things, going to party's, or the little things like driving a car. He hates it when people feel sorry for him, he isn't like any other boy, he only have a sickness to deal with, that's all.
    Extra • Ashton is homosexual, but doesn't want to admit it. Another reason to feel insecure about.

    [ bericht aangepast op 7 aug 2014 - 22:54 ]

    How far is far

    Name •
    Louis William Tomlinson
    Age •
    Twenty-two [24th of December, Christmas Eve]
    Nationality •
    British [Doncaster, South-Yorkshire]
    Personality •
    Louis may be twenty-two, but seems younger if you're talking about his personality. Sometimes he acts like a child aged four years. He has a great sense of humour and is almost all the time happy. Most of the people like the way he's always cheerful and enthusiastic, but sometimes this can be a bit annoying, because he's also very hyperactive and this is not always the best combination. But his hyperactivity has a reason: He has an extreme version of ADHD. He has medication for it, but refuses to take them in, so he's never calm or quiet. He talks very mucht, very fast and sometimes very loud. All this is because of his ADHD and his high amount of energy. It's very difficult for him to concentrate on something.
    This British boy can look a bit gay sometimes. For example, shopping is one of his hobbies. So maybe it's no big surprise that he's bisexual and likes both sexes.
    Louis never gives up easily when he really wants something. He goes very far to achieve something, sometimes a little bit too far. This can be a good thing, but also a bad thing, but you can never blame him if he fails for something, cause he always tries his best, unless he didn't like the thing he had to do.
    Appearance •
    Louis has brown hair, quite long for a boy haircut. When he has a 'bad hair day', he covers it with a beanie, simple as that. In the summer he rather wears a cap instead of a beanie, cause a beanie can be too hot when the sun is shining brightly and the flap of the cap can protect at least half of his face against the sun.
    His eyes are a mix of green and blue, a bit like the color of the ocean. When he laughs, his eyes start to sparkle, but when he's sad, his eyes look faint. You could say that you can see in his eyes how he feels.
    Louis is not very tall for a boy, but not very short either. He's pretty muscular and is proud of that, cause he had to train a lot to get those muscles.
    He has a little beard on his chin and a little moustache under his nose. He has muttiple tattoos, some of them have a meaning, some have not. Louis likes tattoos, he thinks they're cool, but some people think he has just too much of them.
    Louis style is casual and simple, but you can see he has it's own style, gives it a personal touch, sometimes only with a very little detail. You could say he is quite fashionable.
    Everything about your illness •
    Louis has cancer in his lungs, but the doctors found it out late, so it's in a advanced stadium. The only way to save him, is give him new lungs, but it's hard to find a donor. It's difficult for him to breath, and it goes with a lot of pain in his chest. He coughs very much and sometimes he's coughing up some blood.
    Extra •
    Louis is bisexual.

    [ bericht aangepast op 7 aug 2014 - 22:55 ]

    "Family don’t end in blood”

    Trio of nog een personage?

    Bowties were never Cooler

    Als r antwoort is gaat deze open

    Bowties were never Cooler