• Het vorige topic is al sinds 2010 gesloten en ik vond het wel een leuke spel.
    Het spel gaat zo: Persoon 1 zet al haar oude usernamen neer en persoon 2 zeg dus welke ze het leukst vindt en zet er ook meteen al haar oude usernamen bij zodat persoon 3 hetzelfde kan doen. Simpel toch?

    Begin maar met mij.

    AlexisTH, LadyKaulitz, 4everKaulitz, SmileLullaby, SmileJawaad, Dodsspillet, AmaZ4yn, FabiLouis, Mockingjayz, LilLiar, Canna, Wrennah, WildSprinkle, Sever, Verwelken, Tayniss, Ellery, Rhiine, Rey, Minions, Gylvie, Gemela, Chicas, Jingle, StyIez, lnfinity, Herrera

    [ bericht aangepast op 3 maart 2014 - 15:32 ]


    Adamou, oh hahahaha. Iedereen vond 'm eng! :') Dat is die Romeo & Juliet RPG ghehe. Deed jij daar dan ook aan mee? :o


    candiejj, LAURAxTH93, PheebsxPink, LunaLight, KLIKNIET, LunaLucca, Xannon, Sweetiepie, Nenuphar, Mordacious, Porcelaneous, Exasperated, Nythau, Puritatem, Lolicia, Veronicas, Caffeine, Malafide, Osaki, Marshall, Chiroptera.

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    Ik kan niet kiezen ;x
    Marshall Malafide Marshall Lolicia. :]

    AngelStyles, Fons, Begin niet veel om uit te kiezen, but still.

    And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.

    Medousa, ja, toen was ik nog Europe/Arriver of zelfs xFlyy/Demii0, I don't know anymore, hahaha. Jade en John hadden toen hevige ruzie, hahaha. Ik vond hem eng trouwens c:


    xSATELLITE, Demii0, xFlyy, Paralyzedx, Europe, Arriver, Paradises, Aeternitatem, Roth, Evolution, HaIcyon, SiIhouette, Lorum

    That is a perfect copy of reality.

    Lorum of Roth

    BlackScarfs, Cudey, Licet, Sinistre, Deilia

    'Plays wasted words, proves to be warn, that he not busy being born is busy dying.'


    Chanesse, Leighton, Nothingham, Attenborough, Maverick, Hanks, Galway, Meriadoc, Bolin.

    “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” - George R.R. Martin


    Zweinstein, BlackMagic, Mummelwummel, Renervatio, P1kachu, McMummie, AraniaExumai, Opulence, Rizzo, FloraBunce, Conquistador, Piazzolla, Gibbs.

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Piazolla. Die moet je zeker nog eens terugnemen (:

    UglyWitch, Amortensia, Chocolata, Rosarum, Facts, PapiIlon, Vuelie.

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it


    PalexRain, Midnightx, Swamped, Merte, Apate, ORIGLIASSO, KEJAM, Eonian, Shallowx, Talisman, Morticia, Frey, Isuzu, Tortura, Nikolaevna, CrueIIa.

    Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.

    Morticia of Frey

    quietdreamer, brotherhood, Sword, soldiery, Sindarin, Gunther, Wilted, Thalin

    [ bericht aangepast op 6 maart 2014 - 14:56 ]


    Belikerobin, Lightbeam, Kompas, Varius.

    Such a useless spell.


    PalexRain, Midnightx, Swamped, Merte, Apate, ORIGLIASSO, KEJAM, Eonian, Shallowx, Talisman, Morticia, Frey, Isuzu, Tortura, Nikolaevna, CrueIIa.

    Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.

    Nanatjx, AllAroundMe, FueledByNaan, Passerby, Reducto, Kerrang, Apocalyptica, Pendule, Errin, Murdoch, WATIC, Meteor, Pyromancer, Horizons, Amortentiae, Fourtris, Avarosa, Nami, Zyra

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, will there be glory if I fall?


    Trollface, Trolldad, Desperados, Citadelle, Dickinson, Parera, Preysler, Lancaster, Sandrachips, Blanes, Villique, Heathrow, Monterrey, Wario, Thicke, Curitiba, Leicaster, Filister, Barrett, Puckett, Carlisle, Chico, Jankowski, Facinelli, Xenophilius, Pharrell, Dinoshell, Cosgrove, Gyllenhaal, Quigley, Bellward, Zagarino, Dillon, Jaymes, Jaico, Micah, Fonseca, Tonkin

    "Fuck feelings, be a bitch" - Blair Waldorf


    xSunshineee, 1DFreakx, Cenation, Gylani, Wintermagic, Syliam, Determinate, Quaintrelle.

    16 - 09 - '17


    MusicLover97, SkyeFaerie, PurpleLife, Bluefure, Clouded, Caelan, Outsider, Siobhan, Draiochta, Flannery, Donaghy

    "Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us." - Jane Austen