• Het vorige topic is al sinds 2010 gesloten en ik vond het wel een leuke spel.
    Het spel gaat zo: Persoon 1 zet al haar oude usernamen neer en persoon 2 zeg dus welke ze het leukst vindt en zet er ook meteen al haar oude usernamen bij zodat persoon 3 hetzelfde kan doen. Simpel toch?

    Begin maar met mij.

    AlexisTH, LadyKaulitz, 4everKaulitz, SmileLullaby, SmileJawaad, Dodsspillet, AmaZ4yn, FabiLouis, Mockingjayz, LilLiar, Canna, Wrennah, WildSprinkle, Sever, Verwelken, Tayniss, Ellery, Rhiine, Rey, Minions, Gylvie, Gemela, Chicas, Jingle, StyIez, lnfinity, Herrera

    [ bericht aangepast op 3 maart 2014 - 15:32 ]


    Ehmm, Apocalyptica.

    candiejj, LAURAxTH93, PheebsxPink, LunaLight, KLIKNIET, LunaLucca, Xannon, Sweetiepie, Nenuphar, Mordacious, Porcelaneous, Exasperated, Nythau, Puritatem, Lolicia, Veronicas, Caffeine, Malafide, Osaki, Marshall, Chiroptera.

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.


    judogirl, pixiepotter, alicewemel, pixiecullen, pixieblack, OHMYSETH, mine, WBitch, VIPpas, Tricia, Waspik, ImAwesome, Iwanna, Puta, Atiras, Nimbuzz, HeyApple, Sushita, Schneider, Buddy, Ridder, LordSarita, GoedeleLover, NewUsername, Wangster, Ikhebvoeten

    "Ignite, my love. Ignite."


    VampireKim, KiimmBiatch, NinjaKnives, Reject, KimPhobia, CandyFace, OffTheRecord, Maitresse, Leannan, Mohawk, Gipsy, Tyrion, Naerys Lucrezia.
    Oh gosh, ik schaam me voor mijn eerste 7 usernames. (cat)

    Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.


    xSunshineee, 1DFreakx, Cenation, Gylani, Wintermagic, Syliam, Determinate.

    16 - 09 - '17


    candiejj, LAURAxTH93, PheebsxPink, LunaLight, KLIKNIET, LunaLucca, Xannon, Sweetiepie, Nenuphar, Mordacious, Porcelaneous, Exasperated, Nythau, Puritatem, Lolicia, Veronicas, Caffeine, Malafide, Osaki, Marshall, Chiroptera.

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    Exasperated. Ik herken die username van een RPG, hahaha

    xSATELLITE, Demii0, xFlyy, Paralyzedx, Europe, Arriver, Paradises, Aeternitatem, Roth, Evolution, HaIcyon, SiIhouette, Lorum

    Ik schaam me voor die eerste vier ;-;

    That is a perfect copy of reality.

    Silhouette of Europe

    NikkiNewborn, MalikShake, BritishCandy, Panini, Dirtypaws, Cloverhand, Howell, Malfie

    "The worst things in life come free to us." -Ed Sheeran

    VampireLaura, W1ng3dAng3l, EmpireAngel, Celestial, Celestia, Altair, Nightcrawler, Brute, Chimera, PewDiePie, Howl, Alucard, Kanade, Strider, Lioncourt, Silverlance, Elvenking, Draculea, Witchking.

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 maart 2014 - 8:29 ]


    Sunrise, xButtercup, Parachutes, Clocks, FixYou, Arlert, Yoite.

    "No one is born in this world to be alone."~ (Saul, One Piece.)

    Yoite XD .

    loveleduc, Iloveleduc, Idylle, Proza.

    Hmm, ik heb het niet meer zo op die eerste twee..

    For those I love, I will sacrifice

    Idylle. (:

    UglyWitch, Amortensia, Chocolata, Rosarum, Facts, PapiIlon, Vuelie.

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it


    NikkiNewborn, MalikShake, BritishCandy, Panini, Dirtypaws, Cloverhand, Howell, Malfie

    "The worst things in life come free to us." -Ed Sheeran


    Chanesse, Leighton, Nothingham, Attenborough, Maverick, Hanks, Galway, Meriadoc, Bolin.

    “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” - George R.R. Martin

    Leighton (ook hier vind ik er meerdere leuk)
    AllAroundMe, FueledByNaan, Passerby, Reducto, Kerrang, Apocalyptica, Pendule, Errin, Murdoch, WATIC, Meteor, Pyromancer, Horizons, Amortentiae, Fourtris, Avarosa, Nami, Zyra

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, will there be glory if I fall?

    Pendule, by far.

    Nynkerd, Happysnail, Bluh, Clay, HugsEva, Yankee, Walter, Nid, Pantoufle, Currahee, Edelweiss, Abbeyroad, Dorpsgek, Kassiewijle, Meh, Slime, C0RPSE, Villain, Simbelmyne, Nazgul, Goblin, Exorcist, Silmarillion, Excalibur, Barbossa, Ambush, Jedi, Nim, Charlatan, Grindylow, Weirwood, Prudence, Kalashnikov, Winterfell, Saybia, Whirlybird, Scrooge, Merida, Statler, Absolem, Aristocat, Khaleesi, Eeyore, Ygritte, Jaqen, Rhaegar, Elenei, Longclaw, Thranduil, Heisenberg, Mithrandir, Woodbury, Samwell, Alayne, Cherbourg, Fauxlivia, Orchard.

    "I shut my eyes in order to see.'