• Ik chips. :Y)

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it

    Chocolade kransje

    "Because I'm with you until the end of the line." - Stucky

    Vanille vla.

    you said I had a beautiful mind, but that's because you're all I think about

    Oreo c:

    Een chcoladeletter

    "Delaying death is one of my favourite hobbies."

    Paprika sticks - chips.

    You know, sometimes when you cage the beast, the beast gets angry.

    Een boterham met grill worst.

    Chinees :Y)

    Omg, ik weet niet of ik 't wel omhoog zal schoppen. Maar daar zal ik wel snel achter komen :').


    [ bericht aangepast op 29 jan 2014 - 18:32 ]

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    aardappelen, asperges en veggie worst

    Life has many different chapters, one bad chapter doesn't mean the end of the book.


    Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

    ontbijtkoek, ookal is het avond...

    het leven is mooi!! xx


    Men dat was lang geleden, lekker dat dat was.

    You don't run, not when you're with us. You stand your ground and fight.

    Braadworst en iets van prei met saus en ja, groente. Maar was wel lekker. :'D

    You always have a choice in life, it's sometimes just

    Twee broodjes met kaas en eentje met salami.

    "If you're going through hell, keep going." † Winston Churchill.