• Druk op CNTR-V of met de rechtermuisknop en dan op plakken. Post dat hier(;


    And don't forget, Elvendork! It's unisex!

    Bredeweg, Zevenhuizen, Zuid-Holland

    Ha! I invent the word impossible. That's why I am the champ. Whether I like it or not.


    Heh, dat is uit een topic dat hier ergens rondzwerft. (':

    "No one is born in this world to be alone."~ (Saul, One Piece.)

    pedagogische wetenschappen


    Je skelet heeft 4 soorten verbindingen:
    1. Gewrichten. Gewrichten zijn de meest beweegelijke verbindingen tussen de botten.
    2. Kraakbeen. Kraakbeen is erg buigzaam.
    3. Vergroeide botten.
    4. Naadverbinding.

    De gewrichtsknobbel draait in de gewrichtskom. Zo bewegen de botten. Op de gewrichtsknobbel+in de kom zit kraakbeen. Dit zorgt ervoor dat je botten minder snel slijten+het kan beter draaien. Het gewrichtskapel houdt de botten bij elkaar en beschermt het gewricht. Het gewrichtkapel Is een taai vlies dat de helemaal om het gewricht heen zit. Tussen de kom en de knobbel zit het gewrichtsmeer dat voor extra bescherming zorgt. De kniegewrichten en enkelgewrichten zijn extra verstevigd met gewrichtsbanden.

    De gewrichten in je arm
    1. Het kogelgewricht. Dit gewricht zit in je schouder en de ronde knobbel draait kan helemaal in de kom ronddraaien.
    2. Het scharniergewricht. Dit zit in je elleboog en is de verbinding tussen ellepijp en opperarmbeen. Het scharniergewricht kan maar in één kant bewegen.
    3. Het rolgewricht. Het is een verbinding tussen spaakbeen en ellepijp.

    Door het zadelgewricht kan je duim 2 kanten op bewegen.
    Je onderste vingerkootjes zitten met een ei-vormig gewricht vast aan je middenhandsbeentjes.

    'The best way to predict the future is to create it'.

    Maybe we should doubt our fears instead our dreams.

    Zeg nee tegen het afschieten van zwerfkatten !

    Credendo Vides


    The sun loved the moon so much, he died every night to let her breathe.

    "Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” - C.S. Lewis

    'Laten we eerst zelf kijken,' zeg ik tegen hem. 'En dan zien we wel of we het delen.'

    And don't forget, Elvendork! It's unisex!

    Aldus is noch de vergiftiging van door de vrouw vrijgesproken, die volgens de wetten niet mocht, noch benadelend de beschuldigde en gestrafte, die een gunst waardig was.

    Dat is mijn niet lopende vertaling van een vreselijke Latijnse zin(cat)

    Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir.

    Parachutes schreef:

    Heh, dat is uit een topic dat hier ergens rondzwerft. (':

    Precies dit. Haha :')

    "Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us." - Jane Austen


    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    As travars


    "A weed is simply a flower that somebody has decided is in the wrong place." Sister Monica Joan, Call the Midwife

    2. Talk about your first kiss.
My first kiss was in the summer of 2010. I was at vacation in Czech Republic and there was a boy named Jasper and I liked him. (I was thirteen then) I was with a friend of mine and her family and mine on vacation. And he was with his family and a friend on vacation. I liked Jasper, she liked Michiel and one late evening we were still outside, we talked about them and all of a sudden we see someone come out of the tent. We thought it was Michael and lol, we followed him to see what he was going to do. He went to the public bathroom at our camping and we, my friend and I, waited outside. We still didn’t saw Michiel very good though but he came outside of the bathroom and went back to his tent but there is a giant wall of trees and he walked in front of us. But when we walked further it happened to be that he just disappeared and we were totally mindfucked. We walked to his tent and then all of a sudden he scared us, coming from behind (he actually ran around the wall to scare us because he knew we were following him). Then we saw it was Jasper and not Michiel. I was laughing and he walked to me. We just talked for a little moment, Jasper and I and my friend was standing with use and there was just a little moment of silence. It was dark, the stars and moon gave a little lights and we looked at each other. He grabbed softly my hands and then kissed me. My first kiss. And I never regretted it and I think it was a perfect kiss to me.
    4. Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
It was at my grandma’s funeral. I was eight years old and I had a great grandma even when she wasn’t ever really able to do something with me. She has been sick for a very long time. Even before I was born. Heart failures, bad kidneys, and eventually she died when she was 64. I had the chance to speak at the funeral, even though I was only eight. God, I get tears in my eyes right now. I didn’t dared to speak then. I was afraid I would mess up the whole funeral with speaking in front of everyone so I didn’t do it. But really, I regret it so much. I regret it that I didn’t told her how much I love her, how much she means to me and how she is the best grandma in the world to me. Because she really is to me, even now. Eight years after her death. I love you, grandma. I really do. And I know that you know I do and you probably also think it wasn’t necessary for me to speak but I really regret I didn’t speak then.
    23. Talk about a time someone turned you down.
I’m going to be short about this one but okay. It was when things went bad between me and a friend. It wasn’t even having troubles or something, just…things. And then that friend said “I don’t know if you still want to be friends. That’s up to you” and that really hurt me then. It felt like someone didn’t want to fight for the friendship. Didn’t want to do anything to make it right and just like “oh. I don’t mind if you want to be friends or not, you can decide that” and maybe I saw it wrong but that’s how I felt it.
    32. Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
Oh! I know one! It’s my best friends place from then. I still know his address and house phone number and I used to get there a lot. It was always fun and we ate at least one time in a week at each other’s home. It was my second home.
    38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
Shelter of Birdy reminds me of someone. It’s just always the first song that pops up in my head when I get a question like this. It’s a fragile song and I think it’s better than Skinny Love. 
Another song is Same Heart. It reminds me of someone who is a close friend and we got the same music taste and it reminds me of summer vacation.
Then we got Bohemian Rhapsody. It means love to me, really. It’s not just a great song made by an even great artist. It’s also the memories that comes with it.
Pff, I got a lot more I guess. Like Angel of Sarah McLachlan, it’s so…vulnerable I think. 
And and as I said, a lot more songs.
    40: Talk about the end of something in your life.
I want to talk about summer 2007, the first Thursday of my summer vacation when my parents told me they were going to divorce. I came back from a horrible camp and then I was really happy to be home. Extremely happy and then my parents told me to come sit on the couch. I was like “ok, sure” and they calmly said they were going to divorce. I just nodded and accepted it. That’s the only thing I could do. And to be honest, I never really had much trouble with it. Yes, it is horrible to not have my parents together, but if the love isn’t there from one side anymore then what am I supposed to do? Tell my parents to stick together? Be a horrible kid and make it only worse? I don’t think so. I was 10 then, I’m 16 now. But I’ll reach a point where my parents are longer divorced than when they were together and I guess that is just life. Things come and go.

    I'm Ellie's & Mitshy's little secret. Rawr.