• It was the year 2156 when scientists finally discovered a new way of creating life. By manipulating artificial genes and growing the fetus in a tube, they were able to created 'the perfect Human being'. They were rumoured to have no flaws and to look as beautiful as any child celebrity. Their hair- and eye-colour could, according to the advertisement, range from red to blue and everything in between. Naturally, rich people all around the world put in an order for one of these 'perfect children'. Eventually, 23 orders were accepted. And in May 2157, the first batch of these 'Beauties' was born. The first one on the 2nd of May, the second on the 3rd, etc. And for a while, everything was great. They had loving parents. A home. They were loved. They were happy.
    And then everything took a dark turn.

    On the 25th of May, in the year 2162, one little Beauty developed a 'Gift'. This boy, the first successfully born prototype, is publicly known as Zero. It was his sixth birthday party when the tragedy happened. The other 23 Beauties had been invited for this celebration, because it was not only Zero's birthday, but also the anniversary of the scientific break-through that made the Beauties possible. It was a very nice and relaxed meeting. The parents chatted, the children played... Until Little Zero passed out.
    When he awoke, Zero was not the same. His voice was ancient and loud. He spoke his first prophecy.
    “These Gifts of Beauty,
    They are the work of an empty man.
    To retrieve your soul,
    Follow my words as close as you can.”
    When the little boy made eye contact with one of the other Beauties, he would loose control of his own body and speak a prophecy. Each prophecy leads, according to Little Zero, to their 'soul'. Back then, nobody understood what the little boy meant. They didn't understand why Little Adam, Beauty #21, needed to find "A dame with hair as white as frost, to whom beauty is never lost. Her head is always full of dreams, yet frozen in time is how she seems."
    Then the Beauties grew up. And as each of them hit the age of six, they all developed a Gift. Several kids were suddenly making fire dance on their fingertips, while others could bend the will of their parents or heal small wounds and injuries. The world panicked. The Gifts were strange, weird, and sometimes even dangerous.
    It wasn't until the end of June, one month after the last Beauty had received their gift, that things escalated. Beauty #18 had been brutally attacked on the street by a frightened woman. The six year old boy had been strangled to death, despite his efforts to fight her off.
    People everywhere were demanding the death of these children. It was obvious that they were getting too powerful. Apart from their Gifts, they were also stronger and faster than the average Human. They really did seem perfect.
    Until exactly five months after their birthdays. Because on that day, they became colour blind and they stopped being able to taste and smell things completely. The children had lost a part of themselves. The only explanation the parents had, was Zero's line. “They need to find their soul,” he'd said seriously on his birthday. The scientists said it was complete fantasy and just said it was a fault in their genes. Yet, the world was convinced that, without finding this one 'person' the Gifted would be unable to reach their 'soul' and their full power. And they were happy with that.

    Eventually, it was decided that the children would be imprisoned, away from humanity. A small island in the Indian Ocean was used to build two prison camps. Each camp would hold twelve of the 'Gifted' as they were now labeled. Light-weight metal gauntlets were made for their hands. This special type of metal would prevent the children from using their Gifts.
    Ever since these 24 Gifted children were seven years old, they've been locked up in the prison camps. It is now the year 2175. Most Gifted are now 18 years old. This roleplay follows their story and their struggle.

    This roleplay follows: the twelve oldest Gifted, their four guards and two scientists. The Gifted each have their own cell. The guards and scientists all have their own flat on the premises. The staff is concluded by two ladies who clean and cook the meals.
    Before you do anything, please carefully read the summary in the spoiler above.
    It's also a good idea to read:
    About the Gifted
    About the Gifts
    About the Prophecies
    About the Guards and Scientists
    About the Prison
    Roleplay Rules

    Er zijn nog rollen vrij!

    *Zero ¦ (Escritura) Finished
    *Elanori Zarafina Bertarinne ¦ (GwenxVeer) [Not Finished]
    * ¦ [Free]
    *Guinevere Kala Irving ¦ (Morticia) [Not Finished]
    *Laron Caldre Barrineau ¦ (Yoda) Finished
    * ¦ [Free]
    *Ophelia Wynter Sfinkx ¦ (Rumtumtugger) Finished
    *Erebus Kratos Hyperion Maverick ¦ Valdez Finished
    *Danielle Skye Fairholm ¦ [(/Ubiquitous) Finished
    *Lily Rose Parker ¦ (ForeverWolf) [Not Finished]
    *Lenore Elín Sappheire Callas ¦ (Sydrian) Finished
    *Mischa Remy Aznabaev ¦ (Finley) Finished

    *Kevin Dain ¦ (Escritura) Finished
    *Vanellope Westerfeld ¦ (Finley) Finished
    *Eduard Novak ¦ (TicTac) Finished
    *Joel Ezra Knight ¦ (Newton) Finished

    *Sakura Kaida Miyamoto ¦ (DarkAng3l) Finished
    *Stormcloud Dancer Quebodeaux ¦ Assistant (Rumtumtugger) Finished

    - English only
    - 10 line minimum per post; (20 minimum if you have two characters in the post)
    - 2 characters maximum;
    - Anything unrelated to the RPG in the chat topic;
    - No killing a character without permission of the owner;
    - No 'perfect characters'. Each character must have a few flaws;
    - Wait 2-3 posts before replying again;
    - You do not have to fall in love with the person the prophecy leads you to!
    - Please read the story carefully before making your character!
    - We start the RPG on Monday, the 5th of September, around eight p.m. If this is a problem, please contact me.
    - This roleplay is not meant to fill it's topics in a day. Take your time with your posts. We can be patient. Quality over speed, please.

    Please let me know if you do not wish to continue in the roleplay,
    or inform me when your character is finished so I can approve it.

    Chat Topic

    I would like to thank each and every one of you for your interest in this roleplay. The idea means a lot to me, and to see it's popularity has really given me great joy. You are all amazing people and I'm sure you will all do your best.
    Thank you for your patience, your praise and interest in Soul Shackles.

    [ topic verplaatst door een moderator ]

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 sep 2013 - 21:27 ]

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Escritura schreef:

    Okay ^^

    Sorry, a male one haha. Is that alright?

    Caution first, always.

    Newton schreef:
    Sorry, a male one haha. Is that alright?

    Yup ^^

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Tictac changed in Cashby x)

    -Hi, I'm Andy, also freaking out- Andy Gallagher

    Name: Joel Ezra Knight.
    Age: 51.
    Date of birth: October 17th.
    Sex: Male.
    Sexuality: Pansexual. Joel has known from a young age that genders do not matter to him. Male or female, if the person’s character appeals to him it’s fine. It’s perfectly possible that some people don’t know about it. Not because he hides it, but merely because he is not a very open person. He is not ashamed of his sexuality and he won’t lie about it.
    Ethnicity: Australian.
    Trained in the following fighting styles: kickboxing, Tai Chi and bare-knuckle fighting.
    Language(s): English.
    Religion: Christian. Religion does not play a large part in his life, but he was raised by Christian parents and his belief in God has never left.
    Family life: Before he became a guard, Joel never had much to come home to. He occasionally dated, but he never met a person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, despite his secret desire to have a family. The closest he ever got to having children was his German Shepherd, Abby. He found her when she was a pup, and he was devastated when she eventually passed away of old age.
    Height: 6’4 ft. (193 cm)
    Weight: 218 lbs. (98 kg)
    Looks: [Minimum 7 lines] Joel has kind, green-brown eyes that reflect his general calm and observing nature. He has grizzled, dark brown hair that sometimes seems black. He doesn’t mind the grey hairs so he doesn’t bother dying it. He wears it short, but he usually lets it grow a bit before cutting it again, causing it to look rather fluffy as it grows longer. One of his trademark features is his beard; nobody has ever seen him without facial hair. The rest of his body is dusted in fine, dark hair as well. He’s a tall, intimidating guy with a narrow waist and broad shoulders. All in all, his large frame and scruffy hair give him a bearlike appearance and he’s got the muscles to reinforce this image. He might not be the youngest guy around, but because of his frequent boxing and tai chi sessions, he is still strong and energetic. In his spare time he usually wears old, faded jeans and flannel shirts or standard T-shirts. It’s clearly visible that the years of hard work in the Australian sun have taken their toll; his face often looks tired and he has deep lines around his eyes and in his forehead, making him look harsher than he actually is. His features are not as fine as they used to be, but have grown more rugged along the years. His skin is tan and unmarked by tattoos or other forms of body modification. He’s got a few scars here and there, but nothing special.

    Likes: Joel likes to sing and play old country songs on his guitar, although he would never let anyone hear it. He loves his occasional cigar and whiskey and he enjoys being outside in the open air. He likes to practice his fighting skills in his spare time.
    Dislikes: loud noises, disrespect, backstabbers, densely populated areas, pills, stereotypes, homophobes.
    Characteristics: [Minimum: 10 lines] Despite his rough features, Joel is a surprisingly gentle soul. He is kind to the people that are kind to him and he is never too busy to help out a friend. He may seem like a dumb hick from the outback of Australia, but he is intelligent and resourceful. He finds it difficult to connect to people, as everyone he has ever let near to his heart has hurt or betrayed him in some way or another. This is why Joel is usually pretty quiet and prefers to be by himself; he is scared of getting hurt. Not that he’d every voice his fears, his pride is way too big. Joel would not hurt an innocent person, but he can be cruel to people who threaten his safety, or the safety of the people he cares about. However, when he is close to someone, he is really devoted to the friendship and he would do anything to protect the ones he loves. Joel’s moods are quite unpredictable: some days he is insanely grumpy, others he is actually quite happy and content. He tries to be as stable a guard as possible, but he is not always able to mask his feelings when he’s working.
    History: [Minimum: 10 lines] Joel was born in Kalgoorlie, a town in Western-Australia. His parents raised him to be a good, Christian intellectual, but he loved being outside more and he rarely did anything for school. He preferred reading his own books, following his own rules and hanging out on his friends’ farms. He moved to Sydney when he was 21, because he was convinced he would find a nice job there. He took up surfing and kickboxing to fill in his spare time and this is when he began to develop a drug problem after he’d made some new, not very reliable, friends. After a couple years he was done with the city; the drugs were killing him, and the nightlife made him tired. Besides, the people were not as friendly as they were back in Kalgoorlie. He went to rehab and was released relatively quickly; he was dead-set to stop taking drugs. He soon moved back to the outback, tired of the big city and its temptations, instead desiring to live a somewhat simpler, tiring yet rewarding life on a farm. This is why Joel, by the age of 30 had a job as a bartender in a seedy bar at night, trying to save up enough money to buy a small farm. When he saw the cage-fights that were held there, he was immediately sold. His money problems were soon solved because of a passion for bare-knuckle fighting on the side. He eventually settled down, not being able to overpower the young men who entered the cage anymore. He bought a small piece of land and for a few years he filled his days working on his own small cattle farm, with only his dog for company. When Abbby died of old age and the farm was threatening to go bankrupt, he decided to leave behind his current life completely and leave. His past of drug abuse made it difficult for him to get a job, but the prison was willing to give him a shot. His non-existent family life and his talent for martial arts certainly helped him get the green light for the trial-period.

    I hope you don't mind the fact that I've used the character's own name. I really do love the name 'Joel' c:

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 aug 2013 - 10:39 ]

    Caution first, always.

    I would like the role of head scientist, yes please
    but I would play it as a female, instead of a male

    Will try to get my profile done asap

    "Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted"

    Hoozah! Storm has a boss lady :Y).
    Now that bastard has to let me write him. Dangit.

    I've no idea of the future, but I can see the past quite well. And the present, if the weather's clear.

    DarkAng3l schreef:
    I would like the role of head scientist, yes please
    but I would play it as a female, instead of a male

    Will try to get my profile done asap

    You're on the list ^^

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    I thought we had more people who joined? D:

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.

    Ubiquitous schreef:
    I thought we had more people who joined? D:

    Quite a lot of people have dropped out. But this is not a bad number. (:

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Name: Erebus (darkness) Kratos (Power) Hyperion (Light) Maverick (The independent) From all this names, he likes to be calles by his last, Maverick, because he thinks that one sounds most normal. His nickname is Mav.
    Age: 18
    Date of birth: 08-05-2157
    Sex: Male
    Sexuality:Straight, he only falls in love with girls.
    Gift: Water
    Religion:He doesn't really have one, but he is very interested in Greek mythology
    Family life: Maverick grew up like all the others in a rich family, but he liked to be free. His father, Jack Maverick, was a hardworking man, but he had the vision that you don't have to coddle your kids too much. The same rules for his two year older brother Percy. when you saw Percy and maverick together you would say Maverick was older, because he was taller and more muscular. His mother, Angelique Daniels, was a insurance broker. She liked to work at home, so Maverick and his brother were almost never alone at home.
    Height:175 cm
    Weight: 65 kg

    Maverick is not completely happy with his looks. He doesn't like his hair, because it is always messy. It has a black colour like the night and his shadows, but is almost always hid under his cap. What he likes the most about his body are his eyes, that have a bright bleu color, with a touch of green in it. He always says that the sea flows in his eyes.They're always sparkling like somebody added glitters in it. Besides that Maverick has a normal, quite pale skin, he tries to get in the sun as much as possible. He is also a little muscular, but not like a bodybuilder. He is also righthanded when he writes, but lefthanded when he does anything else. He has thin and quite pale lips and a more round shaped chin. He also dislike his hands, because he thinks they're too big and look pretty clumsy compared to his body. He also has a hidden tatoo on his left shoulder blade. It is a black rune that means fearless, because he wants to be a warrior. He also looks tired from being in his cell almost all day and his eyes are tired from watching everything in it. He also has some kind of grace in his movements that lets him look very gracefull and perfect.
    Likes:the sea, mythologie, movies, cars,
    Dislikes:vegetarians, boybands, winter, his messy hair,chats with no purpose.
    The two personal items: a ring that looks like two attached tridents and a cap (muts)
    Maverick is a brave person, and a real fighter. He always wants what belongs to him, nothing less. He isn't very neat, that's because of his older brother Percy who always had a filthy room. He isn't much a talker either, he prefers silence more. He also is a great listener and likes to be in the background. He is also a little sneaky and likes to scare people for fun for example by sneaking up to them and shouting boo at the top of his lungs. He also has some autistic traits, but you don't really see them. He also is very friendly and kind to anyone who doesn't want to harm him or lock him up. He has a strong and very clear mind. Maverick feels pretty naked and unsure because he is locked up. Since he lost his smell and taste senses he started to develop his feeling and audiology. And he may not see colors but his imagination is big enough to fill in the colours of the objects. He also likes to sing lamentations when he feels lonely, what is quite a lot and he is also pretty emotional when it comes to his family, but he has a quite hard 'skin'. He isn't that friendly to the keepers and more cold in handling and pretty badass. He is also a little dirty minded and he always forget unimportant things easily. He always tries to act like a normal teenage human boy, what is difficult with his unnatural speed and power, but he tries to. He also is afraid of spiders and his biggest wish is to live in harmony with the 'normal' humans and get out of this prison. Maverick is pretty impulsive and has a light form of ADHD so he has too much energy but is not so easily distracted.
    Maverick was born in the lab, but was adopted by his parents Jack and Angelique. They were a normal familiy and Maverick was raised like a normal boy, not coddled or over pampered. He and his brother went to school together, but Maverick was in the same year as Percy, because he was smart enough and he could follow all the lessons his brother had to. They studied always together, just to help each other out. They also had a family tradition. They went to the zoo every last day of august, to discuss what they were going to do this year at school and what they wanted to do for their birthday. When they had dinner, they had another tradition. They used to ask each other questions, because their parents had not much time. Most of the time it were the most awkward questions, but s.ometimes they were quit serious. He also used to be mischievous little kid, pranking his parents and brother all the time. But all that changed when his brother had his accident and got retarded. His brother was his everything, but they would never speak each other again. that's when he got depressed for a while, he did not eat anything and he tried to kill himself twice, but did not succeed. When he got over his depression he was a lot more serious and he nursed his brother whenever he could, after school, in the weekends... And when he wasn't nursing him, he was at school or training. Learning how to take care of him. Now the only thing that keeps him fight is his brother, his most precious juwel. The one that gave him his trident ring. The reason that he is still breathing, and his thing worth fighting for.

    (I will finish him later)

    [ bericht aangepast op 3 sep 2013 - 21:07 ]

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Take your time. The deadline is the 4th of September. I will read all finished characters on Monday, and put them in the story. ^^

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Escritura schreef:
    Take your time. The deadline is the 4th of September. I will read all finished characters on Monday, and put them in the story. ^^
    thank gods, I don't have any time in the weekends :')

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Olympus schreef:
    (...)thank gods, I don't have any time in the weekends :')

    If you do need more time, darling, you can tell me. ^^ I do want the characters to be completed and quite detailed.

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Escritura schreef:

    If you do need more time, darling, you can tell me. ^^ I do want the characters to be completed and quite detailed.
    Haha you're lucky i am very interested in this Role play, because I am not so good at roles actually

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Olympus schreef:
    (...)Haha you're lucky i am very interested in this Role play, because I am not so good at roles actually

    Well to me, it's the only way to really get into character. I can't play a good and interesting character without writing out as much detail as I can. ^^ So, good luck. ^^

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.