• Schrijvers ID

    Huidige username: Chicas
    Naam: Gail
    Bijnaam: Gailybell
    Leeftijd: 17
    Hobby's: Quizlet ofcourse :'D
    Lid sinds: 4 januari 2011
    Woonplaats: op een warm eilandje.

    [ bericht aangepast op 9 dec 2013 - 21:30 ]


    || Onbekende Personen ||

    “I think that the only real loneliness is when you allow yourself to just lose yourself in sadness. So I quess life is all about believing in yourself and your dreams. So I guess that no one can take that freedom away from you. You just shouldn’t allow that to ever happen. Scream when they wanna shut you up, Prove them wrong. Show them that they don’t have a say in your dreams. This is your life and if you are lost at this very moment. Just grab the wheel and go fight for what was taken away from you. Take it from me, Real happiness starts when you just have a little spark of faith in yourself.”

    In the crowd somewhere someone whispers: “Says the girl who’se name was Written On The Bloodwall.”

    Een bijenkoningin, iedere kleine of grote stad had het wel. En iedere bijenkoningin had ook zijn volgelingen, die braaf alles volgden. Er is altijd wel iemand die de koningin graag dood wil, alleen ging het deze keer te ver.

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 aug 2013 - 21:49 ]


    || Fanfictions ||

    "Do you love me?", he asked.
    I almost screamed "No"
    But I said "Yes" instead.
    I knew his secret and it has got to be revenged

    4th of August 2013

    || Javadd Malik || The Bad Boy ||

    Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
    I see the way you're
    Acting like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated
    And life's like this you,
    You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into
    Honesty, you promised me I'm never gonna find you fake it

    You come over unannounced
    Dressed up like you're somethin' else
    Where you are ain't where it's at you see, you're making me
    Laugh out when you strike your pose
    Take off all your preppy clothes

    You know, you're not fooling anyone
    When you've become
    Somebody else 'round everyone else
    You're watchin' your back like you can't relax
    You're tryin' to be cool
    You look like a fool to me
    Tell me
    Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?

    I lost him a long time ago. I never heard of him again. But when I saw him that night, I knew instantly he was my better half. So, I went back. Back to my hometown, and I confronted Tricia. She was crying in the living room and I just couldn't forgive her. Her secret was awful and now I have to live with his hate. He though he was thrown aside so I could become famous. But sadly, that wasn't the case. I thought he was dead.

    © Written by Verwelken
    Started 4 - 8 - '13
    Written in Dutch
    Spoken in Dutch
    One Direction exist

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 aug 2013 - 21:56 ]


    || Fanfictions ||

    They were the most famous band ever, until the impossible happened....

    [center] || Fanfictions ||

    The Gothics[/center]

    # Geschreven in het Nederlands.
    # Gestart op 3 augustus 2013
    # 1D bestaat
    # Badboy twin story
    © Verwelken

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 aug 2013 - 21:56 ]


    || Promotie ||

    Dit is een verhaal waar ik mijn eigen en ook andermans verhalen gaat promoten.

    || Stand Alones ||

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 aug 2013 - 22:01 ]


    Ik ben een trouwe lezer van je en blijf je volgen! (:

    16 - 09 - '17

    These times will try hard to define me

    And I’ll try to hold my head up high
    But I’ve seen despair here from the inside
    And it’s got a one track mind

    And I have this feeling in my gut now
    And I don’t know what it is I’ll find
    Does anybody ever feel like
    You’re always one step behind

    Now I’m sitting alone here in my bed
    I’m waiting for an answer I don’t know that I’ll get
    I cannot stand to look in the mirror, I’m failing
    I’m telling you these times are hard

    And I know there’s someone out there somewhere

    Who has it much worse than I do
    But I have a dream inside, a perfect life
    I’d give anything just to work
    It’s like I’m only trying to dig my way out
    Of all these things I can’t

    And I am sitting alone here in my bed
    I’m waiting for an answer I don’t know that I’ll get
    I cannot stand to look in the mirror, I’m failing
    I’m telling you these times are hard
    But they will pass And I know there’s a reason
    I just keep hoping it won’t be long ’til I see it
    And maybe if we throw up our hands and believe it
    I’m telling you these times are hard
    But they will pass

    There I was, alive but barely breathing. It was like all of a sudden my eyes opened. And I was hoping to change the world. At least make it a better place.

    © Tayniss
    • Mix of English and Dutch, but mostly Dutch.
    • One Direction exists, but it's not based on that.
    • Starts 19th of August.
    • Read at your own risk.
    • Many violent discussions are covered.


    A story about when friends and family leave and pain & courage is all you have left.

    While my mind travels wherever you are,

    My father yells again
    How can I live my future in peace,
    The way I am?

    If I can't hear anything. it's because I am far from here.
    I close my eyes and I'm thinking of you

    I am a rebel
    When I don't follow the others
    I am a rebel
    When I rage you more & more
    I am a rebel
    When I insist on changing
    I am a rebel
    When I throw myself,
    without second thoughts
    If I am a rebel,
    it's because no one know me for real

    Some of these days I will escape
    Perhaps I'll go after the first dream
    Life is all about winning or losing.
    You have to bet, bet without fear
    I don't care what they say about me
    And I am a rebel, just for that.

    Sometimes the whole world just seems to be against you. Like you're just not welcome on this planet anymore. Your thought and feelings are all you have. But little we know that that's not always the case. Sometimes even those leave. Because you just don't have the strenght anymore. You lose yourself completely and the whole world becomes a grey area. When you lose yourself, it's like walking in a maze. There is no right and no left. I am Hayley and this is my story.

    I think a lot, but i don't say much. - Anne Frank

    © A Ellery Production
    Restarted 1 - 9 - '13
    Written in Dutch
    Spoken in Dutch
    Records: - abo's || - bladwijzers ||

    Anahi Puente as Hayley
    Demi Lovato as Morgan
    Emily Osment as Samantha
    Melissa Benoistr as Lana
    Austin Mahome as Ashton
    Justin Bieber as Brandon
    Alfonso Herrera as Brad
    Chord Overstreet as Greg
    Evan Peter as John
    Drew Roy as Matt
    Grant Gustin as Caleb.
    Sean Kingston as EB


    In het echte leven zijn er veel soorten personen, want niet iedereen is hetzelfde. Dat geld ook voor Quizlet natuurlijk. Doe deze quiz en kom erachter wat voor schatje je wel niet bent. (wbw)

    Weet je al wat voor Facebook persoon je bent, of ben je daar niet zo zeker van? Maak deze Quiz om erachter te komen. :Y)

    [ bericht aangepast op 2 sep 2013 - 2:12 ]


    At some point I was similar to a glass broken in little pieces. They broke me and I highly doubt I can ever be fixed.

    They consider me the luckiest girl on earth.
    But little they know,
    It is all against my will.
    Little they know,
    what happens behind closed doors.

    Made by: Ellery
    Started: 5 - 9 - '13
    Ended: ....-....-....
    Niall James Horan &
    Audrey Mulder.


    Castle Quizlet.

    Another year you made a promise

    Another chance to turn it all around
    And do not save this for tomorrow
    Embrace the past and you can live for now
    And I will give the world to you

    Speak louder than the words before you
    And give them meaning no one else has found
    The role we play is so important
    We are the voices of the underground
    And I will give the world to you

    Say everything you've always wanted
    Be not afraid of who you really are
    'Cause in the end we have each other
    And that's at least one thing worth living for
    And I would give the world to you

    A million suns that shine upon me
    A million eyes you are the brightest blue
    Let's tear the walls down that divide us
    And build a statue strong enough for two
    And pass it back to you
    And I will wait for you

    'Cause I would give the world
    And I would give the world
    And I would give the world to you
    This is a New Era.

    In een Koninkrijk ver weg van hier, was er ooit een kasteel, Quizlet genaamd. De raarste verhalen gaan de ronde in. Van een eeuwige vorst genaamd Rutger, zijn volgelingen, tot zijn bedienden die hij Crew noemt.

    © A Rhiine Production.
    Started: 16 - 9 - 2013
    Ended: -
    1. ~ Rhiine/Gail
    2. ~ Cenation/Sylvie
    3. ~ Gyllenhaal/Jacco
    4. ~ Irvine/Jaimy
    5. ~ Scorpia/Emma
    6. ~ Draculea/Laura
    7. ~ Square/Inge
    8. ~ Zoidberg/Erieka
    9. ~ Roar/Brooke
    10. ~ Father/Mitchell
    11. ~ Quatorze/Fren
    12. ~ Vulcano/Melissa
    13. ~ Hatsumomo/Nikki
    14. ~ Escritura/Lizz
    15. ~ Delone/Belle
    16. ~ Wiarda/Jip Van Janneke
    17. ~ Frodo/Bes
    18. ~ Parachutes/Dirkje
    19. ~ Avarosa/Nana
    20. ~ Orchard
    21. ~ Merrow/Justine
    22. ~ Yoda/Samantha
    23. ~ Dooddoenervo/Jarne


    It was like I was obsessed with him. By the time I realised that, it was too late. I just couldn't live without him.

    The last girl and the last reason

    to make this last for as long as I could
    First kiss and the first time that I felt
    connected to anything.The weight of water,
    the way you told me to look past everything
    I had ever learned. The final word in
    the final sentence you ever uttered
    to me was love

    And I don't know where to look
    My words just break and melt
    Please just save me from this darkness

    I. Love. You.
    Those three words
    Are said too much
    They're just not enough

    Als Joy voor het eerst, stiekem naar een masquerade ball gaat, is haar leven nooit meer hetzelfde. Voor het eerst in haar leven heeft ze een sigaret aangeraakt en heeft ze alcoholische dranken naar achter geslagen. De roze wereld dat ze kende viel ineens uit mekaar en haar prins op het witte paard laat op zich wachten. Beetje bij beetje komt ze te realiseren dat ze de hele tijd in een fantasiewereld gewoond heeft. Vastbesloten meer genot en plezier te hebben, besluit ze om weer de buitenwereld te gaan omhelzen. Maar om dat te kunnen doen moet ze eerst de kostbare vrijheid voor zich te winnen. Maar dat is veel moeilijker dan gedacht. Joy's ouders hebben haar letterlijk onder hun duim. Als ze Joy weer eens betrappen op een poging om uit te gaan, sturen ze haar naar een kostschool in een ver land. Daar maakt ze kennis met Damante. Hij is alles wat Joy zich kan wensen. Hij heeft de looks, ervaring op seksgebied en is allesbehalve betrouwbaar. Al snel merkt Joy dat ze geen kans bij hem maakt als ze zich als een engel blijft gedragen. Een jaar later gaat ze terug naar huis. Alleen niemand herkent haar meer

    "Wat is er met me kleine engel gebeurd?"
    "Het spijt me mam, ze is groot geworden


    Are you ready to die?

    Cause lately it seems I'm going insane!

    Please don't get up!
    Oh no, you're fine right there!
    Just don't mind me as I take you all in!
    So drink 'em up, oh yes just slam 'em down!
    Have one on me as I lock you all in!
    My sweet little sheep your wolf has come...

    You should know I'm dangerous.
    My thirst for blood turns me on...
    How sweet...

    Is this what we pictured the night that we said, "you're the one"?
    I'm going crazy without you.
    It's hard to believe but I'm having fun.

    Annabel, look what you've started!

    The knife slides down to the tip of my tongue.
    I'm finding pleasure in watching you writhe.
    I lean in just to lick the sweat off your face.
    I taste the reverence dripping down my throat.

    You should know I'm dangerous.
    My thirst for blood turns me on...
    How sweet...

    Is this what we pictured the night that we said, "you're the one"?
    I'm going crazy without you.
    It's hard to believe but I'm having fun.

    Elke dag was een ander fan zijn slachtoffer. Vrijwillig lieten ze allemaal hem zijn gang gaan, Hun marteling was zijn verslaving. Terwijl hij het leven uit hun lichaam wegzoog, was het enige emotie op zijn gezicht een glimlach. Terwijl ze allemaal langzaam deze wereld verliet, besefden ze alles te laat. Hun idool, hun alles, die was een gestoorde. Hij was een Killer

    Are you ready to die?!

    I'm so glad that all of you came!
    Looking in I see a lonely man etching tallies into the bar.
    Looking on I see a desperate man repeating something to the floor.
    Oh how blood turns me on...
    So sweet...

    © A Rey Production
    • Started: 27 - 9 - '13
    • Ended
    • Short Story.
    • Written in Dutch
    • Spoken in Dutch
    Harry Styles as the Killer
    Zayn Malik as the bad boy
    Liam Payne as the organizer
    Louis Tomlinson as the helper
    Niall Horan as the innocent one

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 okt 2013 - 20:46 ]


    Harder dan een rots was zijn hart en zijn vertrouwen in mensen was kapot, maar toch lukte het haar om zijn muur naar beneden te krijgen.


    Daar lag ik dan. Verlaten op de grond, gebroken en met overal pijn. Met de seconden verloor ik meer en meer bloed. Ze stroomden uit mijn lichaam, via mijn benen, armen en zelfs mijn buik. Maar dat deed niet het meeste pijn. Nee, dat deed mijn hart. Het was winter en in het leger noemden we het kristallen winter. Alles was mooi in Moskou. Het leek wel een wit tapijt en het kou maakte dat het net een fairytale leek. Het soort dat aan kleine kinderen werd verteld. Nu wist ik wel beter.


    © A Rey Production.

    [ bericht aangepast op 7 okt 2013 - 17:49 ]


    Headline all over the place: 'There's a killer mad man on the loose.'
    Everyone is speechless. It's a race against time. It doesn't matter how hard they try, investigators keeps being a step behind. There's a lot of frustration and fear in the community. The guy seems to be right there, just standing in plain sight. They even have an idea about how he might look like, they even have his DNA and they know it's one men. But somehow they're not catching him.

    "Did you finally hung up?"
    "No, he never picked up."
    "If it wasn't Harry,who was it?"
    "Don't play dumb. Who were you talking to?"
    "Mind your own business, will you?"

    -ding dong-

    "Don't open!"
    "I do whatever I want. Besides, it is my business to take care off."
    "Hide, I think he's on our front door."
    "Mad men."
    "I know. I invited him."

    "Shit, he's coming over here."
    "Now what?"
    "Wait for dead."

    "Congratulations, you're on this case."
    "Me? Thank you very-"
    "Save it, just do your job."
    'Do you have a suspect?'
    'Yes, but I have to warn you. Nothing it's like it seems.'

    Ellie Goulding as Sylvie
    Georgie Henley as Gail
    Liam Payne as Detective Payne
    Harry Styles as love interest.
    Zayn Malik as the guy who no one cares about.
    Louis Tomlinson as the guy who's always in the wrong place, wrong time.
    Niall Horan as the guy across the street.

    [ bericht aangepast op 1 nov 2013 - 20:52 ]
