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    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    Nergens aan.

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered


    night thinking, day dreaming


    Some people are art and do art at the same time


    "We will teach you how to make boys next door, out of assholes."


    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    Aan Star Trek.

    Il vaut mieux vivre avec des remords qu'avec des regrets.

    Niet goed voelen.

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    Star Wars (darkside/darkness)


    [ bericht aangepast op 9 juli 2013 - 14:24 ]

    "If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."

    Le bf.

    •*• Lululu •*•


    [ bericht aangepast op 9 juli 2013 - 13:20 ]

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried


    We will not be quiet, Stonewall was a riot!


    "We will teach you how to make boys next door, out of assholes."

    Harry Potter.

    Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.

    Gewoon waar. (:

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •