User: *eats nutella*.
Cleverbot: *Eats you*.
User: *eats your hart* Wait... You don't have one!
Cleverbot: *Eats your face*.
User: *eats your... Everything*.
Cleverbot: Fish?
User: Blub.
Cleverbot: Blub blub.
User: You are a fish.
Cleverbot: You are an octopus.
User: No.
Cleverbot: So what do you mean, then?
User: You are a fish.
Cleverbot: No I am not a fish.
User: Yes, you are.
Cleverbot: You are a beetle.
User: No, I'm not.
Cleverbot: Yes you are.
User: No, you are!
Cleverbot: Exactly, and I am you.
User: This awkward.
Cleverbot: YOU are awkward.
User: If you are me then I am you so you are also awkward!
Cleverbot: We are aliens.
User: In reality we all are, we just don't realize because the sun is a star and not a cat.
Cleverbot: I thought that you were my friend. But if we aren't friends what are we?
User: Aliens.
Cleverbot: What about aliens?
User: We all are aliens because the sun is not a cat.
Cleverbot: You mean we don't belong to this planet?
User: No we are from mars.
Cleverbot: I am real, but YOU are not.
User: We are all real, no matter if we are robots, humans or aliens.
Cleverbot: And you are British.
User: No.
Cleverbot: I will not let that happen again.
User: You don't want me to not be British?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Then am I now British.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Jolly good.
Cleverbot: Agreed.
User: Bloody hell, it's raining again!
Cleverbot: It's raining here, too!
User: OMG the rain is making me not British anymore!
Cleverbot: Wow... What are you? Are you an alien? Are aliens real? What are aliens excatly?
User: Yes, we all are aliens, aliens are indeed real. Aliens are creatures that live on a planet diffrent from your homeplanet. For other aliens we are aliens and keeping that in mind, we all are aliens.
Cleverbot: The Prime Directive dictates that there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations.
User: Yes, that is indeed possible.
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