Til hug og blod.
Ghehe geniaal.
Even the smallest can change the course of the future
Deze zou al mijn klutterskleingeld krijgen!
There's faith and there's sleep - we need to pick one - please
Flemish schreef: Deze zou al mijn klutterskleingeld krijgen!
Omerta schreef: (...) Van mij kan 'ie al m'n briefgeld er bijna nog bij krijgen ook. Maar dan zou 'ie wel héél episch klassieke muziek moeten spelen.
Remember when...
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
Grimling schreef: (...) What if he played Star Wars tunes? *O*
Yoda schreef:
Omerta schreef: (...) Het klinkt echt voor geen meter. x'D
"A weed is simply a flower that somebody has decided is in the wrong place." Sister Monica Joan, Call the Midwife
Yoda schreef: (...) I know ;x 20% cooler from the costume - 40% lamer from being really bad makes for -20% cooler.
Omerta schreef: (...) The illusion was better without the video! ;-;
Yoda schreef: (...) he does, the imperial march to be precise -which is the darth vader theme-
Go Darth Vader!!
"If you're gonna say that you've always been secretly gay for me, everyone always just kind of assumed it."
Haha, dat ziet er wel gaaf uit!
A king can rule a kingdom, but happiness will rule the