Vorige was vol, dus hier is een nieuw
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
I loved you once,I love you still,I always have and I always will..
Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
1, lawl.
Today is the oldest you have ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be.
2 xd
“All those fairytales are full of shit.”
1, haha. Maar ik heb maar 6 vrienden ofzo, alleen mensen die ik ook echt als vriend beschouw.
The universal language of art.
zero. Ik ben een loner met drie vrienden ofzo.
Humanity stops where our love goes further, 'till the end of time we will be together. There lie my hopes and dreams.
Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir.
Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year.
"You'll stay with me?" "Until the very end."
2. Record hier. :]
A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.