Ik heb dit gedicht voor een gedichtenwedstrijd geschreven en de opdracht is, schrijf een gedicht over dromen. Ik wil weten wat jullie er van vinden! (:
Hier is tie:
Everyone knows that a dream is unreal.
That a dream is built with your own fantasy.
You never know how it starts and how it ends.
A dream is just for you alone.
Now that I’m standing here on the top of a mountain.
I realize that speaking to myself in a dream is weird.
I look up to the sky and see that it’s snowing.
Snow dancing in the wind, looking for places to land.
It’s freezing and my body is getting colder.
I feel that all the energy in my body is disappearing.
I want to sleep and I want never to wake up again.
Slowly and weak I’m falling down to the ground.
Snow is like a bed for me, soft and warm.
I look down and see that the snow is red.
I see that blood is coming out of me.
I woke up and it was just a dream.
I hope you like it!!

[ bericht aangepast op 31 jan 2012 - 15:22 ]
One Who Travels A Higher Path.