• Zet hier mooie engelse of nederlande zinnetjes :
    I'm going out of my head, lost in a fairytale..

    -the day i will stop loving you is the same day i close my eyes forever..

    -it's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you..

    -never give up your dreams only if you replace them bij better ones..

    -and with every step together we just keep on getting better..

    -if you were my tears i will never cry again cause i'm afraid to lose you..

    -i don't wanna hurt you but i'm afraid i have no choise..

    - Je hebt me pijn gedaan, verdriet gedaan, maar ooit zal ik jou laten voelen wat je mij hebt aangedaan.
    - Jouw ogen, lach en woorden hebben me geraakt. En voor altijd gelukkig gemaakt.
    - Ik fluister je naam, maar je hoort me niet. Tranen stromen, maar je ziet ze niet. Ik heb je nodig, maar je bent er niet.
    - Ik zie er vrolijk uit, maar je weet niet hoe ik me voel.
    - Ik ga kapot van binnen, alleen laat ik het niet merken.
    - Ik heb jou, jou en jou niet nodig. Ik gebruik mijn eigen kracht, en klim zelf naar boven.
    - Tranen vallen op de grond, je wilt iets zeggen, maar een brok in je keel houdt je tegen.
    - Ga nooit met ruzie slapen, want je weet nooit of er een morgen komt om het uit te praten.
    - Iedereen zijn problemen oplossen, maar het even niet meer weten als het op jou problemen aankomt..
    - Ik had het moeten vertellen, ik durf/kan je nu niet eens meer normaal aankijken. Het is over, het is uit. Voorbij.
    - De herinnering die je later wilt hebben, moet je nu maken.
    ENGELS ~
    - A promise is forever, at least that's what they say. Welcome to reality, they're broken, everyday.
    - We just have to believe things gotta work out like they should.
    - Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.
    - Boys don't realize that one little things they say, can stay in a girls mind forever.
    - Knowing is better than wondering. Waking is better than sleeping. Even the biggest faillure, beats the hell out of never trying.
    - If people are truly, madly, deeply in love with each other, they'll find a way.
    - You know he really cares when he asks you what's wrong, and you say "nothing", and he just keep waiting for the real answer.
    - Sometimes, I just wanna sit in a corner, cry my eyes out and forture myself by listening to depressing music, which is exactly how I feel.
    - The times we had, I'll keep like a photograph, and hold them in my heart forever. So I'll always remember you..
    - Yesterdays gone, we gotta keep moving on.
    - So I'm moving on, letting go, holding onto tomorrow. I've always got, the memories, while I'm finding out who I'm gonna be.
    - We face tomorrow, as we say goodbye to yesterday.
    - I'm afraid to fall in love, I'm afraid to fall too fast; cause everyime I fall in love, it doesn't seem to last.
    - It's so hard when you know how to fix the lives of others, but don't know how to fix your own. Sometimes a good adviser needs good advice too.
    - And because I never really had you at all, I didn't think it won't hurt this much to lose you.
    - What do I do now that you're gone. No back up plan, no second chance and no one else to blame. All I can hear is the silence that remains.
    - I have too much to say and none of the right words with which to say it.
    - I'm not afraid to try again, I'm just afraid of getting hurt for the same reason.
    - Before you go and criticize someone else, remember, you've got your own imperfections too.
    - No matter how far you go down the wrong road, you can always turn back.
    - The truth is, if I could be with anyone, it'd still be you.
    - You don't like something in your life? Change it. Don't let it bring you down. Remember your in control of your life.
    - There's always gonna be that one mistake you can never take back, and that one memory you'd do anything for just to have again.
    - Difference between friends and best friends? If you're upset a friend comes and hugs you. A best friend comes with a gun and says, "Alright, who am I shooting?"
    - Sometimes my only relief is to sleep. When I'm sleeping, I'm not sad, I'm not angry, I'm nog lonely, I'm just nothing.
    - I'm scared because I don't want anyone else to steal your heart; that's what I want to do.
    - Your life is like a book. Move on, don't get stuck in the middle. Finish every chapter of your life, with no regret.
    - You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams.
    - Sometimes my only relief is to sleep. When I'm sleeping, I'm not sad, I'm not angry, I'm nog lonely, I'm just nothing.
    - I'm scared because I don't want anyone else to steal your heart; that's what I want to do.
    - Your life is like a book. Move on, don't get stuck in the middle. Finish every chapter of your life, with no regret.
    - You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams.
    - Sometimes people in your life need help. All you can do is hold your hand out and say "I'm here". The rest is up to them.
    - You may sometimes wish you could go back and change it, but just remember whatever happened made you stronger.
    - Lots of memories; some good, some bad. But as long as they're with you, they're the best I ever had.
    - Sometimes you just got to let is out. It's better to let the emotions go than to keep bottling them inside.
    - Whenever I'm hurt, I don't talk. I just wear a fake smile, tell everything's okay, even though I want to cry.
    - Never judge anyone till you've heard the full story and found out why people do the things they do.
    - Life is too short to worry about what others say or think about you. So have fun and give them something to talk about.
    - I am who I am. I like what I like. I love who I love. I do what I want to do. Get off my back and deal with it. It's my life, not yours.
    - Every girl needs a friend to make her smile again.
    - Broken down, like a mirror smashed to pieces.
    - Never mind what people say, hold your head high and turn away.
    - Gotta keep going, gotta keep fighting, too much time wasted to look bach and cry. There's always a tomorrow, always a smile.
    - I keep going and going, I'll never stop. Life is a mountain, and I'm on his top!
    - Birdy birdy in the sky, dropped a poopoo in my eye. I don't care, I don't cry, I'm just glad that cows don't fly.
    - If a big fat man creeps into your bedroom one night and stuffs you into a bag, then don't worry. I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas.
    - A friend is the one who stays, when the rest of the world walks away.
    - Sometimes you have to hold your head up high, blink away the tears, and say goodbye.
    - Memories make us who we are. Dreams make us who we will become.
    - If you try, and it doesn't work, try even harder.
    - Sometimes when I say "I'm fine", I just want someone to look me in the eyes and say "tell me the truth".
    - I love those moment in life where you just smile and think "I love life".
    - Today I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today. And I'm going to be happy in it.
    - Sometimes you gotta be like a ball. Keep reaching for your goal, even if there are a lot of people kicking you way from it.
    - You will never see the sun shine, if you don't keep your head up.
    - Don't know if I'm doing it all in the right way.
    - I wish love was like volleyball; all you do is call 'MINE!' and everyone else backs off.
    - Just because one person doesn't seem to care for you, doesn't mean you should forget about everyone else who does.
    - Have you ever noticed that a question mark looks life half a heart? Maybe because everyone wants their answer.
    - There's always that one person, no matter how long it's been or how badly they've treated you, if they say I love you, you will say it back.
    - The best memories are the ones you try to explain, and just end up saying; " you just had to be there".
    - I thought watching you leave was hard, but knowing you weren't coming back was even harder.
    - Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can - there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.
    - I don't wanna talk about all the things we've gone through, though it's hurting me, now it's history.
    - Let nobody keep reaching you from your goal, when you've got big dreams.
    - Before you can read me you gotta learn how to see me.
    - A chair is still a chair, even if no one is sitting there.
    - A house is not a home, when there is no one there to hold you tight, and no one there you can kiss goodnight.
    - Let words not bring you down.
    - If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, I'll sail the world to find you.
    - You can count on me, like 1 2 3 and I'll be there.
    - You'll always have my shoulder when you cry. I will never let go, never say goodbye.
    - I was born this way.
    - Everyone is beautiful in his/her way, cause God doesn't make mistakes.
    - They keep me thinking that we almost had it all.
    Nog een paar;
    - Achter deze lachende ogen, brandt een traan van pijn/verdriet.
    - Tranen van verdriet maar stromen, ik wil stoppen, maar ze blijven komen.
    - Pictures will fade away, but memories are forever.
    - De mooiste dingen in je leven kan je niet uitleggen, die voel je, diep van binnen, in je hart.
    - Soms heb ik het gevoel, dat niemand me begrijpt. Dat ze me kennen als iemand, die niet op mezelf lijkt.
    - Mensen zien me lopen, maar zien niet wat er in me schuilt. Ze zien mijn lippen lachen, maar weten niet dat mijn hart huilt.
    - Ik was vrolijk, voelde me blij. Voelde me fijn, voelde me vrij. Alleen na dat ene is alles veranderd. Nu ben ik niet meer wie ik wil zijn.
    - Mijn tranen zijn eerlijk en oprecht, ze komen vanzelf, hoe hard ik er ook tegen vecht.
    - A tear falls down her pillow, the same as every night. She cries away her sorrows, and hopes she can sleep tonight.
    - Sick of crying, tired of trying, yeah I'm smiling, but inside I'm dying.
    - Zo klein, zo groot. Zo leven, zo dood. Zo langzaam, zo snel. Bij deze zeg ik vaarwel..
    - Spijt om iets, wat nooit meer terug zal komen. Spijt om iets, waar ik nu alleen nog over kan dromen
    est friend is a sister that destiny forgot to give you.

    When I'm asked what one happy thought is, I always say knowing that no matter how big the fight is, I will always have a best friend.

    To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own. -Abraham Lincoln

    I came to you today for help. I walked up, and without a word, you knew what I needed. A friend, a shoulder to cry on. No words were spoken and I've never felt better in my life.- Michelle Burns

    True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable

    True friendship is when two friends can walk in opposite directions, yet remain side by side
    Seduce my mind and you can have my body, Find my soul and I'm yours forever.

    - i know now i stayed too long with somebody i knew was treating me wrong but i turned it around en made me strong

    -the only thing that helps me keep my head up, is knowing every day i do it for love

    -aint no love in the world that's as perfect as our's

    -cause without you here i'm only half of a woman

    -aint nobody in the world compared to you and i
    wishing the presence of others, were subbed for your presence instead.

    -wishing the smells of perfume surrounding me, be subbed for your smell of security. love and comfort.

    -Wishing every face seen, was yours instead!
    and every hug felt, was your body wrapped around mine.

    -wishing every minute, to be in your presence, to feel your body warmth, right next to mine

    -if you can't handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best

    -do you get a little kick out of being small-minded

    - youve taken me for granted && now everything we had is destroyed

    -What good is a heart if there ain't love in it.

    -You're a symbol of what a beautiful woman should be
    it started of with a kiss never expectin' this

    -the strugle in life means nothing with you by my side

    -I FOund YOu && I Knew YOu Were The One That Was GOing TO Make My Dreams COme True && YOur DOing A Great JOb

    -Shake off the ''why s'' and ''what if s'' ,Leave the past behind, it's time for the future

    -''whatever was'' is in the past, ''whatever is'' is what's important.

    -God is watching us, so lets give him a good show

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 jan 2012 - 22:17 ]

    #Sometimes, you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you.

    #Never miss anyone from your past, because there's a reason why they didn't make it into your future

    #Sometimes, you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you.

    *Daddy always said ,If boy's don’t like you they are gay.

    *You got me doing things I never do ,,Yesterday I even caught myself thinking about you

    *Whit you I want to spend the rest of me life

    *fuck me, and when you kiss me, don't be sassy ,use your tongue and make it nasty!

    *when I saw you
    I was scared to talk to you
    when I first talked to you
    I was scared to kiss you
    when I first kiss you
    I was scared to love you
    now that I love you
    I'm scared to lose you
    *I'm not arrogant ,I'm just better than you are

    *what makes you different ,Makes your beautiful

    *By the way I want to say
    Before you go I love you so
    Whatever we are ,Whatever we do
    Remember this
    I always love you

    I'm not complete ,I'm not perfect
    But that’s just the way I'm
    I know who I'm
    and I know what I want
    Sometimes it's hard to make a decision
    Sometimes I'm a talker
    Sometimes I'm Very quiet
    To get to know me
    You must know this
    I'm who I want to be
    And you'll just have to accept that!
    x. I want to be what you always needed.
    x. Believe in miracles, but don't depend on them.
    x. Listen to me, understand what I’m saying and realize one day how much I care.
    x. would you like to become what you are?
    x. There is something in our hearts worth fighting for,, but some secrets better left untold
    x. I feel so lost without you, it's hard to find a new soul.
    x. Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away.
    x. Let love be blind Innocent and tenderly true.
    x. I know you and you know me and that’s all that matters.
    x. It’s easier to run, never say goodbye.
    x. Because of you I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh every day of my life.
    x. I say goodbye cause nothing good can last.
    x. I'm sinking down and I feels like I could die.
    x. I feel so far from where I’ve been.
    x. nobody noticed the way you feel inside.
    x. I thought that I would die without you, but I’m living.
    x. I cry when angels deserve to die.
    x. What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard and got so far.
    x. I want to know the truth, instead of wondering why, I want to know the answers, and no more lies.
    x. No matter what, you'll always be in my heart.
    x. Your name is forever planted in my brain.
    x. Just wish I have the guts to tell you that I love you .
    x. I'm fortune’s fool.

    Close your eyes, Turn your head, Walk away, Don’t look back
    Don’t forget me ... Forget me never .. But when you forget me ... Forget me forever.

    #Sometimes, you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you.

    *"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes. When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours that's relativity." -- Albert Einstein

    *“Listen to many, speak to a few.”
    William Shakespear

    *''Things without remedy, should be without regard; what is done, is done. ''
    William Shakespeare

    *''There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. ''
    William Shakespeare

    *''Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed. ''
    mark twain

    *''To be good is noble, but to teach others how to be good is nobler and less trouble. ''
    Mark Twain

    *''Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. '''
    mark twain

    #Sometimes, you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you.

    Mooie quotes! (:

    I know there's a way so I promise: 'I'm gonna clean up the mess I made'

    Hij: But... I'm a redhead and girls don't like redheads. I'm not tall and girls like tall guys... I'm not strong and girls like strong men...
    Ik: I like you very much and I am clearly not a guy.
    Hij: They used to call me Pumuckl...
    Ik: That's not gonna make me like you less. They should be ashamed of themselves.

    Bananen zijn lekker, toch? Zet dit ook in je signature als je ook van bananaaaas houdt!

    Far away from everything but so together
    - Wherever I am, I always find myself looking out the window wishing that I was somewhere else
    - Just cant reach you
    - Keep Waiting until Anticipating love
    - don't flatter yourself.. I was lookin' at Your friend
    - I'm not afraid to show how I feel, and to be honest...I'm afraid you might get to feel the same way afterwards
    - Someone loves you honey more than anything in the world
    - Die in your arms drown in your tears, if you just let me love you
    - So I put on my make-up put a smile on my face and if anyone asks me everything is ok
    - A friend is someone who reaches for your hand but touches your heart
    - Maar het allerbangst, ik ben echt het allerbangst, het allerbangst. Dat ik je stem vergeet...
    - Als je geduldig bent gebeurt het vanzelf als je genieten wil wil het dan niet te snel
    - Zomaar een meisje....Zomaar verliefd....Zomaar een jongen....Die dat niet ziet
    - They say that time's a healer, but I find time don't make it any easier.
    - If you're not the one, then why does my hand fit yours this way?
    - Be sure before you close that door.

    # my best friend, my lover there's no other.
    # True love burns for a thousand years.
    # There's alwáys that one person who will always have my heárt.
    # Let me be the one to share your hopes and dreams with.
    # I think you are truly something special.
    # I still get butterflies everytime he pass by.
    # That's why it will never works.
    # It's kinda hard with you not around.
    # my heart can't take it anymore.
    # I was crashing into love.
    # when you fall in love you never know how long it lasts.
    # He's adoreble.
    # I adore you untill the end of time, angel of mine.
    # Don't wanna lose the love I found.
    # Altijd samen, nooit alleen, onafscheidelijk, altijd één.
    # You still running through my mind.
    # I can't take my hands off your body.
    # I'm better than you next.

    Greetzz Sanne .

    #Sometimes, you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you.

    mooie quotes!

    Then I defy thee, stars. Romeo Montague

    ’m jealous of every girl who held you, 'because at that moment, she held my entire world
    Forever never ends.
    I'm no diva, I'm no queen, I’m just myself
    Happiness - The only doubles when you share it
    I need a hand to write, a leg to walk and you to live
    Live, Laugh, Love
    The first time I saw you was the last time I saw my heart
    Real love stories never have a happy ending because real love stories never end
    You and I are the same. Perfect in our own weird way
    God bless the broken road that lead me straight to you
    A promise is forever; at least that's what they say. Welcome to reality. They’re broken, everyday
    People ask me why it's so hard to trust people, and I ask them why it's so hard to keep a promise
    Giving up doesn't always mean you're weak. Sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go
    The best part of believe is the lie
    I'm not beautiful like you, I'm beautiful like me
    Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game
    Never give up the thing you believe in
    If my heart was a house, you'd be home
    I'll sit on the front porch all night, waist deep in thought because when I think of you, i don't feel so alone
    Oh girl, these nights are dull, I wish that I could spend them with you
    Your name is forever planted in my brain
    Before you, my life was like a moonless night
    I was lost, but you found me
    Tomorrow is mystery, yesterday is history, and today's a gift
    I want to lie under the starry night skies and count away the minutes when I'll see you
    Everything falls to survive, except death
    You do not need anything special to say or do to be special
    Almost everything you do is insignificant, but it is very important that you do
    Home is a starting place for love and dreams
    What is this life, full of care, is we have no time to stand and stare
    Take time to enjoy the simple things in life
    Fake it until you make it
    Learn from yesterday, Live for today, hope for tomorrow
    Never say never
    One life, live it
    Loneliness is a beautiful thing, but you need someone who tells you that
    Don't call me a liar, just believe everything that I say
    Others can say what they want, but you're perfect for me
    Dreaming of what could be
    As long as it's love in your life it's always worth living
    Happiness is what everyone wants you, but nobody up awards
    It is better that people think you're stupid because you say nothing, than to speak and remove all doubt
    The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time
    When it's good, it's really good. When it's bad, it's still pretty good
    Real eyes realize real lies!
    Stay with me, whatever happens
    Sometimes silence hurts more than words
    Sometimes there happens something we don't want to happen. But why should I cry about it, it happens all the time.
    Change whatever you can’t accept; accept whatever you can’t change
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn, Is just to love and be loved in return.
    Surely it was a good way to die, noble, even, that ought to count for something
    Everyone wants happiness without any pain, but you can't get a rainbow without a little rain.
    When you can live forever, what do you live for?
    Life isn't fair, but did anyone told you it would?
    You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
    Hope is holding on when you know it’s time to let go
    Hope is not a dream; it's a way to make dreams become reality.

    Everybody wants to have a perfect life, but I'm still thinking of all that dumb guys that think it's possible.
    Believe in miracles, but don't depend on them.
    Some things you can't erase, no matter how hard you try.
    You can say it's all right, but I know that you're breaking up inside
    Good girls go to heaven, bad girls can go everywhere.
    The scariest thing about memories is thinking you're going to forget them. The hardest part of looking forward is not looking back.
    Sometimes I think, isn't it better if I just disappear?
    You and I are the same. Perfect in our own weird way
    I’m jealous of every girl who held you, 'cause at that moment, she held my entire world
    I'm no diva, I'm no queen, I'm just the cutest princess you've ever seen
    A promise is forever; at least that's what they say. Welcome to reality. They’re broken, every day.
    2 body’s, 1 feeling, 2 minds, 1 thought, 2 lips, 1 kiss, 2 hearts, 1 love.
    Love is like heaven, but it can hurt like hell
    Don’t live your life but live your dreams.
    Love is love love is you I love love so I love you
    Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat.
    Dead is easy, painful. Life is harder.
    What choose have I? I cannot be without you and I won’t destroy your soul.
    Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
    ~ Achter iedere traan van verdriet, schuilt een glimlach van herinnering.
    Remember the good, never the bad. The best that you've known is the best that you've had.
    May the best from the past, be the worst in your future
    So easy to lose, so hard to forget.
    Nobody is perfect. You’re nobody
    We all want to be different. Which makes us all the same
    Having fun, going hard. Live my life begins with start!
    Don’t let your hair hang down, but kick some ass
    Dreams aren’t true but when I dream about you, I wish they are!
    Dream the dreams you wanna dream and they’ll come true.
    Gossip about me, make my name known, 100 & show that you're a fan of me
    Better lose a lover, Than love a loser
    I'm beautiful in my way, cause God makes no mistakes
    Do not talk about yourself that we do if you're gone
    God had told me that was missing an angel, I found him!
    Friends can never see, they are always behind you.
    I Love you more than words can say
    You're fire and ice, Hot & Cool
    If you have nothing nice to say, say then nothing
    You ask yourself why am I so quiet in your neighborhood
    Sometimes I just want to step into the train and go into my own world.
    You have to accept me for who I am, not for who you want that i am.
    When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life you have a thousand reasons to smile.
    The day I will stop loving’ you, is the day when I close my eyes forever.
    Raindrops fallin’ down, Butterflies flying away.
    Most people fall in love, but i always crash into it.
    Real love doesn't have a happy end, cause real love never ends.
    I want someone to love me, for who I am.
    I know what's best for me, but I want you instead.
    I wish I could see you tomorrow, even just for a second.
    You're my life, you are all I ever wanted.
    If you love me, let me know. If not, please gently let me go.
    To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.
    Boys are like stars, there are millions of them out there, but only one can make your dreams come true.
    Like it or not, but I like you al lot.
    Love me for what I am, don't hate me for what I'm not
    Little birdie in the sky dropped a poopie in my eye, I did not scream, I did not cry. But I thank the Lord cows can't fly
    I Love you more then my teddy bear but ssstttt don't tell him
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
    It's funny how you make me laugh, when I don't even want to smile <3
    Where is my love, where is my hope, where is my reason to live?
    And every day I love you more.
    Sometimes you just have to follow your heart and see where it takes you
    Behind my smile is something you’ll never understand.
    Love is that one word that no one really understands, even if they say they do.
    Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
    I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
    Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game
    True friends only make you cry when you're laughing too hard.
    I gotta keep on holding on
    Listen to me, understand what I’m saying and realize one day how much I care.
    I'm Frustrated, Irritated and nearly to an Emotional breakdown.
    Every girl wants a boy that she can go to in her sweats, hair a mess, make-up running down her face, eyes red from crying and the first thing he says to her is, baby, you're beautiful and means it.
    A laugh is the prettiest thing to wear
    #Don't dream your life, life your dream
    #Van iemand houden is makkelijk, Iemand missen is moeilijk, maar iemand vergeteten is onmogelijk
    #Gaat het niet zoals het moet, dan moet het maar als het gaat
    #Als het leven te hard wordt , moet je nooit opgeven
    #be yourself, slife is to short to be someone else
    #Just the way you are
    #A friend is a part og your life
    #niet is blijvend behalve herinneringen
    #live like it's the last day of your life
    #onvergeetbare tijden komen nu nooit meer terug
    #Sometimes we just need to believe in ourselves
    #Geniet van het leven, maar laat het leven ook een van jouw genieten
    #when you are crying try to smile and you feel a little bit stronger
    #Live today, nobody promissed you tomorrow
    #Wat je nu hebt kun je morgen weer verliezen
    #know one knows what the future is gonna do
    #achter een traan van verdriet, zit een glimlach van verdriet
    #I want to make my dreams come true
    #you take my breath away with everything you say
    #Vroeger droomde ik over later nu over vroeger
    Believe in the beauty of your dreams
    #Nobody is alone
    #Everybody has a best friend, but I've the best of all
    #everything is still the same except the time
    #The power of love will never die
    #I want to go back when life was simple
    #Listen to your heart
    #Don't forget me, forget me never, but if you forget me, forget me forever
    #My love was like a story and every story ends
    #I can almost see it the dream I'm dreaming
    #Yesterday is history today is a gift
    #Alles kan als je maar niet opgeeft
    #Don't stop fighting beceause everybody has something to fight for
    #Vecht ervoor nu je er nog voor kunt vechten
    #Volg je eigen paden en luister naar je hart
    #We're all the same if the lights are out
    #A friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touch your heart
    #Never let things go that make you smile
    #Life is what you make it
    #Uit het oog maar niet uit het hart
    #Life is what you make it
    #Het verdriet blijft als je tranen verdwenen zijn
    #Achter elke glimlach schuilt een traan
    #Never say Never
    #One smile can cover a million tears
    #Angst heb je even spijt voor eeuwig
    #Freedom is just another word for nothing to lose

    Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for, but then I remember your face and I'm ready for war.
    • I'm gonna run away and never say goodbye.
    • And I wonder if he ever stops and thinks, "Man, I miss her"
    • There's no good in looking back on yesterday and wondering what could have happened then.
    • I need to accept the fact, I can't be your only lover.
    • When tomorrow starts without me, don't think we are far apart, for everytime you think of me.. I am right in your heart.
    • Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you've had, what you've lost and what you took for granted.
    • Someday, I'll meet someone who knows all my flaws, mistakes, weaknesses, but still thinks I'm completely amazing.
    • A friend is someone that won't begin to talk behind your back when you leave the room.
    • I'm the type of person that forgives but never forget.
    • "Single" and "In a relationship" are just terms. Your heart determines your status.
    • Love is like jumping of a building, it feels like 'i can fly', until you hid the ground.
    • Be who you want to be, not what others want to see.
    • I don't know where we're going. But I don't really care. As long as I'm with you, I'll go anywhere

    - Behind my smile is a story you'll never understand.
    - Hey, see that bright thing in the sky? It's the sun, the earth revolves around it. Not you

    Only you can give me that feeling.
    -ik val voor je, zomaar op straat, want ik zag je mooie ogen, maar de stoeprand telaat.
    -ik heb zoveel schijt aan jou dat ik stront te kort kom.
    - Jaloezie is een ziekte, beterschap bitch,
    -Er zijn honderdmiljoen woorden, maar geen een kan beschrijven wat ik voor je voel..
    - Die mooie ogen, dat lekkere lijf, ik zweer, deze boy maakt me leip.
    Mode kun je kopen, stijl moet je hebben.
    Altijd al geweten, sommige vriendinnen zullen 't begeven, en andere zijn d'r voor heel 't leven.
    Liefde is mooi liefde is blind vandaar dat ik er geen vind.
    Vrienden zie je niet, ze staan achter je.
    Niet zo stoer kijken schat, krijg je rimpels van.
    FOCK de prins op het witte paard, Die jongen op de fiets is LEKKER ZAT!Liefde is moeilijk liefde doet pijn als ik niet bij jou kan zijn.
    Zo lief, zo mooi, zo speciaal, en zooo van mij!
    Soms lijkt de wereld even stil te staan, maar met jou wil ik verder gaan!Ik dacht dat je van me hield, maar al die tijd heb je dus gelogen.
    Soms hoef je niet alles te laten zien, want alles staat opgeslagen in je hart.
    Ik wil een jongen met trots en klasse, geen player waar ik op moet passen!
    Liefde is, hem aanraken en weten dat het geen droom is.
    Een onmogelijke liefde is de ware liefde.
    Liefde is niet te koop, maar toch het kostbaarste dat er is.
    Een traan in mijn ogen, een traan om jouw, een traan die zegt hoeveel ik van je hou.
    Geloof je in liefde op het eerste gezicht, of moet ik nog een keer voorbij lopen?
    Ik zat bij wiskunde te denken aan jou! maar ik kon maar niet berekenen hoeveel ik van je hou!
    Als jouw hart een cel is, wil ik levenslang!
    Ga je mij nog kussen of moet ik vanavond weer liegen in mijn dagboek?
    Fuck die ogen die mij niet mogen.
    Wat kijk je me aan? Zoek lekker een baan!
    Ik ben wie ik ben en niemand kan dat veranderen.
    Doe wat ik wil jij strest ik chill.
    Leer van gisteren en geloof in vandaag.
    Niet iedereen is perfect neem een voorbeeld aan mij.
    Fuck Gucci, Fuck Prada, ik versier jou in me pyama.
    Mij proberen te kleineren, laat zien hoe zwak je zelf bent
    slecht praten over mij, laat ziet dat je me dus écht niet kent.
    Liefde is, hem aanraken en weten dat het geen droom is.
    Een onmogelijke liefde is de ware liefde.
    Een traan in mijn ogen, een traan om jouw, een traan die zegt hoeveel ik van je hou.
    Altijd al geweten, sommige vriendinnen zullen ‘t begeven, en andere zijn d’r voor heel ‘t leven.
    Vrienden zie je niet, want ze staan achter je.
    Als het leven geen zin heeft, kun je er ook geen punt achter zetten.
    Liefde is net als in je broek poepen, iedereen ziet het, maar alleen jij voelt de warmte!
    Een kus is een opdruk van een afdruk die met nadruk vraagt om herdruk.
    Ik heb liever één kus van jou, dan honderd van een ander.
    Hoe hoger je je voelt, hoe harder je op je bek gaat «3 ; Hoe harder ik lach
    Gá Tereug in de tijd , & zet diie mooite tijd van toen stil!
    Eén dag ga ik het maken, alleen omdat jij zei dat ik het niet kon (‘L).
    Jongens ; dát geplay is niet stoer , je bent gewoon een mannelijke hoer
    Opá & Omá ; ik kijk na boven , Daar is een ster , God wat zijn Jullie ver «/3.
    Hand in Hand lopen wij naar wonderland «3.
    ik ben niet perfect, koop een barbie!
    schoonheid zit van binnen
    Bitches kunnen mijn hart niet raken.
    Doe wat je wilt, het leven is te kort om erover na te denken
    Jongens zijn slim jongens zijn dapper maar meisjes zijn slimmer en veel knapper.
    wil je perfectie koop een barbie schatje
    Beter een hart zonder woorden, dan een woord zonder hart.
    Nu kan elke letter van jouw naam mij een verhaal vertellen.
    Ik keek of jij keek of ik keek.
    Waarom zou je je veranderen voor een jongen, als ze je alleen maar nemen hoe je bent?
    Geef een jongen pas je hart, als je zeker weet dat hij ze niet verzamelt.
    Liefde is een kriebel in je buik waar je niet aan kunt krabben!
    Meisje, kijk me aan & laat je tranen lopen!
    Als je denkt dat alles misgaat, vind je je ware vrienden.
    Ik deel alles met iedereen, maar van mijn vrienden blijf je af!
    Foto’s kun je verbranden, maar herinneringen niet.
    Echte vrienden zijn op één hand te tellen.
    Alles eindigt goed en als het niet goed eindigt, is het nog niet het einde!
    Vrienden zijn er om je blij te maken.
    Doe wat jij wil, jij strest, ik chill!
    Elke minuut dat je denkt aan je verleden, gaat af van je toekomst.
    Als dit meisje ontwaakt, vallen er klappen.
    Geloof in jezelf en luister niet naar anderen!
    Wees jezelf, er zijn al genoeg anderen.
    Ik doe mijn eigen ding, ik ben te lui om mee te lopen!
    Stap in de schaduw en loop in de zon.
    Je leeft maar 1 keer, dus geniet & durf te leven!
    Geef nooit de hoop op, alles heeft een betekenis!
    Strik je veters & breek de tent af.
    Ik ben geen opgever, maar ik vecht niet voor de dingen die ik toch niet zal krijgen. Littekens op mijn lichaam staan symbool voor wat ik voel.
    Ik lach, omdat de pijn niet veranderd als ik huil.
    Spring op, wijk af & dans door.
    Gek kan je zijn, maar je moet er lol in hebben.
    Woorden die niet uit je hart komen, kunnen mijn hart niet raken!
    Beter goed gejat dan slecht verzonnen.
    Peace is meer dan 2 vingers.
    Foto's onthouden wat mensen vergeten.
    Niet zo stoer kijken schat, krijgt je rimpels van.
    Fack redbull, JIJ geeft me vleugels

    ett me try always lie just make you're happy when i cry

    Je praat veel maar je zegt niks, Je haat veel want je bent niks, Dus wees stil & ken je plek bitch

    I don't have enough middle fingers to tell you exactly how I feel.

    Be yourself before you forget who that is.

    We are what we are, and sometimes that's not enough.

    We always want what we can’t have

    Everyone wants happiness without any pain, but you can't get a rainbow without a little rain

    The challenge is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else

    It's hard to stay strong when nothing's right & everything is wrong

    you have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you got, and remember what you had, always forgive,but never forget, learn from your mistakes, but never regret, people change, things go wrong but just remember LiFE GOES ON.

    Woorden die niet uit je hart komen, kunnen mijn hart niet raken.
    Laat ze maar praten, laat ze maar doen. Ik doe nu wat ik voel, maar denk nog wel veel aan toen

    I'm not pretty and I'm not cool, but I'm fat and I'm ugly and proud - so fuck you.

    Difference between friends and best friends? If you're upset a friend comes and hugs you. A best friend comes with a gun and says, "Alright, who am I shooting?"

    A friend is the one who stays, when the rest of the world walks away

    Héhé, hope you like it ;D

    #Sometimes, you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you.

    ’m jealous of every girl who held you, 'because at that moment, she held my entire world
    Forever never ends.
    I'm no diva, I'm no queen, I’m just myself
    Happiness - The only doubles when you share it
    I need a hand to write, a leg to walk and you to live
    Live, Laugh, Love
    The first time I saw you was the last time I saw my heart
    Real love stories never have a happy ending because real love stories never end
    You and I are the same. Perfect in our own weird way
    God bless the broken road that lead me straight to you
    A promise is forever; at least that's what they say. Welcome to reality. They’re broken, everyday
    People ask me why it's so hard to trust people, and I ask them why it's so hard to keep a promise
    Giving up doesn't always mean you're weak. Sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go
    The best part of believe is the lie
    I'm not beautiful like you, I'm beautiful like me
    Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game
    Never give up the thing you believe in
    If my heart was a house, you'd be home
    I'll sit on the front porch all night, waist deep in thought because when I think of you, i don't feel so alone
    Oh girl, these nights are dull, I wish that I could spend them with you
    Your name is forever planted in my brain
    Before you, my life was like a moonless night
    I was lost, but you found me
    Tomorrow is mystery, yesterday is history, and today's a gift
    I want to lie under the starry night skies and count away the minutes when I'll see you
    Everything falls to survive, except death
    You do not need anything special to say or do to be special
    Almost everything you do is insignificant, but it is very important that you do
    Home is a starting place for love and dreams
    What is this life, full of care, is we have no time to stand and stare
    Take time to enjoy the simple things in life
    Fake it until you make it
    Learn from yesterday, Live for today, hope for tomorrow
    Never say never
    One life, live it
    Loneliness is a beautiful thing, but you need someone who tells you that
    Don't call me a liar, just believe everything that I say
    Others can say what they want, but you're perfect for me
    Dreaming of what could be
    As long as it's love in your life it's always worth living
    Happiness is what everyone wants you, but nobody up awards
    It is better that people think you're stupid because you say nothing, than to speak and remove all doubt
    The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time
    When it's good, it's really good. When it's bad, it's still pretty good
    Real eyes realize real lies!
    Stay with me, whatever happens
    Sometimes silence hurts more than words
    Sometimes there happens something we don't want to happen. But why should I cry about it, it happens all the time.
    Change whatever you can’t accept; accept whatever you can’t change
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn, Is just to love and be loved in return.
    Surely it was a good way to die, noble, even, that ought to count for something
    Everyone wants happiness without any pain, but you can't get a rainbow without a little rain.
    When you can live forever, what do you live for?
    Life isn't fair, but did anyone told you it would?
    You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
    Hope is holding on when you know it’s time to let go
    Hope is not a dream; it's a way to make dreams become reality.

    Everybody wants to have a perfect life, but I'm still thinking of all that dumb guys that think it's possible.
    Believe in miracles, but don't depend on them.
    Some things you can't erase, no matter how hard you try.
    You can say it's all right, but I know that you're breaking up inside
    Good girls go to heaven, bad girls can go everywhere.
    The scariest thing about memories is thinking you're going to forget them. The hardest part of looking forward is not looking back.
    Sometimes I think, isn't it better if I just disappear?
    You and I are the same. Perfect in our own weird way
    I’m jealous of every girl who held you, 'cause at that moment, she held my entire world
    I'm no diva, I'm no queen, I'm just the cutest princess you've ever seen
    A promise is forever; at least that's what they say. Welcome to reality. They’re broken, every day.
    2 body’s, 1 feeling, 2 minds, 1 thought, 2 lips, 1 kiss, 2 hearts, 1 love.
    Love is like heaven, but it can hurt like hell
    Don’t live your life but live your dreams.
    Love is love love is you I love love so I love you
    Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat.
    Dead is easy, painful. Life is harder.
    What choose have I? I cannot be without you and I won’t destroy your soul.
    Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
    ~ Achter iedere traan van verdriet, schuilt een glimlach van herinnering.
    Remember the good, never the bad. The best that you've known is the best that you've had.
    May the best from the past, be the worst in your future
    So easy to lose, so hard to forget.
    Nobody is perfect. You’re nobody
    We all want to be different. Which makes us all the same
    Having fun, going hard. Live my life begins with start!
    Don’t let your hair hang down, but kick some ass
    Dreams aren’t true but when I dream about you, I wish they are!
    Dream the dreams you wanna dream and they’ll come true.
    Gossip about me, make my name known, 100 & show that you're a fan of me
    Better lose a lover, Than love a loser
    I'm beautiful in my way, cause God makes no mistakes
    Do not talk about yourself that we do if you're gone
    God had told me that was missing an angel, I found him!
    Friends can never see, they are always behind you.
    I Love you more than words can say
    You're fire and ice, Hot & Cool
    If you have nothing nice to say, say then nothing
    You ask yourself why am I so quiet in your neighborhood
    Sometimes I just want to step into the train and go into my own world.
    You have to accept me for who I am, not for who you want that i am.
    When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life you have a thousand reasons to smile.
    The day I will stop loving’ you, is the day when I close my eyes forever.
    Raindrops fallin’ down, Butterflies flying away.
    Most people fall in love, but i always crash into it.
    Real love doesn't have a happy end, cause real love never ends.
    I want someone to love me, for who I am.
    I know what's best for me, but I want you instead.
    I wish I could see you tomorrow, even just for a second.
    You're my life, you are all I ever wanted.
    If you love me, let me know. If not, please gently let me go.
    To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.
    Boys are like stars, there are millions of them out there, but only one can make your dreams come true.
    Like it or not, but I like you al lot.
    Love me for what I am, don't hate me for what I'm not
    Little birdie in the sky dropped a poopie in my eye, I did not scream, I did not cry. But I thank the Lord cows can't fly
    I Love you more then my teddy bear but ssstttt don't tell him
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
    It's funny how you make me laugh, when I don't even want to smile <3
    Where is my love, where is my hope, where is my reason to live?
    And every day I love you more.
    Sometimes you just have to follow your heart and see where it takes you
    Behind my smile is something you’ll never understand.
    Love is that one word that no one really understands, even if they say they do.
    Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
    I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
    Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game
    True friends only make you cry when you're laughing too hard.
    I gotta keep on holding on
    Listen to me, understand what I’m saying and realize one day how much I care.
    I'm Frustrated, Irritated and nearly to an Emotional breakdown.
    Every girl wants a boy that she can go to in her sweats, hair a mess, make-up running down her face, eyes red from crying and the first thing he says to her is, baby, you're beautiful and means it.
    A laugh is the prettiest thing to wear
    #Don't dream your life, life your dream
    #Van iemand houden is makkelijk, Iemand missen is moeilijk, maar iemand vergeteten is onmogelijk
    #Gaat het niet zoals het moet, dan moet het maar als het gaat
    #Als het leven te hard wordt , moet je nooit opgeven
    #be yourself, slife is to short to be someone else
    #Just the way you are
    #A friend is a part og your life
    #niet is blijvend behalve herinneringen
    #live like it's the last day of your life
    #onvergeetbare tijden komen nu nooit meer terug
    #Sometimes we just need to believe in ourselves
    #Geniet van het leven, maar laat het leven ook een van jouw genieten
    #when you are crying try to smile and you feel a little bit stronger
    #Live today, nobody promissed you tomorrow
    #Wat je nu hebt kun je morgen weer verliezen
    #know one knows what the future is gonna do
    #achter een traan van verdriet, zit een glimlach van verdriet
    #I want to make my dreams come true
    #you take my breath away with everything you say
    #Vroeger droomde ik over later nu over vroeger
    Believe in the beauty of your dreams
    #Nobody is alone
    #Everybody has a best friend, but I've the best of all
    #everything is still the same except the time
    #The power of love will never die
    #I want to go back when life was simple
    #Listen to your heart
    #Don't forget me, forget me never, but if you forget me, forget me forever
    #My love was like a story and every story ends
    #I can almost see it the dream I'm dreaming
    #Yesterday is history today is a gift
    #Alles kan als je maar niet opgeeft
    #Don't stop fighting beceause everybody has something to fight for
    #Vecht ervoor nu je er nog voor kunt vechten
    #Volg je eigen paden en luister naar je hart
    #We're all the same if the lights are out
    #A friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touch your heart
    #Never let things go that make you smile
    #Life is what you make it
    #Uit het oog maar niet uit het hart
    #Life is what you make it
    #Het verdriet blijft als je tranen verdwenen zijn
    #Achter elke glimlach schuilt een traan
    #Never say Never
    #One smile can cover a million tears
    #Angst heb je even spijt voor eeuwig
    #Freedom is just another word for nothing to lose

    Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for, but then I remember your face and I'm ready for war.
    • I'm gonna run away and never say goodbye.
    • And I wonder if he ever stops and thinks, "Man, I miss her"
    • There's no good in looking back on yesterday and wondering what could have happened then.
    • I need to accept the fact, I can't be your only lover.
    • When tomorrow starts without me, don't think we are far apart, for everytime you think of me.. I am right in your heart.
    • Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you've had, what you've lost and what you took for granted.
    • Someday, I'll meet someone who knows all my flaws, mistakes, weaknesses, but still thinks I'm completely amazing.
    • A friend is someone that won't begin to talk behind your back when you leave the room.
    • I'm the type of person that forgives but never forget.
    • "Single" and "In a relationship" are just terms. Your heart determines your status.
    • Love is like jumping of a building, it feels like 'i can fly', until you hid the ground.
    • Be who you want to be, not what others want to see.
    • I don't know where we're going. But I don't really care. As long as I'm with you, I'll go anywhere

    - Behind my smile is a story you'll never understand.
    - Hey, see that bright thing in the sky? It's the sun, the earth revolves around it. Not you

    Only you can give me that feeling.
    -ik val voor je, zomaar op straat, want ik zag je mooie ogen, maar de stoeprand telaat.
    -ik heb zoveel schijt aan jou dat ik stront te kort kom.
    - Jaloezie is een ziekte, beterschap bitch,
    -Er zijn honderdmiljoen woorden, maar geen een kan beschrijven wat ik voor je voel..
    - Die mooie ogen, dat lekkere lijf, ik zweer, deze boy maakt me leip.
    Mode kun je kopen, stijl moet je hebben.
    Altijd al geweten, sommige vriendinnen zullen 't begeven, en andere zijn d'r voor heel 't leven.
    Liefde is mooi liefde is blind vandaar dat ik er geen vind.
    Vrienden zie je niet, ze staan achter je.
    Niet zo stoer kijken schat, krijg je rimpels van.
    FOCK de prins op het witte paard, Die jongen op de fiets is LEKKER ZAT!Liefde is moeilijk liefde doet pijn als ik niet bij jou kan zijn.
    Zo lief, zo mooi, zo speciaal, en zooo van mij!
    Soms lijkt de wereld even stil te staan, maar met jou wil ik verder gaan!Ik dacht dat je van me hield, maar al die tijd heb je dus gelogen.
    Soms hoef je niet alles te laten zien, want alles staat opgeslagen in je hart.
    Ik wil een jongen met trots en klasse, geen player waar ik op moet passen!
    Liefde is, hem aanraken en weten dat het geen droom is.
    Een onmogelijke liefde is de ware liefde.
    Liefde is niet te koop, maar toch het kostbaarste dat er is.
    Een traan in mijn ogen, een traan om jouw, een traan die zegt hoeveel ik van je hou.
    Geloof je in liefde op het eerste gezicht, of moet ik nog een keer voorbij lopen?
    Ik zat bij wiskunde te denken aan jou! maar ik kon maar niet berekenen hoeveel ik van je hou!
    Als jouw hart een cel is, wil ik levenslang!
    Ga je mij nog kussen of moet ik vanavond weer liegen in mijn dagboek?
    Fuck die ogen die mij niet mogen.
    Wat kijk je me aan? Zoek lekker een baan!
    Ik ben wie ik ben en niemand kan dat veranderen.
    Doe wat ik wil jij strest ik chill.
    Leer van gisteren en geloof in vandaag.
    Niet iedereen is perfect neem een voorbeeld aan mij.
    Fuck Gucci, Fuck Prada, ik versier jou in me pyama.
    Mij proberen te kleineren, laat zien hoe zwak je zelf bent
    slecht praten over mij, laat ziet dat je me dus écht niet kent.
    Liefde is, hem aanraken en weten dat het geen droom is.
    Een onmogelijke liefde is de ware liefde.
    Een traan in mijn ogen, een traan om jouw, een traan die zegt hoeveel ik van je hou.
    Altijd al geweten, sommige vriendinnen zullen ‘t begeven, en andere zijn d’r voor heel ‘t leven.
    Vrienden zie je niet, want ze staan achter je.
    Als het leven geen zin heeft, kun je er ook geen punt achter zetten.
    Liefde is net als in je broek poepen, iedereen ziet het, maar alleen jij voelt de warmte!
    Een kus is een opdruk van een afdruk die met nadruk vraagt om herdruk.
    Ik heb liever één kus van jou, dan honderd van een ander.
    Hoe hoger je je voelt, hoe harder je op je bek gaat «3 ; Hoe harder ik lach
    Gá Tereug in de tijd , & zet diie mooite tijd van toen stil!
    Eén dag ga ik het maken, alleen omdat jij zei dat ik het niet kon (‘L).
    Jongens ; dát geplay is niet stoer , je bent gewoon een mannelijke hoer
    Opá & Omá ; ik kijk na boven , Daar is een ster , God wat zijn Jullie ver «/3.
    Hand in Hand lopen wij naar wonderland «3.
    ik ben niet perfect, koop een barbie!
    schoonheid zit van binnen
    Bitches kunnen mijn hart niet raken.
    Doe wat je wilt, het leven is te kort om erover na te denken
    Jongens zijn slim jongens zijn dapper maar meisjes zijn slimmer en veel knapper.
    wil je perfectie koop een barbie schatje
    Beter een hart zonder woorden, dan een woord zonder hart.
    Nu kan elke letter van jouw naam mij een verhaal vertellen.
    Ik keek of jij keek of ik keek.
    Waarom zou je je veranderen voor een jongen, als ze je alleen maar nemen hoe je bent?
    Geef een jongen pas je hart, als je zeker weet dat hij ze niet verzamelt.
    Liefde is een kriebel in je buik waar je niet aan kunt krabben!
    Meisje, kijk me aan & laat je tranen lopen!
    Als je denkt dat alles misgaat, vind je je ware vrienden.
    Ik deel alles met iedereen, maar van mijn vrienden blijf je af!
    Foto’s kun je verbranden, maar herinneringen niet.
    Echte vrienden zijn op één hand te tellen.
    Alles eindigt goed en als het niet goed eindigt, is het nog niet het einde!
    Vrienden zijn er om je blij te maken.
    Doe wat jij wil, jij strest, ik chill!
    Elke minuut dat je denkt aan je verleden, gaat af van je toekomst.
    Als dit meisje ontwaakt, vallen er klappen.
    Geloof in jezelf en luister niet naar anderen!
    Wees jezelf, er zijn al genoeg anderen.
    Ik doe mijn eigen ding, ik ben te lui om mee te lopen!
    Stap in de schaduw en loop in de zon.
    Je leeft maar 1 keer, dus geniet & durf te leven!
    Geef nooit de hoop op, alles heeft een betekenis!
    Strik je veters & breek de tent af.
    Ik ben geen opgever, maar ik vecht niet voor de dingen die ik toch niet zal krijgen. Littekens op mijn lichaam staan symbool voor wat ik voel.
    Ik lach, omdat de pijn niet veranderd als ik huil.
    Spring op, wijk af & dans door.
    Gek kan je zijn, maar je moet er lol in hebben.
    Woorden die niet uit je hart komen, kunnen mijn hart niet raken!
    Beter goed gejat dan slecht verzonnen.
    Peace is meer dan 2 vingers.
    Foto's onthouden wat mensen vergeten.
    Niet zo stoer kijken schat, krijgt je rimpels van.
    Fack redbull, JIJ geeft me vleugels

    ett me try always lie just make you're happy when i cry

    Je praat veel maar je zegt niks, Je haat veel want je bent niks, Dus wees stil & ken je plek bitch

    I don't have enough middle fingers to tell you exactly how I feel.

    Be yourself before you forget who that is.

    We are what we are, and sometimes that's not enough.

    We always want what we can’t have

    Everyone wants happiness without any pain, but you can't get a rainbow without a little rain

    The challenge is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else

    It's hard to stay strong when nothing's right & everything is wrong

    you have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you got, and remember what you had, always forgive,but never forget, learn from your mistakes, but never regret, people change, things go wrong but just remember LiFE GOES ON.

    Woorden die niet uit je hart komen, kunnen mijn hart niet raken.
    Laat ze maar praten, laat ze maar doen. Ik doe nu wat ik voel, maar denk nog wel veel aan toen

    I'm not pretty and I'm not cool, but I'm fat and I'm ugly and proud - so fuck you.

    Difference between friends and best friends? If you're upset a friend comes and hugs you. A best friend comes with a gun and says, "Alright, who am I shooting?"

    A friend is the one who stays, when the rest of the world walks away

    Héhé, hope you like it ;D

    #Sometimes, you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you.

    Dankje iedereen! ;) Post er zelf ook nog wat !

    #Sometimes, you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you.

    Ik had een vraag, zou je ook bvb aan jou kunnen vragen of je zinnetjes over een bepaald onderwerp voor een verhaal hebt.

    Then I defy thee, stars. Romeo Montague

    Niallvember schreef:
    Ik had een vraag, zou je ook bvb aan jou kunnen vragen of je zinnetjes over een bepaald onderwerp voor een verhaal hebt.
    :Naja ik kan altijd proberen :) Maar ik weet niet precies wat je bedoelt :)

    #Sometimes, you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you.

    Eum. nou, ik ben bezig met een verhaal en ik zoek een zinnetje/kort gedicht over homosexualiteit? :3 PB als iemand iets heeft .. <33 x

    "I believe that marriage isn't between a man and a woman; but between love and love." - Frank Ocean