Ik vond deze op Tumblr en ik denk dat ik hem ga doen:
Make a gif or take a photo everyday for thirty days!
Day 1: Your favorite book
Day 2: Your favorite movie
Day 3: Your favorite character
Day 4: Your favorite pairing (canon or non-canon)
Day 5: A scene that makes you really happy
Day 6: A character you would take your pants off for anytime they ask
Day 7: Your favorite villain
Day 8: A minor character you love
Day 9: The most badass character
Day 10: A character you relate most to
Day 11: Your favorite scene from your favorite book/movie
Day 12: A part that always makes you cry
Day 13: Your favorite quote
Day 14: A character in the movies who is closest to how you picture them in the books
Day 15: A character you wish was real
Day 16: Your favorite Marauder, Death Eater, or OotP member
Day 17: A character you would like to spend one day with
Day 18: A character you just want to kick in the face
Day 19: A part in the books/movies that makes you angry
Day 20: A character you would play if you were in the movies
Day 21: Your favorite family
Day 22: A scene you love to watch
Day 23: Something that you wish was in the movies but isn’t
Day 24: A character who died and you wish they hadn’t
Day 25: Three characters you would want to be best friends with
Day 26: Your favorite creature
Day 27: Your favorite friendship
Day 28: The house you’re in
Day 29: Your favorite trio moment
Day 30: What you love about Harry Potter
Doen jullie ook mee?

It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...