• We moesten een klein dialoogje doen voor de klas en ik vroeg of iemand van jullie dit kan verbeteren, zodat ik goede puntjes haal :3? Ohja en als iemand weet hoe je ontsmettingspray noemt in het Engels...?

    - Hello Doctor, could you help me, please?
    x Ofcourse. Let me see.
    - It's my hand. It's bleeding and it hurts a little.
    x That doesn't look good. What happened to you?
    - It's quite of a strange story.
    x It's better if you tell me, so I can help you better.
    - Well, I rode the bike to school when a cate came out of nowhere. I wasn't prepared, so I tried to serve the cat and then I fell to the ground.
    x But your wound is really deep. Was there something lying on the round?
    - Yes, a piece of glass.
    x I see. I think we need to stitch you. The wound is too deep.
    - Really? I think that's unnecessary. It doesn't hurt that much.
    x I'm sorry, but it's really necessary. I'm gonna take some disinfectant spray to clean it up. It will hurt a little bit.
    - Do I need many stiches?
    x No. I think two shoud be enough.
    Well, here you go. Don't forget to clean the wound a couple times a day. And change the bandage everyday.
    - Ofcourse, thank you doctor!
    - You're welcome. Be careful next time!
    - I will.


    [ bericht aangepast op 27 sep 2011 - 19:06 ]

    Then I defy thee, stars. Romeo Montague

    volgens mij is het meeste wel goed hoor ;D.
    Well, I rode the bike to school when a cate Cat came out of nowhere. I wasn't prepared, so I tried to serve the cat and then I fell to the ground.


    "Because I'm with you until the end of the line." - Stucky

    - Hello Doctor, could you help me, please?
    x Ofcourse. Let me see. What's wrong?
    - It's my hand. It's bleeding and it hurts a little.
    x That doesn't too look good. What happened to you?
    - It's quite of a strange story.
    x It's better if you tell me, so then I can help you better.
    - Well, I rode the bike was cycling to school when a cat came out of nowhere. I wasn't prepared, so I tried to serve avoid the cat and then I fell to the ground.
    x But your wound is really deep. Was there something lying on the round?
    - Yes there was, a piece of glass.
    x I see. I think we need to stitch youit, beacuse the wound is too deep.
    - Really? I think that's unnecessary. It doesn't hurt that much.
    x I'm sorry, but it's really necessary. I'm gonnagoing to take some disinfectant spray(geen idee hoe je het zegt) to clean it upso the bacteria will be dead/killed/whatever. It will hurt a little bit.
    - Do I need many stiches?
    x No. I think two shoud be enough.
    Well, there you go. Don't forget to clean the wound a couple times a day. And change the bandage everyday. Don't forget to desinfet about three times a day and the bandage has to be changed everyday.
    - Ofcourse, thank you doctor!
    - You're welcome. Be careful next time!
    - I will.

    Well.. hopelijk heb ik het goed verbeterd, want moet dit jaar wel mijn Cambridge examen halen en dan moet ik dit wel weten :'D
    (Als je wilt weten waarom iets fout is moet je het even zeggen, leg ik het uit. Want I rode a bike is wel een huge mistake voor als je 15 bent en dus in de 3e/4e zit)

    [ bericht aangepast op 27 sep 2011 - 19:03 ]

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.

    - Do I need many stiches?
    x No. I think two should be enough.

    If you think something small can’t make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito in the room

    Endure schreef:
    - Hello Doctor, could you help me, please?
    x Ofcourse. Let me see. What's wrong?
    - It's my hand. It's bleeding and it hurts a little.
    x That doesn't too look good. What happened to you?
    - It's quite of a strange story.
    x It's better if you tell me, so then I can help you better.
    - Well, I rode the bike was cycling to school when a cat came out of nowhere. I wasn't prepared, so I tried to serve avoid the cat and then I fell to the ground.
    x But your wound is really deep. Was there something lying on the round?
    - Yes there was, a piece of glass.
    x I see. I think we need to stitch youit, beacuse the wound is too deep.
    - Really? I think that's unnecessary. It doesn't hurt that much.
    x I'm sorry, but it's really necessary. I'm gonnagoing to take some disinfectant spray(geen idee hoe je het zegt) to clean it upso the bacteria will be dead/killed/whatever. It will hurt a little bit.
    - Do I need many stiches?
    x No. I think two shoud be enough.
    Well, there you go. Don't forget to clean the wound a couple times a day. And change the bandage everyday. Don't forget to desinfet about three times a day and the bandage has to be changed everyday.
    - Ofcourse, thank you doctor!
    - You're welcome. Be careful next time!
    - I will.

    Well.. hopelijk heb ik het goed verbeterd, want moet dit jaar wel mijn Cambridge examen halen en dan moet ik dit wel weten :'D
    (Als je wilt weten waarom iets fout is moet je het even zeggen, leg ik het uit. Want I rode a bike is wel een huge mistake voor als je 15 bent en dus in de 3e/4e zit)

    Ik snap die Too niet, aan het begin?
    Die moet daar niet staan -inhoudelijk- en als je hem toch plaatst, staat ie verkeerd...

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Ik heb nog even een paar spellingsfoutjes verbeterd, zo zou het goed moeten zijn.

    Endure schreef:
    - Hello Doctor, could you help me, please?
    x Ofcourse. Let me see. What's wrong?
    - It's my hand. It's bleeding and it hurts a little.
    x That doesn't look too good. What happened to you?
    - It's quite of a strange story.
    x It's better if you tell me, so then I can help you better.
    - Well, I rode the bike was cycling to school when a cat came out of nowhere. I wasn't prepared, so I tried to serve avoid the cat and then I fell to the ground.
    x But your wound is really deep. Was there something lying on the round?
    - Yes there was, a piece of glass.
    x I see. I think we need to stitch youit, because the wound is too deep.
    - Really? I think that's unnecessary. It doesn't hurt that much.
    x I'm sorry, but it's really necessary. I'm gonnagoing to take some disinfectant spray(geen idee hoe je het zegt) to clean it upso the bacteria will be dead/killed/whatever. It will hurt a little bit.
    - Do I need many stiches?
    x No. I think two shoud be enough.
    Well, there you go. Don't forget to clean the wound a couple times a day. And change the bandage everyday. Don't forget to desinfect about three times a day and the bandage has to be changed everyday.
    - Ofcourse, thank you doctor!
    - You're welcome. Be careful next time!
    - I will.

    Well.. hopelijk heb ik het goed verbeterd, want moet dit jaar wel mijn Cambridge examen halen en dan moet ik dit wel weten :'D
    (Als je wilt weten waarom iets fout is moet je het even zeggen, leg ik het uit. Want I rode a bike is wel een huge mistake voor als je 15 bent en dus in de 3e/4e zit)

    [ bericht aangepast op 27 sep 2011 - 19:11 ]

    A king can rule a kingdom, but happiness will rule the

    Patronum schreef:

    Ik snap die Too niet, aan het begin?
    Die moet daar niet staan -inhoudelijk- en als je hem toch plaatst, staat ie verkeerd...

    Ho, moest zijn; doesn't look too goed.
    Haha, foutje. Maar het klinkt iets beter, maar is niet nodig ;]

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.

    Endure schreef:

    Ho, moest zijn; doesn't look too goed.
    Haha, foutje. Maar het klinkt iets beter, maar is niet nodig ;]

    het is good.

    Then I defy thee, stars. Romeo Montague

    - Hello Doctor, could you help me, please?
    x Ofcourse. Let me see.
    - It's my hand. It's bleeding and it hurts a little.
    x That doesn't look good. What happened to you?
    - It's quite of a strange story.
    x It's better if you tell me, so I can help you better.
    - Well, I rode the bike to school when a cat came out of nowhere. I wasn't prepared, so I tried to avoid the cat and then I fell to the ground.
    x But your wound is really deep. Was there something lying on the round?
    - Yes, a piece of glass.
    x I see. I think we need to stitch you. The wound is too deep.
    - Really? I think that's unnecessary. It doesn't hurt that much.
    x I'm sorry, but it's really necessary. I'm gonna take some disinfectant spray to clean it up. It will hurt a little bit.
    - Do I need many/a lot of stitches?
    x No. I think two should be enough.
    Well, here you go. Don't forget to clean the wound a couple times a day. And change the bandage everyday.
    - Ofcourse, thank you doctor!
    - You're welcome. Be careful next time!
    - I will.

    Als ik wat vergeten ben/slecht heb gedaan, feel free to adjust.

    No growth of the heart is ever a waste

    Sanity schreef:

    het is good.

    Dat weet ik ook weeeel n__n -zucht-

    @C18; Lol, dat ik die should over het hoofd gezien heb ;p

    [ bericht aangepast op 27 sep 2011 - 19:13 ]

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.