• Want vandaag is het 15 jaar geleden dat m'n moeder me op de wereld zette, en het is ook de dag dat ik mijn username weer kan veranderen ;D

    & Vanmorgen in de bus had mijn beste vriendin tegen de buschauffeur gezegd dat ik jarig was, en toen ging 'ie Happy Birthday zingen toen ik de bus inkwam, en kreeg ik een gratis eurokaartje, yeaaaah. xd

    there is a certain beauty in setting the world on fire and watching from the center of the flames.

    Leuk! En Happy B-day! (flower)

    It's going to be difficult, but not impossible.


    "Well, well. Look who we've got here!"

    Gefeliciteerd! (: Een vriendin van me verjaart morgen. (cat)

    Normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.

    proficiat :)


    ~ Nobody is perfect untill you fall in love with them~

    Haha geweldig. Gefeliciteerd (:.

    Chaos, panic and disorder. I see my work is done here.

    Houndoom schreef:
    Leuk! En Happy B-day! (flower)

    The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed - One Direction, What Makes You Beautiful

    Atropos schreef:
    Haha geweldig. Gefeliciteerd (:.

    You don't run, not when you're with us. You stand your ground and fight.

    happy birthday.


    Dudley schreef:

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    gefeliciteeerd xxx

    If you spread your wings, you can fly away with me.

    Gefeliciteerd ^^

    I hope you drown in all the cum you fucking swallow, to get yourself to the top.

    Dudley schreef:

    "Because I'm with you until the end of the line." - Stucky

    imlove schreef:

    Sometimes it's best not to care.

    imlove schreef:

    Firm believer of all that is magic