PJs, pants, or nothing to bed? What do you cuddle up to at night?
Louis: It depends on the temperature. If it's nice and hot, I will happily sleep naked, but if it's a bit chilly then pajama bottoms. But I'm all for sleeping naked. I cuddle my pillow, all my teddies passed away a few years ago.
Niall: Pants. Recently I cuddle with Louis, because he's started sleepwalking and got into my bed when we were sharing a room in a hotel. I pushed him on the floor and he sat up, put his arms out and started humming the song from The Jungle Book.
Harry: Nothing! I cuddle up with my pillow.
Zayn: I wear pants. I don't cuddle up with anything, not even my duvet!
Liam: I wear nothing! I scrunch myself up in my covers at night.

What's so bad about being different?