• ze hebben wel gelijk :]

    Shoganai i ne~

    Chicken, French fries, applesauce
    Don't question it!

    die hele site is Epic :'D

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Memento schreef:


    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    omg so true haha

    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind


    Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.

    Ik ben belg hoor. en toch klopt het o.o

    Owl you need is love.

    Memento schreef:

    omg so true haha

    Haha, die.

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...


    As travars

    Grimshaw schreef:


    haha indeed

    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind

    ugh, ik wel ;c

    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind

    ... But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?

    Asgard schreef:

    haha _O_

    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind

    Memento schreef:

    lol, die vond ik nog het leukste van allemaal XD

    The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.

    Phenomena schreef:
    ( Een paar over de Belgen )

    You know you're from Belgium when...

    You've been able to legally drink at the age of 16, but have also been buying lottery tickets, cigarettes and drinking since you were 12 if you wanted to without any problems.

    You don’t bother with going to church, except for Christmas and your childrens' communions.

    You’re used to being the target of dumb French and Dutch jokes

    You criticize the French-speakers when you’re Flemish and vice versa, without really knowing the reason why.

    You’re used to having your bread automatically cut ‘coupé/gesneden’ by your baker or by a bread cutting machine at the supermarket.

    You enjoy one of the best and most efficient health care services in the world

    You realize abroad that almost nothing is known about your country, except the chocolate, beer, waffles and Brussels sprouts.
    You know that Stella is nothing more than an ordinary beer (à la Budweiser for Americans) but advertised and sold as a luxury beer in the U.S.

    You get angry when you’re told that Magritte, Jacques Brel and Hergé were French and that Rubens was Dutch

    You love France but despise French arrogance and ethnocentrism.

    You think the Netherlands is a cool crazy country but you dislike the Dutch accent and stinginess. ( Ik niet ;p )

    You consider breaking the speed limit normal, and honk and flash at people who don't.

    you know many people "unemployed" working in black

    You think it would be a good idea to impose English as the official Belgian language to simplify communication between Dutch, French and German speakers.

    You can tell from which city a Fleming or Walloon comes from just from their accent or the way they dress.

    You wonder how comes that other countries' motorways are not lit in bright orange light at night.

    You like chocolate flavour in everything: in breakfast cereals, in cappuccino, melted on fruits, choco-spread instead of jam, or in just about any dessert.

    Hell Yeah! (nerd)

    So here's a heart to heart on the back of postcards sent from California

    ik neem even een abo, I like

    So here's a heart to heart on the back of postcards sent from California

    die over de belgen zijn zo waar :')

    en dat schoolsysyteem.. jua, esther had eens uitgelegd maar ik begrijp er nog steeds geen bal van.

    [ bericht aangepast op 5 aug 2011 - 14:18 ]

    Maybe we should doubt our fears instead our dreams.