What lightsaber color do you have? - Uitkomsten
What lightsaber color do you have?
You've probably all wondered about having a lightsaber, wouldn't it be a dream to have one? One of the things that stands out from this weapon is its different colors, besides it looking cool the colors have a meaning as well. Today you will be testing your kyber crystal and find out your suitable color, if you're dissapointed by your result, I'm sorry. Source materials: wookiepedia, Leia's lair.
Mogelijke uitkomsten
Blue (8 x uitgekomen)
Congratualations, you've got the iconic look of the blue lightsaber. The possible meaning as following: you are a member of the Jedi order and stays strict to your code. You like to use physsical force abilities like force push and telekenesis. You process your patience and mostly defence into your lightsaber combat. You use the light side of the force and are willing to fight for others. Notable wielders of blue lightsabers are: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ki-Adi Mundi.
Cyan (2 x uitgekomen)
Congratualations, you've got cyan. A collor that is surprisingly rare. Cyan is a descendant from blue and you have got much simularities with blue, but there is one main difference. This leads to the following: you are a member of the Jedi order and you follow its code strictly and use the light side of the force. A difference with blue is however that you would prefer force abilities over lightsaber combat. In the movies or series of star wars there are yet no cyan lightsabers seen, but you have the option to wield one in Jedi: the Fallen order.
Indigo (5 x uitgekomen)
Congratualations, you've got indigo. Yet another variation of a blue lightsaber, it has the same marks except for a few. My saying of indigo is: you are just as blue wielders a member of the Jedi order following the strict rules of the Jedi order and you use the light side of the force. Although you may have a bit of the dark side of the force proceeded into your skills. You rather (unlike the other blue variations) prefer lightsaber combat over force abilities. There are yet no indigo lightsabers seen in the star wars movies or series, but you have the option to wield one in Jedi the Fallen order.
Green (9 x uitgekomen)
Congratualations, you've got the iconic look of a green lightsaber. This color is in some ways described as a Jedi consular. You are a member of the Jedi order and Serve the light side of the force. Although your allegiance is to the Jedi council, you do as the force says and in some cases may even go a bit beyond the Jedi code. You are not known to violence, as you only use it in the last option. Instead of that, you rely more on negotiaton and mental force abilities, often using things like Jedi mind trick or force meditation. Notable wielders of green lightsabers are: Qui-Gon Jinn, Luke Skywalker and Yoda.
Yellow (3 x uitgekomen)
Congratualations, you've got yellow. Seen as a Jedi sentinel, you are a member of the Jedi order and Serve the light side of the force. You are balanced between lightsaber combat and the using of the force. Instead of heading out for battle, you like to stay at the jedi temple (or your home for example) and be the guard of it and would only engange if necessary. Notable wielders of yellow lightsabers are: the Jedi temple guards and Rey (sorry that I put Rey here).
Orange (1 x uitgekomen)
Congratualations, you've got orange. Orange is a rather new color to come in canon. There's little (canon) information about it, but I am going to do my best to explain: you have been part of the Jedi order once and you left it, or were expelled from it. You are now a Grey Jedi or just under the name ‘force user'. You may have had a struggle with the dark side to control it and might even have now, but mostly you use the light side of the force. There's also a theory that you tried to heal a red kyber crystal, but failed to completely do it. You use the force mostly to think of your actions and when engaged your prefer to use lightsaber combat. There are yet no Orange lightsabers to be seen in the films or series of star wars, but you have the option to wield one in Jedi: Fallen order.
Magenta (0 x uitgekomen)
Congratualations, you've got magenta. Just like orange, magenta has little explanation in canon. But it is theorised to be (little involvement of myself): you are a jedi, or maybe a grey jedi. You use the light side of the force to your advantage and maybe a little bit of the dark side inside yourself. You are a very observant and stealthy, which would make you perfect for things like Spy missions. You use the force to focus and to avoid combat sometimes. There are yet no magenta lightsabers seen in the films or series of star wars, but in legends it is said that Mara Jade Skywalker and you have the option to wield one in Jedi: Fallen order.
Purple (5 x uitgekomen)
Congratualations you've got purple. Samuel L Jackson would be proud of you. You are a jedi, or maybe a grey jedi and you might even be a sith. You mostly use the light side of the force, but the dark side of the force also plays a big role in your skills. You have been able to control the dark side inside you instead of the dark side controlling you, you use it to have more advantage and preperation in combat. You are often seen as: balanced (between light and dark). Notable wielders of purple lightsabers are: Mace Windu, Revan (in legends) and Darth Traya used 3 to defend herself.
Red (4 x uitgekomen)
Congratualations you've got the iconic look of the red lightsaber. You are most likely a sith or a dark jedi. You Serve the dark side of the force, as it controls you. You have a lust for passion, strength and power. You do not limit yourself with your skills, unlike other colors. You have put: anger, hatred and suffering into your kyber crystal. By all your power you might have some over confidence, but that depends on your wisdom. Notable wielders of red lightsabers are: Darth Sidious, Darth Vader and Darth Maul
White (5 x uitgekomen)
Congratualations, you've got White. The color is explained as the following: you are no Jedi, no sith, not even Grey or dark jedi, you put yourself in the category ‘force user'. According to you: there is no light, there is no dark, there is just the force. Your lightsaber was once a red one and you healed it, making it white. You serve no one, no group, but you help people when in need, no matter what. You use the force, but not with light or dark, just the force. Notable wielders of White lightsabers are: Ahsoka Tano and Tera Sinube.
Brown (12 x uitgekomen)
Congratualations, you've got Brown. Brown is a color that is not yet canon. Infact, there is only one example of it in legends. My theory about a Brown lightsaber is: brown is a very mixed color, it has yellow, green, orange and red. That means that you have been through a lot. You have been a Jedi, you've been a Sith, Grey Jedi, all of it. And now, all your past secrions, they have been put into one, a brown blade. Because of your experience, you have the knowledge unlike others, skills unlike others, wisdom unlike others. You are very mixed between your use of light and dark side of the force, you sometimes use only light, sometimes dark and sometimes combined. There's yet no Brown lightsaber seen in the films or series of star wars, but in legends Ood Bnar wielded one.
Black (darksaber) (2 x uitgekomen)
Congratualations, you've got black, also known as the darksaber. This is a very different looking saber, as it doesn't give light like the others. There are many theories about what it means and here is mine: you are a force user who has no loyalty to the Jedi and the Sith, a bit like a white lightsaber wielder. However you use the dark side and dark side only. It could be said that you're the pure embodyment of the dark side of the force. Despite the fact that you use the dark side, you don't use hatred or anger to gain strength unlike the Sith and that is the main difference between you and the Sith. For the rest you have common ways with the sith, like passion, strength and power, your lust for it. You prefer raw lightsaber combat over your force abilities. Notable wielders of the darksaber are Pre Viszla, Darth Maul and Moff Gideon.
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