<<SA>> What's life without...

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It's nothing without it all, is it? (43 x uitgekomen)

What is life without love,
What is life without hate,
Without fear and friendship.

To be honest, Life is nothing without it.
Love is needed to make people happy and curious.
Hate is needed to make people argue, fight and consider.
People need fear and friendship so we can support each other,
So we know that life isn’t without danger either.

Pretend life without these,
Would you be happy?
Would you think that life is better without these,
Or would you think that life can’t without them and it’s needed to give life a special ‘touch’

Do we need friendship,
Do we need fear to life a normal life,
Don’t we need hate,
Can we really life without love…

Maybe that everyone has an answer for himself,
And maybe it is better if we don't think to much about it and just life our lives...



Reageer (7)

  • zwartepanter21

    Maak dan een gedicht en geen quiz, maar verder was ie echt goed(Y)

    7 jaar geleden
  • chocorawr

    Jij bin echt goed :]

    1 decennium geleden
  • Hayleyball

    you're good(K)

    1 decennium geleden
  • LiuXianHua

    niceee :D!

    1 decennium geleden

    btw wa is da plaatje :D

    ik kan het niet goed lezen (nerd)

    this geen death ote e:)

    1 decennium geleden

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