i just hate it..

een gedicht/kreet van mij, wat ook over mij gaat. Just read.


Mogelijke uitkomsten

-- (13 x uitgekomen)

I hate the way that you walk, the way you laugh, the way you smile.
I hate the way that you are, and do. I hate the way that I never was and never will be like you. I hate the way that they believe you. I hate the way that your light shines when the shadows are burning.
I hate the way that I don’t even love you anymore. I hate the way that you lie, you eat, you act and you smile. I hate the way that your not real. I hate the way that I walk bowed down. I hate the way that you’re shining whenever you can. I hate the way that you love! And get loved! I hate the way you look, I hate the way you smell. I hate the way I’m an addict to you. I hate that way I know how you are. I hate the way. I hate the way that you’ve got everybody fooled. I hate the way that you are me. I hate being me.



Reageer (1)

  • Persefoneia

    Wow, dat is echt zo mooi!!
    Maar ook erg zielig:X
    Maar voel je je echt zo?


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