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We put the world away, we get so disconnected.

xHappyHoran | 16 maart 2013

We are friends for life, hold that deep inside. Let this be a drive to survive. And just stand high and tall. Make sure you give your all. And if you ever fall, know that I'm right here. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever always. I am here. Find me in the sky. Destine with the moon and night. Your heartbeat is disguised as my lullaby. Be happy, and know I'm watching you travel far and wide. Waiting for us to meet again. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever, always. I am here. If you need me, yeah, I'm in the wind, look for me friend, I'm in the stars. When you need me, the heaven will send, a message within, straight to your heart. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. Never worry 'bout a thing, no, no, no, no, no. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever, always. I am here.

Nov 19 | I wonder about you, quiet girl.

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9 Creaties van LlAM

Gastenboek (323)

  • xHappyHoran

    Message in reply to: (unknown phone number)
    I do like geography indeed, but that wasn't my favourite subject! :P My favourite subject was math, and after that French, because I always had good notes for it, haha! But I like geography too, yeah. Drake is making a test right now and the teacher didn't let me in because I could say the answers to him, so I went to the cantine with Drake's phone, haha.I'm gonna give you a whole report about my day, haha. The first two hours we had Engish. The first hour Drake had to write a formal letter for a note. Because he's dyslexic he could sit apart from the group, so I helped him a bit, ghehe. And the second hour wasn't that interesting. :$ Then we had mathematics for two hours. Drake made me make HIS homework while he was texting near me all the time -_-". That was when I read, not your last text but that one before. He showed me but I couldn't text you back because he was in a busy conversation with someone... But yeah, so I made his homework... insane actually. XD Then we had geography for one hour. Then history and then two hours gym. I saw some old teachers of me. They were really happy to see me, cough cough. And I had a little accident in the break. But I'll give you more details when you come online. SO COME ONLINE!! I miss you :( xxx

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Message in reply to: (unknown phone number)
    Hahaha, you silliy! :D I'm gonna search very hard for my charger! ;) But I have to go now. I'm going with Drake to school. Yeah, to school. Can you imagine? I don't think the teachers will let me in, but I promised Drake to have a try. XD So I probably can't text you anymore 'till dinner time... Bye! xxx

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Message to: (unknown phone number)
    Hé sweety! Did you sleep a bit good this time? I didn't. :( I'm sending you this message from Drake's phone, because I haven't found my charger yet. I miss you so much! Bye, Nialler xx.

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Message in reply to: My sweetheart
    Yeh, I know, I also don't feel whole inside. :( It's like one half of me is paralyzed or something, I don't know. It's so strange. I don't know how to descripe. I'll survive, because there are worse things in life, but still. I just wanna hold you! I think, indeed, that for now it's no good idea. Maybe later this week. But I love the idea though! Oh baby, I miss you too! I feel like a snail without its cochlea, like a turtle without its shield, like an egg without its shell, like a bear without its claws, like an apple without its clocks home, like rain without clouds, like Oblix without Astrix, like a bat without its ears, like a bird without its wings, like a peacock without its beauty, like a lamp without light, like a socket without electricity, like Peter Pan without its shadow, like Tinkerbell without its pixie dust, like Dombo without its ears, like captain Hook without his hook, like Louis without Harry, like a phone without credit, like a stomach without heartburn, like Zayn without his mirror, like Carlos from Big Time Rush without his helmet, like Kendall without Jo, like my phone/laptop without its charger, I'm saying that one because my phone is trembling because its empty and there's no socket in the middle of nowhere.. So, where was I? Like an eye without its cheeper, like a mouth without a tongue.. I can go through for hours... Like one missing ear, one missing eye, one missing hand, one missing kidney, one missing testicle (wow, that's a weird one xd), one missing leg, one missing nostril... Just the half of me is gone! I'll stop comparing by here because I think it's clear now. :) And because my phone is dead in a few seconds... Just eat it! Do it for me! Eat for me, the foolish, Irish and always hungry lephrechaun which will always be yours! Yes, like a pet. And you're my boss. ;) Oh my God, I'm a pet without its boss! See, you have to eat! Now I sound more like the boss... *shrugs* Eat like you've never eaten before! *big, cute eyes and a pout* Shall I send you a pic of that? Oh ow, have to go now. Byebye! Xxxxxxx.

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Message to: My sweetheart
    This is the fifth time already I'm checking my phone. Why don't you send me a reply? :'( Haha, don't worry, you don't have to look on your phone for me every minute, I can't expect that from you. I know you have rehearsals or other obligations. But I just miss you so much. :( I have refrained me from texting you all the time but I just can't take it any longer. :( I wanna talk to you! Mike says I'm nervous because I'm looking on my phone every second and I'm standing up the whole time, turn a few times through the room and then go sitting again and then a few minutes later the same song again. And I can't sit still and stuff. I also don't know why I'm nervous, I just can't sit still. I don't know what to do or what to talk about. I got Drake laughing, that's already something. I gave him some of my famous hugs and tried to make him laugh and it worked quite a bit. :) Now we're having a walk. I said that it was maybe a good idea to get some fresh air, because it's pretty stale over there. So we're going to walk through the woods and beautiful landscapes of Ireland which I missed so much. :) The sun is shining, good temperature, beautiful day. Believe it or not but it's eleven degrees over here and no snow seen. Waaaay better than England, haha. But still, I feel so lonely without you. Sun is nice but it's nothing without you. I wish you were here. You would love it here. :( So we're walking to Drake's home now and then I have the possibilty to go on skype again. I hope to see you then! Please let me know something before, otherwise I'll get worried. :( I love you! (H)

    1 decennium geleden

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