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We put the world away, we get so disconnected.

xHappyHoran | 16 maart 2013

We are friends for life, hold that deep inside. Let this be a drive to survive. And just stand high and tall. Make sure you give your all. And if you ever fall, know that I'm right here. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever always. I am here. Find me in the sky. Destine with the moon and night. Your heartbeat is disguised as my lullaby. Be happy, and know I'm watching you travel far and wide. Waiting for us to meet again. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever, always. I am here. If you need me, yeah, I'm in the wind, look for me friend, I'm in the stars. When you need me, the heaven will send, a message within, straight to your heart. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. Never worry 'bout a thing, no, no, no, no, no. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever, always. I am here.

Nov 19 | I wonder about you, quiet girl.

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9 Creaties van LlAM

Gastenboek (323)

  • xHappyHoran

    Message in reply to: My sweetheart
    Maybe you should go. It's at least some distraction? I'm at the hospital now with Drake. My aunt looks really bad, it's really sad. Drake left the room because he couldn't take it anymore. Don't worry, he'll come back. I just saw an old friend of me. Apparent he runs an internship here. We talked a bit so that was nice. I miss you so, so much. The thing is that everyone can see it on me! I mean, Mike and my friend already asked for it and a few seconds ago my aunty too! So I decided to just be honest and tell the truth... Weird enough she asked me why I didn't take you with me. Like, first telling me that it's totally wrong what I'm doing and now 'why didn't you take him with you if you miss him so much?' Really strange. So I explained what was on my mind and then she said that she indeed doesn't really agree with it but that if I'm really happy with you, she's not stopping me. I don't know who or what changed her mind but.. I like it. :) But maybe it's because she's sick. I can understand that you tolerate more then.. They gave me something besides for my shingles. They didn't want to let me in first because it's contagious, haha. So now I have to walk with plastic gloves and the places covered with plasters, lol. I'm PLASTICMAN! :D But I'm gonna shut my mouth now, because it's not very nice of me to sit here with my mobile phone. Mike is impressed that he can order beer here in the hospital. He said 'oh my, I'm in heaven'. I laughed really loud. Delicious, beer in the morning. XD But I'm leaving now, bye! Xxxxxx, love you so damn much! (H)

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Message in reply to: My sweetheart
    Besides, the sun is shining over here! :) x

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Message in reply to: My sweetheart
    Hi sweety! I'm fine, how are you? I didn't sleep at all. You would expect Mike would complain about my snoring or something, but instead he complained that I was checking my phone all the time and leaving to the toilet. I only slept the last hour a bit, when you texted. So I missed that a bit. And yeh, Mike can snore loud too. And I know now how it feels to get an arm or a leg in your face every minute :/ Sorry for that, haha! I really miss you! It just doesn't feel right lying with Mike in one bed instead of with you! This morning he had to push me away and say 'Niall, it's still Mike whom you're sleeping near, not Liam'. :( I miss our cuddlings in the morning! I will say hi to them from you! Don't worry, there's no problem. I'm doing fine. I will remind, haha!Don't you forget then that I love you too! ;) Xxxxxx.

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    laat die 'laat maar' op ebuddy maar zitten. Hij gaat me echt op de wekker liggen, dus... fb? xx

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    As it was only nine o'clock, I opened my eyes carefully. I sighed because I was still tired, but I wasn't able to sleep any longer. I threw a glance on you. You were still sleeping, or at least pretending you were still asleep. I smiled softly. You are so beautiful. I had a bit a weird dream. Something never happened, but it looked so real and still I knew, also in my sleep, that it was just a dream. Like it was something that was going to happen yet. It was not really a nightmare, but I rather had that it wasn't going to happen. Maybe my mind was playing with me, like always. As I looked at you for a second time, it was else. Though my heart beated so loud and fast that it definitely would win a race from world's fastest runner, it didn't feel right to look at you like this. I didn't know what it was, the sudden stitch in my chest. I felt a few tears coming up but I didn't know why. Why was I crying? I had no reason for it. Usually I would feel thousands of butterflies flying through my stomach. I wouldn't get head ache of the many thoughts. It weren't my bad voices this time. It was totally me who was driving me crazy. I searched for the perfect feeling that I woke up with every morning, but I couldn't find it. And that was when I realised my heart wasn't beating so loud for you, but because I feared something. I didn't know what. Breathing started to become harder. The feeling of panic crept into my veins and started to destroy everything good in me. It took me over. I was losing myself. i was sinking in a sea of flames that wanted to catch me and never bring me back. That was how I felt but I still didn't know why. The sudden change it was... maybe worse than death. I kept fighting and fighting to come back on earth. "Help.. me," I said softly with much difficulty. The painful feeling kept streaming through my veins, through my entire body. I felt so weak. So extremely weak. After I had finally said the two words, you opened your eyes abruptly -i thought-. I hadn't moved a muscle. I was just staring at the ceiling, not able to do a thing. It was like one big depression was suddenly coming over me. I wanted to cry but my eyes stayed dry. I wanted to scream but there came only soft, husky sounds out of my mouth. My throat was so dry it almost hurted. It tasted disgusting. My body was on fire now, so warm it became in me. I was caught by something. I couldn't feel any emotion but the pain. the tearful pain. The fragile pain. It wasn't physical pain, was it? I needed to pee, and maybe I did it in my trouser, or maybe not. I had no idea, I didn't know what I was doing. I couldn't feel. There was no tangibility left in me.

    To be continued...
    *gaat douchen*
    *hoopt dat je snel online komt*

    1 decennium geleden

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