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We put the world away, we get so disconnected.

xHappyHoran | 16 maart 2013

We are friends for life, hold that deep inside. Let this be a drive to survive. And just stand high and tall. Make sure you give your all. And if you ever fall, know that I'm right here. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever always. I am here. Find me in the sky. Destine with the moon and night. Your heartbeat is disguised as my lullaby. Be happy, and know I'm watching you travel far and wide. Waiting for us to meet again. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever, always. I am here. If you need me, yeah, I'm in the wind, look for me friend, I'm in the stars. When you need me, the heaven will send, a message within, straight to your heart. We'll always be together, don't you worry. I'll always be by your side, don't you worry. Never worry 'bout a thing, no, no, no, no, no. The circle will never end, just know that we'll meet again. And we'll always be together, forever, always. I am here.

Nov 19 | I wonder about you, quiet girl.

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9 Creaties van LlAM

Gastenboek (323)

  • xHappyHoran

    En trouwens, wiskunde wordt een ramp. Niet omdat ik het niet ken want ik ken het wel, maar ik weet gewoon dat ik af ga dwalen, hoogstwaarschijnlijk naar Niam. XD Want net ook; ik zat wiskunde te leren en opeens schoot me een idee voor een verhaal te binnen. Weet je hoe irritant dat is?! xd

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Hahaha, nee hoor! Ik ga niet flippen als het geen Liam POV is XD Een berichtje van u of van Liam, ik heb ze alle twee even graag! :D Gewoon al als ik de naam BatPayne zie staan dan grijns ik al, zonder dat ik weet wiens POV het is want dat maakt me niet uit. :P Ja, ik ook echt. Daar dacht ik aan toen ik vanmorgen opstond, eerlijk gezegd. Ik dacht echt: 'Nog 15 dagen dus nog zo'n twee weken en dan is het alweer drie maanden' :D. (Pff, wat gaat de tijd snel eigenlijk... Het voelt als de dag van gisteren dat het kerst was.)
    3 maanden! Das gewoon een kwart jaar! :D Woehoe!
    XD XD XD
    I looooove you!


    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Hahaha, yay! :D
    Daar zit wel wat in, maar ik zeg het je, als er daar net zoveel sneeuw ligt als hier, zijn er verschillende verklaringen waarom hij later thuis zou kunnen zijn... Sowieso kom je hier nauwelijks vooruit, maar auto's komen echt helemaal vast te zitten zo hoog ligt te sneeuw weer. :(
    En je zou kunnen doen dat 'ie net zoals Niall's (& de mijne dus) oma een ongeluk heeft gehad. Misschien wel hetzelfde, hahaha XD Moet jezelf weten. Het komt wel goed, ik heb vertrouwen in je! ;) Hahaha!
    Oeh, das wel chill ^^
    Ik ga nu nog ff wat samenvattingen maken en dan spreek ik je... rond half vijf zeker? :D


    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Before you leave. you give me one last glance over your shoulder. I smile brightly. Uncertain you smile back and leave the room. Then I sigh a bit relieved. I hadn't slept for hours either. I had it cold the whole night through and I kept coughing all the time. I fell asleep 'bout an hour of half past six, then I slept for two, three hours maybe. I want to get up as I feel a bit dizzy suddenly. The ground seems to turn and speckles disturb my view. "Wow," I mumble, "maybe I should stay on the coutch." I go back sitting and lie on my side. I feel how unwell I am and how tired I actually feel. I put the tv on and watch at BBC news. They show images of the snow outside. It's a real mess. Slipped cars obstruct the road, cars crashed and impinged another car, cars are stuck in the snow, pupils on bicycles lose their balance, etc. I try to concentrate on the things they say but nothing gets through to me. I can see it's a real disaster outside but how hard I try, I don't realise it. I'm to absent to actually know what's going on. I turn the tv off 'cause it makes no sense to me. I have no idea what it's all about, because my brains don't seem to work that good. I decide to close my eyes and get some sleep.

    One hour later or maybe two I wake up again. My mouth is very slimy. My stomach complains that it's hungry, but I don't have sense to eat. I get up and again the dizzyness takes over. With difficulty I walk to the kitchen and make some "breakfast". As I walked back to the coutch and look at the food, the sense to eat becomes even less. It's not that it looks disgusting, not at all, but the appetite I was used to just wasn't there. I start to eat and when I took a few bites, I feel that it's better if I stop. I run to the toilet and my whole stomach contents comes out. I walk back to the living room and take some zips op the water to wash the disgusting flavor away. My phone starts to ring and I take it.
    "Hello?" I ask. My voice sounds throaty of the throat sore.
    "Niall, is that you? I've been calling you all day!"
    "Oh," I say. I know the voice, but my brains refuse to tell me who's voice it is again. Also the words of the person don't get through to me.
    "Where were you?!"
    "I'm sorry, I don't feel that well," I answer. "I fell asleep on the coutch. Who is this?"
    "Niall, I'm your mum!"
    Then I finally get aware of who I'm talking to. "Oh! Sorry, mum. What's up?"
    "Your grandparents got a car accident. Your grandpa is unharmed but your grandma is in hospital now. She got operated on her arm. I've been calling you all day!"
    "Oh, that's..." I silent for a moment to let the words sink. "Oh! Oh no.."
    "Yeah, they were coming to England but now their car is in a fold."
    "Where did it happen? Where are they in hospital?"
    "In London. They were almost there."
    "When can she go home?"
    "Oh, good. Do I have to come over?"
    "I don't think that's a good idea if I hear your voice. Don't you worry, she'll be fine. She can go home in an half hour so. Just rest a bit and get well soon. I'll call you if there would be any important news but in general theres nothing serious."
    "Okay... What does she have actually?"
    "A tear in the shoulder blade."
    "Okay. And the other victim? Or isn't there another victim?"
    "I don't know. I don't know who were in the car but as far as I know there weren't any other wounded, but there were a lot of police cars... But I'm hanging up. Bye, Niall. Get well soon."
    "Okay, bye."
    (Dat kreeg ik net te horen...)

    1 decennium geleden
  • xHappyHoran

    Mwe, ben je later thuis dan? :'(
    Ik zit ziek thuis. Ik had vannacht geen oog dichtgedaan zo koud had ik het maar tegelijkertijd ook misselijk. Ik heb geprobeerd het tot de pauze vol te houden maar ik kwam er al vrij snel achter dat ik het echt niet tot en met het achtste uit ging houden. Dus ik ben naar huis gegaan en heb geprobeerd wat te slapen. Ik ga nu nog even rustig aandoen en denk dat ik dan toch maar wat ga leren...
    Hopelijk spreek ik je vanavond dan toch?


    1 decennium geleden

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