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waar Louis woont (toeval.
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als je iets over me wilt weten vraag je het maar
story's waarvan je wilt dat ik een abo, kudo, reactie of feedback neem/geef kun je in mijn blog plaatsen. anders zal ik het melden
]je mag me altijd een gasteboek bericht sturen als je zin hebt om te kletsen of als je iets kwijt moet. gelezen=verwijderd.[/red]
ik wil GRAAG met iemand een story schrijven over:
*harry potter
*the hunger games
*one direction
^^ zeg maar als je wilt.
1. You like listening lovesongs.
2. You get stopped where you see the name of your beloved.
3. You won't get angry when your friends tease you.
4. You walk slowly on the road.
6. You're like rainy season.
7. You like to see the nature.
8. You will think of her/him while reading this.
9. You will not notice that the 5th point is missing.
10. You check above to confirm that.
11. Now you're smiling.
Copy and paste this to your profile and tell them how they can know if they're in love.
They don’t own me
I’m not a piece in their games
Can’t control me
They’re the only ones to be blamed
I’ll never breakdown
I won’t give up this fight
I’ll give ‘em nothing
Nothing Nothing
Just one kiss and I will be hooked to her fire
Her flames are surrounding me now
As we watch as they light up the sky
We must stand up and fight.
Cause this love is not a game to me
We’ll survive
And start an uprising
You can ignite (you can ignite)
Stand and fight (stand and fight)
Don’t cave in
So let’s the games begin
Notice me
Cause I’ve been here all along
I’ve been waiting
Since you sang me your song
It’s our moments to turn the things around
And show ‘em something
With nothing
With nothing
And now our star-crossed love has materialized
We’ve locked our fate right here right now
She doesn’t know the effect she can have
No she doesn’t know the effect she can have
Een goede ruiter hoort het als zijn paard tegen hem praat.
Een perfecte ruiter hoort hem zelfs fluisteren.
Maar een slechte ruiter,,, hoort hem niet eens schreeuwen.
How one thing changed my life
for a few moments I felt special
you will get the feeling that is everything about you
you'll stay up all night
because your more than this
you wanna tell me a lie, stand up, and wish I should have kissed you
but then they save you tonight,
and stole my heart,
cause its gotta be you,
and they know what makes you beautiful
but make the same mistakes again
but we forgive them because they taken all over our hearts
and I want, but think its crazy,
if i wish they just thought about me, for just one minute
that they just think what they did to us, with there great voices, performance, smiles, jokes, and more..
I'm a Directioner and I'm proud of it
Some say pink
Some say black
I say camouflage
some say Paris Hilton
some say Bella Swan
I say katniss Everdeen
some say zac efron
some say Edward Cullen
I say Peeta Mellark
some say pizza
some say blood
I say whatever I can find
some say vampires are scary
some say vampires are awesome
I say Human ARE SCARY!!!!
Keep reading for answers
Pink will scream
Red will fight
I Will Survive
-Hunger Games-
May the odds be ever in your favour
Dear One Direction,
You "Stole My Heart" when you first sang "Torn". I love "Everything About You" and "I Want" you to take me to "Another World". "I Wish" we could stay "Up All Night" and break tables. Please "Tell Me A Lie" and tell me you aren't "Taken". You make me go "Na Na Na" every time you have to "Stand Up" and try to go. "I want" to "Save You Tonight" from the "Same Mistakes" you make. Its "Gotta Be You" because I love you "More Than This" and That's "What Makes You Beautiful". Please stay "Forever Young" 'cause you've got that "One Thing".
Love, The Directioners
TH15 M355463 53RV35 T0 PR0V3 H0VV 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1N6 TH1N65! 1MPR3551V3 TH1N65! 1N TH3 B361NN1N6 1T VV45 H4RD BUT N0VV, 0N TH15 L1N3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1N6 1T 4UT0M4T1C4LLY VV1TH0UT 3V3N TH1NK1N6 4B0UT 1T. B3 PR0UD! 0NLY C3RT41N P30PL3 C4N R34D TH15. R3P05T 1F U UND3R5T4ND TH15 M355463, 8UT D0N'T T377 4NY0N3 VVH4T 1T M34N5
If you was all I have, what do I have now?
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Gastenboek (21)
1 decennium geledenNu wil ik het lezen,
Haha, alles gaat wel goed hoor,
1 decennium geledenMaar ik ben wel geschrokken,
Ik wil alles weten haha,
Oke dat waren random uilgeluiden,
Ja ik weet het ik ben raar lololol
Je bent Amazayn!
1 decennium geledenIk ben zo blij met jullie. Je bent echt coollll..
1 decennium geledenAloha,
1 decennium geledenIk verveel me dood,
En er is niemand waarmee ik kan praten
Forever alone ....
Dus ik hoop dat jij tegen me wilt praten
Forever alone ....
Waarom woon ik hier?
Dit is niet leuk...
Ik ben trouwens vanmiddag,
Toen ik terug reed naar huis,
Aangereden door een scooter,
Nouja hij botste tegen mijn hand aan,
En ik dacht nouja het zal wel niks zijn,
maar toen keek ik naar mn hand en toen bloedde het vet erg,
En het zag er vet nep uit.
Maarja ik heb geen pijn ofzo,
dus zo erg was het niet.