walking get's too boring, when you learn how to fly..
hahahahaha die foto
Shoganai i ne~
Klik gewoon hier want ik krijg het anders niet geregeld.
[ bericht aangepast op 27 april 2011 - 18:00 ]
SuckerPunch schreef: hahahahaha die foto
"I have written you down. Now you will live forever, and all the world will read you."
I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, will there be glory if I fall?
Passerby schreef: Deze blijf ik gewoon leuk vinden.
If we had not a soul, music would have created it.
Cloudburst schreef: (...) Hahahahahahaha! :'DD
LOL, die foto's
Normaal is het gemiddelde van alle afwijkingen
People will always talk, so let's give them something to talk about xo
"You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson
Nosferatu schreef: