• all I want is the taste that your lips allow

    Geen idee, sorry.

    Life has many different chapters, one bad chapter doesn't mean the end of the book.

    xSummerRain schreef:
    Geen idee, sorry.

    It's going to be difficult, but not impossible.

    Damien Rice - Cannonball?

    Damien Rice - Cannonball

    'Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted.' - John Lennon

    bluelist schreef:
    Damien Rice - Cannonball?

    Thanks x

    all I want is the taste that your lips allow

    Damian Rice- Connonball

    Everything is worse without music.

    bluelist schreef:
    Damien Rice - Cannonball?

    Noem mezelf baas, want ze weten wie ik ben.


    Firm believer of all that is magic

    ik zette het filmpje op pauze bij 0;49
    daar trekt hij een schijtgezicht (';

    Me so good.