• Deze hier is echt heeeeeel erg goed, wel Engels, maar hij is beter dan alle andere die ik heb gezien!


    Ikzelf kwam uit bij een hinde.

    Hackers suck - and so do you, assh*le

    ik ben nu al 10 min. met die test bezig >,<

    It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.

    Mijne is een Phoenix, awesomeeee ;D

    We can't spend our lives waiting to live.


    58% Impulse, 44% Compassion, 47% Loyalty and 81% Ignorance!

    Congratulations, you've scored the peacock!

    A peacock, you're very similar to the python, and would probably be a member of Syltherin. Again, this does not automatically mean that you're evil, so please don't cry (not that you would anyway).

    "Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are often the most useless: peacocks and lillies for instance."

    More impulsive than calculating: You sometimes make decisions quickly, following your gut feeling and not always thinking them through or weighing all the consequences.

    More apathetic than compassionate: You feel that you get what you work for. If you don’t work hard, you don’t see the rewards; and most of the people who are in bad situations didn’t work hard enough and it’s not your problem or responsibility to help them.

    More self-serving than loyal: When it comes down to the tight spots in life, you’re looking out for the most important thing to you – your own interests. Most of your decisions will benefit yourself, even if you have to break a few promises or bend the truth a bit.

    More ignorant than knowledge-seeking: You know what you need to know in life and aren’t going to go out of your way to learn anything else. You work hard enough at work, you don’t want to have to work hard to learn something for a hobby.

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 april 2011 - 18:36 ]

    Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high.

    Die duurt me te lang ^.^

    It's going to be difficult, but not impossible.

    Ik zal hem es maken als ik tijd heb :')

    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right

    55% Impulse, 44% Compassion, 70% Loyalty and 59% Ignorance!

    Congratulations, you've scored the jackal!

    A rare result! You may not care very much about strangers, but you're loyal to those you do care about.

    "A fly is untamable as a jackal."

    More impulsive than calculating: You sometimes make decisions quickly, following your gut feeling and not always thinking them through or weighing all the consequences.

    More apathetic than compassionate: You feel that you get what you work for. If you don’t work hard, you don’t see the rewards; and most of the people who are in bad situations didn’t work hard enough and it’s not your problem or responsibility to help them.

    More loyal than self-serving: You honor your allegiances and friendships, even when the consequences for doing so may be difficult to face. You keep your word and stay true to your friendships, relationships, and yourself.

    More ignorant than knowledge-seeking: You know what you need to know in life and aren’t going to go out of your way to learn anything else. You work hard enough at work, you don’t want to have to work hard to learn something for a hobby

    Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.

    sjonge weer zo'n lange quiz, maar goed heb hem naar -enige tijd- af

    ik had de Jackal (:

    Listen to your heart and your dreams come true ~

    Men, dacht even een kort quizje te maken, haha

    Congratulations, you've scored the dolphin!

    Good for you! If more people were like you, the world may be a better place. (PS - This is now the best result to get because it is the result I got. We rule!
    )"On the planet Earth, man had always assumed he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars, and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But, conversely, the dolphins had always believed they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons."


    More impulsive than calculating: You sometimes make decisions quickly, following your gut feeling and not always thinking them through or weighing all the consequences.

    More compassionate than apathetic: You wish no harm to others, and feel sorry for those who are in bad situations. You feel no one deserves to suffer, even if they’ve made some mistakes. We’re all human and we should all strive to help each other.

    More loyal than self-serving: You honor your allegiances and friendships, even when the consequences for doing so may be difficult to face. You keep your word and stay true to your friendships, relationships, and yourself.

    More knowledge-seeking than ignorant: You love learning. You love learning for work, you love learning for fun; learning is just another hobby to you. You probably feel a day gone by where you didn’t learn anything is, if not impossible, a total waste of a day.

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 april 2011 - 17:07 ]

    Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me

    Phoenix :Y)

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

    Congratulations, you've scored the Great Dane!

    A rare result. I love the great dane! Not the brightest, but that's okay, you make up for it with your unmatched loving and loyal ways!

    "Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a great dane."

    More calculating than impulsive: You usually consider all options before making a decision, thinking the consequences through before acting on your gut feeling.

    More compassionate than apathetic: You wish no harm to others, and feel sorry for those who are in bad situations. You feel no one deserves to suffer, even if they’ve made some mistakes. We’re all human and we should all strive to help each other.

    More loyal than self-serving: You honor your allegiances and friendships, even when the consequences for doing so may be difficult to face. You keep your word and stay true to your friendships, relationships, and yourself.

    More ignorant than knowledge-seeking: You know what you need to know in life and aren’t going to go out of your way to learn anything else. You work hard enough at work, you don’t want to have to work hard to learn something for a hobby.

    A girl should be two things: Classy & Fabulous. <3

    Mijn Engels is hier te slecht voor en mijn dislexie werkt niet mee :Y)

    Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.

    Congratulations, you've scored the jackal!

    A rare result! You may not care very much about strangers, but you're loyal to those you do care about.

    "A fly is untamable as a jackal."

    More impulsive than calculating: You sometimes make decisions quickly, following your gut feeling and not always thinking them through or weighing all the consequences.

    More apathetic than compassionate: You feel that you get what you work for. If you don’t work hard, you don’t see the rewards; and most of the people who are in bad situations didn’t work hard enough and it’s not your problem or responsibility to help them.

    More loyal than self-serving: You honor your allegiances and friendships, even when the consequences for doing so may be difficult to face. You keep your word and stay true to your friendships, relationships, and yourself.

    More ignorant than knowledge-seeking: You know what you need to know in life and aren’t going to go out of your way to learn anything else. You work hard enough at work, you don’t want to have to work hard to learn something for a hobby.

    Everything is quiet, except for all the voices in my head that say your name.

    Een Dolfijn!

    Travel far enough, you'll meet yourself

    Een rat x'D

    Congratulations, you've scored the rat!

    Don't freak out! Rats are really cool little animals. They may not be the most affectionate or loyal pets, but they are curious little things and so fun to watch. And don't whine about how they caused the plague. As someone who likes to learn, you may already know it was the FLEAS on the rats the carried the plague.

    "Fate is not an eagle, it creeps like a rat."

    More impulsive than calculating: You sometimes make decisions quickly, following your gut feeling and not always thinking them through or weighing all the consequences.

    More apathetic than compassionate: You feel that you get what you work for. If you don’t work hard, you don’t see the rewards; and most of the people who are in bad situations didn’t work hard enough and it’s not your problem or responsibility to help them.

    More self-serving than loyal: When it comes down to the tight spots in life, you’re looking out for the most important thing to you – your own interests. Most of your decisions will benefit yourself, even if you have to break a few promises or bend the truth a bit.

    More knowledge-seeking than ignorant: You love learning. You love learning for work, you love learning for fun; learning is just another hobby to you. You probably feel a day gone by where you didn’t learn anything is, if not impossible, a total waste of a day.

    Even a white rose has a black shadow.

    Congratulations, you've scored the bald eagle!

    A rare result; as the bald eagle, you care deeply about others, but about yourself a little bit more. Fly high!

    "You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren."

    More calculating than impulsive: You usually consider all options before making a decision, thinking the consequences through before acting on your gut feeling.

    More compassionate than apathetic: You wish no harm to others, and feel sorry for those who are in bad situations. You feel no one deserves to suffer, even if they’ve made some mistakes. We’re all human and we should all strive to help each other.

    More self-serving than loyal: When it comes down to the tight spots in life, you’re looking out for the most important thing to you – your own interests. Most of your decisions will benefit yourself, even if you have to break a few promises or bend the truth a bit.

    More knowledge-seeking than ignorant: You love learning. You love learning for work, you love learning for fun; learning is just another hobby to you. You probably feel a day gone by where you didn’t learn anything is, if not impossible, a total waste of a day.

    De schuine kloppen, de andere niet :'D

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 april 2011 - 17:56 ]

    And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world.