• party hier
    dus zeg wat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    wat ik zeg is verleden tijd en wat ik zag is nu (sorry weet niet waar dat op slaat XD)
    niemand slaat mij hoowr (A)

    "I have written you down. Now you will live forever, and all the world will read you."

    ja mr ikke welxD

    A punk rock song won't ever change the world, but I can name a couple that changed me.


    A punk rock song won't ever change the world, but I can name a couple that changed me.

    slaat gij mij 0.o

    "I have written you down. Now you will live forever, and all the world will read you."


    "I have written you down. Now you will live forever, and all the world will read you."

    Whoehoe!!!!!! (yeah)

    Happy Birthday my Potter!


    "I have written you down. Now you will live forever, and all the world will read you."

    waar hadden we het over??

    A punk rock song won't ever change the world, but I can name a couple that changed me.

    Wie houd er nog meer van Hp? _O_

    Happy Birthday my Potter!

    Ik heb trouwens 36 abo's (A)

    Happy Birthday my Potter!

    me (not) sorry ik doe (meestal) niet mee met de hype's

    "I have written you down. Now you will live forever, and all the world will read you."

    I do love HP... but remind me never watch a movie called 'part one' again... I wanna see the other movie!!! *slaat met hoofd op tafel*

    A punk rock song won't ever change the world, but I can name a couple that changed me.

    ik (wil niet opscheppen hoowr (A)) heb 67 abo's (A)

    "I have written you down. Now you will live forever, and all the world will read you."

    noatje schreef:
    ik (wil niet opscheppen hoowr (A)) heb 67 abo's (A)


    A punk rock song won't ever change the world, but I can name a couple that changed me.

    stom iemand:8
    noa: (krul)

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 maart 2011 - 21:15 ]

    "I have written you down. Now you will live forever, and all the world will read you."

    She schreef:

    niet met dat verhaal hoowr (A)
    maar met mijn plaatjes story (A)

    "I have written you down. Now you will live forever, and all the world will read you."