• Ik ben nieuw hier^^. Hoe gaat het? Xxx samantha

    Do you love me if you use me?</3

    Hallo, welkom op Quizlet + het forum. ''D

    *insert philosophical cringe expression here*

    Hello welkom_O_
    vragen? kan je altijd bij mij of vast ook wel bij de andere terrecht :)
    veel plezier hier x'D


    welkom :3

    waarom is het zo godse koud? :(

    Welkom en veel plezier!

    All was well.

    Wilkommen :)

    Nothing lasts forever, for all good things it's true. I'd rather trade it all, while somehow saving you.

    Welkooooomm xD

    Opgeven is geen optie.

    Welkom, en veel plezier op Quizlet =D

    Welkom! (;

    La credenza è una medicina contro il timore

    Welkom! (flower)

    Never run out of reasons to smile...

    Welkom! ^^

    She said: I gotta find out for myself

    Hooooi (krul)

    Hope goes lost but never dies.

    Hallooo Welkom(flower)

    Keep on smiling

    welkom !!!!!!!!!

    Forget the risk and take the fall...If it's what you want, it's worth it all.


    If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words.


    It's not because I smile, my life is perfect. It's because I appreciate what life gives to me, and what God has blesse