• Ja dit keer vooral voor de fans, meisjes worden in elkaar geslagen en gaan uit angst weg. Perrine is gezien en schijnt expres aan de kant van Tom te staan. Vandaag weer een halve bal, de zaal is voor minder dan de helft vol en de stoelen zijn allemaal vrij. Ik heb echt medelijden met de jongens, hun management suckt echt zwaar!


    Oké, dit is gewoon té erg voor de jongens.
    Dit hebben ze echt niet verdient hoor.

    "You move me, Kurt." ~ Blaine Anderson

    omfg dat vind ik echt sneu, haat aan Perinne ;x
    echt kut man ;\

    T O K I O H O T E L < 3

    Erg voor die meisjes ö

    So many Fans were shocked by the circumstances in Czech Republic and about the fact that the german fans were treated that bad in Prague. An eye-witness account shall reflect what has happened yesterday:
    “It was pure horror to me. I’ve never known something like this to happen. About 10 a.m. me and my two friends arrived at concert hall. We were standing two rows behind Vany and thought “Great, we’ll be in first row for sure.” Everyone was getting along well – at least for me. But when the Secs build the blockades the chaos started.
    We fans went to the fences, because we were enclosed at once. The girl of the Czech fanclub spoke to the security men and then she told that the first 100 on the list would be allowed to enter the hall. Later than that anybody didn’t know what was going on.
    Some German fans appealed to me and begged me to go with them. So all the German fans were together in one group; after a few minutes we approached the fences. Then the Czech fans went crazy. They shouted at us, railed at us and insulted us in such a horrible way. When there were more people coming from behind and the Czech fanclub noticed that their system of numbers wouldn’t work (the security men said so), the hustling and pushing was starting. That was around 5 o’clock.

    At the beginnig I thought all would be over soon, but it was getting worser and worser. They pushed elbows in my breast, they shouted at me and a girl next to me had a blue face, because she couln't breath anymore. I stood near the lattice so I screamed, "Here ist a girl. She can't breathe. She NEEDS to go out." and the security man just looked and then he looked away again. The girl were almost busted because she can't stand on her feet anymore. I helped her and she tried to go out of the bulk - it worked. But I was still in.
    The scrimmage were getting insufferable while the security began to push against the lattice. You have to imagine: I was in front of the lattice and the fans pushed from the other site, the security pushed the lattice to the other site.
    At this moment I thought I will be broken soon. But I couln't cry because I was so shocked. That happend for hours.

    Around 8 p.m. my face was always the pain itself. One of my legs hung between the lattice and the security, my arm between thousend of fans and I couln't move just one centimeter. I sniveld, "Please let me in. I can do anything". And the secuity man let me pass. My two friends passed just seconds after me.
    In the venue I thought it would be over finally. I was in the 4th row at the catwalk. However the czech girls pushed along. They bashed their hair in my face, pushed their bags in my legs. About 8.45 p.m. I resigned and told my friend I will bunk.
    I walked on the side where no one stood. And finally I took a deep breath

    I need you like a heart needs a beat

    Dat is echt kut joh! Arme jongens <3 Volgens mij zijn de concerten in België en Nederland één van de enigste waar geen problemen bij waren .__.

    Wrinkled linen and half tinted sunnies.

    Oh my fucking God o_O

    I may not always be perfect, but I'll always try.

    Arme iedereen ..

    Be careful what you wish for, 'cause you just might get it all.

    Dat ligt niet alleen aan het management. Ook aan de beveiliging en het doorsturen van al dan niet juiste informatie. Wel erg voor hun,dat zij moeten spelen voor een halve zaal. Maar dat zegt evenveel over hun en de fans. Als je snapt wat ik bedoel.

    echt kut...

    I live on the pages of these books, dance between the words and get lost in the maze of pure beauty.

    gerum ö

    we were always meant to say goodbye.

    Perrine? ._. Omg. Die moeten ze gelijk die zaal uit sodemieteren.
    En ik vind dit echt zwaar klote voor de jongens. Ik hoop dat hen nog wel vertrouwen in ons hebben...

    Just because something isn't happening for you right now, doesn't mean that it will never happen.

    Thingies schreef:
    Oh my fucking God o_O

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.

    Nice is nu ook gecancelled..
    wegens technische onzekerheden, heb ik gehoord..

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 maart 2010 - 16:05 ]

    " 'Cause my religion is you, Kleine Monsters."

    Dat Perinnekind moet echt een leven gaan zoeken O.O
    Aawh. Pff. Dat mens vraagt er ook om zeg >.<
    Lekker voor de jongens. Die voelen zich vast niet op hun gemak als ze haar gezien hebben. En ik dacht dat Perinne niet meer bij hen in de buurt mag komen?

    En van die zaal is ook kut. Ik vind het echt zo erg voor ze.


    @ Rewind

    Jezus. Dat is echt niet normaal O.O
    Waarom kunnen sommige fans toch niet gewoon normaal tegen elkaar doen?!


    KissxTell schreef:
    Nice is nu ook gecancelled..
    wegens technische onzekerheden, heb ik gehoord..

    Maar in de plaats daarvan hebben ze een nieuw concert in Maleisië georganiseerd. (:

    I need you like a heart needs a beat