• Ja, wie kent die site nog meer? Ik vind dat zo geniaal he :'D

    Voor de mensen die het niet kennen:

    Fuck My Life

    Today, I was home alone. It was very dark and so I went to turn on the lights, when I heard the sound of a gun loading. I dropped to the floor but never heard a gun fire. I got up and heard the sound again. When I got lights on, I discovered it was only my printer telling me it was out of paper. FML


    & ho ja sorry voor mijn scheve link maar dat kwam door dat schuine gedoe

    [ bericht aangepast op 7 maart 2010 - 19:29 ]

    [ bericht aangepast door een moderator op 7 maart 2010 - 19:27 ]

    Everything is quiet, except for all the voices in my head that say your name.

    Ik heb ooit eens van die site gehoord, denk ik (:

    Wrinkled linen and half tinted sunnies.


    [ bericht aangepast door een moderator op 7 maart 2010 - 19:27 ]

    To The Stars Through Adversity

    Nog nooit van gehoord, ik ga eens een kijkje nemen :'D

    Home is now behind you. The world is ahead!

    oke... :'P ik weet niet wat ik ervan moet vinden =3

    You were much more muchier, you've lost your muchness.

    Hm, Fuck My Life is een beetje verpest, net zoals My Life Is Everage. Ik vind Gives Me Hope leuker :')

    There are several things that I have been doing wrong.

    Ik heb er al overgehoord in een filmpje van Shane Dawson xD, maar had nooit de site gevonden.
    Danku om de link te zetten ^^

    VIP - Very Important Penguin

    OMG xD

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.

    FML is geniaaaal!

    Life is hard and then we die

    Today, a drunk truck driver taught me a very valuable lesson: Never tie your shoelaces in the middle of a parking lot. FML

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.

    Whahahh jah in een shane dawson video heb ik er wel eens van gehoord xD

    Lust tastes like tequila and love tastes like whiskey

    haha :'DD

    Today, I was eating pizza with my girlfriend. She got sauce on the corner of her mouth so I tried to be sexy and lick it off. It wasn't sauce, it was a cluster of zits. FML

    Aaaaahh gross! x'D
    Ik kende wel my life is average.

    I clicked my heels and wished for you.

    "Today, my six year old daughter cut out the stomach area of four of my favorite shirts. When I asked her why she had done so she replied, "So that they fit your tummy better, Mommy." x'D

    Where there is a sea there are pirates...

    Die's zo grappig! :'D

    If you had never come out of the blue, I would've stay

    Okay, geniale site (:

    Home is now behind you. The world is ahead!