Be here, be alive, and be the means to a worthwhile end. Head down, chin up, eyes on the horizon. Don’t blow it.
"I shut my eyes in order to see.'
Maken allemaal!
Rose houdt van Renée&Benjamin . <3
Hij is leuk
If I die young, send me away with the words of a lovesong.
awesome :'3
I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.
Pantoufle schreef: Jeaj
Only losers can act the way you do
Mooi, ik ga zo deel twee schrijven!
Ik ga winnen, hé?
All was well.
Decoy schreef: Mooi, ik ga zo deel twee schrijven!
Chapter two!
Volgende. xd
Zelfs de kleinste ster schittert in het donker
-Met mijn pornoblondeharen- HAHA.
Smiling but close to tears.
Quizlet' next topmodel 3.
Quizlet' next topmodel 4.