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    Verplaatsing naar Polls promoten.

    " I'm not your boyfriend, baby. "


    You're a lover of the wild and a joker of the heart, but are you mine?

    agentPinda =D

    We can only learn to love by loving.


    For once I want to be the car crash.

    Enigma schreef:
    agentPinda =D

    haha, die moet je doen x'D

    Ik heb gestemd :'D

    LIZEPIET goes Wonderwall :9~


    Never run out of reasons to smile...

    Etoile schreef:

    Best way not to get your heart broken, is to pretend you don't have one.

    Dat is mijn lievelinksliedje :3

    Everything is quiet, except for all the voices in my head that say your name.

    Wonderwall xd

    Zelfs de kleinste ster schittert in het donker