• [url]http://www.quizlet.nl/foto.php?id=143573

    Not own a thing.

    Haha, ik heb de slappe lach ;D

    Wrinkled linen and half tinted sunnies.

    Ja haha die had ik net gezien lag plat xD

    You can run but not hide

    dat hoofd :'DDD

    There are several things that I have been doing wrong.

    die zen face op het einde(A)

    I can no longer keep my head up, above me it's empty. There are no kings watching over me

    omgg nahaha. xD hij is zo droog datie grappig is! x')

    " 'Cause my religion is you, Kleine Monsters."

    Uhu :9~

    Dat hoofd is vet grappeg :'D

    Alcohol is for people who can afford to lose some braincells

    Hahahahah :'D

    Happiness hit her like a train on a track

    Haha :'D Die zag ik van de week ookal.

    Everything is quiet, except for all the voices in my head that say your name.

    Telkens als ik dat hoofd zie schiet ik in de lach xD

    Life is hard and then we die

    Prada schreef:
    Ja haha die had ik net gezien lag plat xD

    I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.

    Musicbeats schreef:
    Hahahahah :'D

    Never say you're happy, when your eyes still cry.

    Musicbeats schreef:
    Hahahahah :'D

    You're a lover of the wild and a joker of the heart, but are you mine?