• 1776-? Native Americans
    1945 Japan
    1945-46 China
    1946-49 Greece
    1950-53 Korea, China
    1954 Guatemala
    1958 Indonesia
    1959-61 Cuba
    1960 Guatemala
    1964 Congo
    1965 Peru
    1964-73 Laos
    1961-73 Vietnam
    1969-70 Cambodia
    1967-69 Guatemala
    1983 Grenada
    1983-84 Lebanon
    1980s El Salvador
    1980s Nicaragua
    1986 Libya
    1987 Iran
    1989 Panama
    1991 Iraq
    1993 Somalia
    1995 Serb bosnia
    1998 Sudan
    1998 Afghanistan
    1999 Yugoslavia
    2001-? Afghanistan
    2003-? Iraq

    ? -snapt niet-

    We can only learn to love by loving.

    i don't get it ?

    I solemny swear i am up to no good

    The numbers represent when it occured and how long it lasted.

    Example 1779 - ? means it is still going on from 1779.

    This represents all The countries America attacked/Invaded or harm in any other way.

    Political schreef:
    The numbers represent when it occured and how long it lasted.

    Example 1779 - ? means it is still going on from 1779.

    This represents all The countries America attacked/Invaded or harm in any other way.

    Aah i see ^^

    I solemny swear i am up to no good

    België is nog braaf geweest tot nu [/ pakt wapens(duivel)]

    The soul needs autumn.

    Ehm. Yay.

    Everything means nothing, if I ain't got you.

    Invisible schreef:
    België is nog braaf geweest tot nu [/ pakt wapens(duivel)]
    No it hasn't.
    Remember Congo??


    je bent de eerste afganistan oorlog vergeten(weet niet waneer die was)
    em de king gorge oorlog en de andere oorlogen in de tijd van de kolonisatie
    en de burger oorlog daar
    en de vietnam oorlog was van 1957tot1975
    en cuba was gee oorlog of aanval

    ♥ I wish I didn`t feel for you anymore♥

    Political schreef:
    (...)No it hasn't.
    Remember Congo??


    Weet ik maar ik dacht dat dit alleen over Amerika ging ><

    The soul needs autumn.

    En wat wil je daar mee zeggen? ><

    en etchnies gezien viel japan america aan en niet andersom

    &#9829; I wish I didn`t feel for you anymore&#9829;

    SleepingSun schreef:
    en etchnies gezien viel japan america aan en niet andersom
    It doesn't go about that.
    2 words Hiroshima,Nagasaki.

    Political schreef:
    (...)It doesn't go about that.
    2 words Hiroshima,Nagasaki.

    1 name Pearl Harbor
    the start of it all
    and you have something against the usa?

    &#9829; I wish I didn`t feel for you anymore&#9829;