• Spam til U die.

    Ik wilde zo ; 'hahahaa'typen, kreeg ik een bericht:
    'Dit heb je al eens eerder gepost!'

    Jhaa ik oowk! Zo vaak ><'
    Je mag niet 2x hetzelfde bericht in 1 topic zetten --'

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.


    your eyes are like stars in the night.

    Dat is echt wel dom n.n

    Hoi raindrop :Y)

    idd ><'

    Lid worden? http://hetgeluidjevanmsn.hyves.nl/?pageid=8ATYQHHZSZCWK4O04

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.

    ... Nu is het wachten op het goedkeuren van de almachtige beheerder _O_

    gedaan :D(A)

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.


    'Open your doohrs, you just need to turn the key'


    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.


    Wil je medebeheerder worden ?

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.

    Okeee =D

    (: ok

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.