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    Only losers can act the way you do

    Iloveyoutoo (A)(krul)

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.


    Only losers can act the way you do

    But I love you more (puh)

    i love myself. :9~
    en ik ga nu echt leren.
    dagdag. «3

    De wereld is weer plat ja. Op je bolle bips na.

    Gaan we weer x'D

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.

    xLoveIsDeadx schreef:
    i love myself. :9~
    en ik ga nu echt leren.
    dagdag. «3

    Doeeii(doeg) suc6!

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.

    xLoveIsDeadx schreef:
    i love myself. :9~
    en ik ga nu echt leren.
    dagdag. «3

    Baaj, succes (flower)

    And i love you the most (krul)

    Only losers can act the way you do

    dankjullie. (K)

    De wereld is weer plat ja. Op je bolle bips na.

    Hihi :3
    We dwalen ook altijd af x.x

    xLoveIsDeadx schreef:
    dankjullie. (K)

    Graag gedaan (H)

    Zoals gewoonlijk x]

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.

    LizesDrol schreef:
    And i love you the most (krul)

    That isn't possible.
    Case I love you the most of the most. (puh)

    Want waar hadden we het eigenlijk over?

    I rather make mistakes than do nothing. I rather mess up than miss out completely.